blob: 0c62632c3ebc0cf79063bc3335f363cfe7749d75 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2014 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
inherit osreleased
# @ECLASS: crashid.eclass
# Chromium OS crash reporter maintainers; see src/platform/crash-reporter/OWNERS
# Please report bugs via (with label Build)
# @BLURB: Eclass for setting up GOOGLE_CRASH_ID and GOOGLE_CRASH_VERSION_ID in /etc/os-release
# @FUNCTION: docrashid
# @USAGE: <crash_id> [<crash_version_id>]
# Initializes /etc/os-release with the crash id and crash version (optional).
# Both the crash id and version are restricted to [a-zA-Z.-_].
# docrashid chromeos first_version
# will add
# GOOGLE_CRASH_ID=chromeos
# to /etc/os-release.
docrashid() {
[[ $# -lt 3 && $# -gt 0 && -n $1 ]] || die "Usage: ${FUNCNAME} <crash_id> [<crash_version_id>]"
local validregex="[-._a-zA-Z]+"
local crash_id="$1"
local crash_version_id="$2"
local filtered_id=$(echo "${crash_id}" | \
LC_ALL=C sed -r "s:${validregex}::")
local filtered_version_id=$(echo "${crash_version_id}" | \
LC_ALL=C sed -r "s:${validregex}::")
if [[ -n ${filtered_id} || -n ${filtered_version_id} ]]; then
die "Invalid input. Must satisfy: ${validregex}"
do_osrelease_field GOOGLE_CRASH_ID "${crash_id}"
if [[ -n "${crash_version_id}" ]]; then
do_osrelease_field GOOGLE_CRASH_VERSION_ID "${crash_version_id}"