WARNING: These steps are only general in nature. Sometimes things can go wrong, especially with applying patches. This is expected to happen and best judgement should be used.
Follow these steps to upgrade the rust ebuild.
DEL_VERSION=1.33.0 # Previous version (to be deleted) OLD_VERSION=1.34.0 # Current version NEW_VERSION=1.35.0 # New version # Be sure cross-compilers have been emerged. target_triples=( $(awk '/^RUSTC_TARGET_TRIPLES=\(/ { emit=1; next } /^)/ { if (emit) exit } /-cros-/ { if (emit) { print $1 } }' "rust-${OLD_VERSION}.ebuild") ) for x in "${target_triples[@]}"; do command -v "${x}-clang" >/dev/null || sudo emerge -G "cross-${x}/gcc"; done # Copy ebuild for the new version. cp rust-${OLD_VERSION}.ebuild rust-${NEW_VERSION}.ebuild git add rust-${NEW_VERSION}.ebuild git rm rust-${DEL_VERSION}.ebuild # Download Rust's source. rust_src="$(mktemp)" src_tarfile_name="rustc-${NEW_VERSION}-src.tar.gz" curl -f "https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/${src_tarfile_name}" -o "${rust_src}" # Verify the signature of the source sig_file="/tmp/rustc_sig.asc" curl -f "https://static.rust-lang.org/dist/${src_tarfile_name}.asc" -o "${sig_file}" gpg --verify "${sig_file}" "${rust_src}" # ^^ If the above fails with: # # gpg: Can't check signature: No public key # # then you need to import the rustc key: # curl https://keybase.io/rust/pgp_keys.asc | gpg --import # # Once you've done that, please try again. # Copy source to localmirror. gsutil cp -n -a public-read "${rust_src}" "gs://chromeos-localmirror/distfiles/${src_tarfile_name}" # Copy patches for the new version. for x in files/rust-${OLD_VERSION}-*.patch; do cp $x ${x//${OLD_VERSION}/${NEW_VERSION}}; done git add files/rust-${NEW_VERSION}-*.patch git rm files/rust-${DEL_VERSION}-*.patch # Set `STAGE0_DATE` to date from `https://github.com/rust-lang/rust/blob/${NEW_VERSION}/src/stage0.txt`. STAGE0_DATE=$(curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/rust-lang/rust/${NEW_VERSION}/src/stage0.txt | \ grep date: | sed -e 's/date: //') sed -i -e 's/STAGE0_DATE=.*/STAGE0_DATE="'${STAGE0_DATE}'"/' rust-${NEW_VERSION}.ebuild git add rust-${NEW_VERSION}.ebuild # Add mirror to the `RESTRICT` variable. sed -i -e 's/RESTRICT="\(.*\)"/RESTRICT="\1 mirror"/' rust-${NEW_VERSION}.ebuild # Update manifest checksums. ebuild rust-${NEW_VERSION}.ebuild manifest git add Manifest # Remove mirror from `RESTRICT` variable. sed -i -e 's/RESTRICT="\(.*\) mirror"/RESTRICT="\1"/' rust-${NEW_VERSION}.ebuild # Build the new compiler. ebuild rust-${NEW_VERSION}.ebuild compile # Fix patches as needed and add them to git. There is no command for this because there is no fixed # set of things to do to fix broken patches. One method would be to checkout the rust source to # `$OLD_VERSION` and `git apply` the broken patch and commit it. Then, checkout `$NEW_VERSION` and # cherry-pick the commit from the previous step. Now the repo should be in a good position to fix # merge conflicts as one normally does. Once resolved and committed, generate a patch from that # commit and copy it to the new patch version. # Build the new compiler again with the udpated checksums. ebuild rust-${NEW_VERSION}.ebuild compile # Install the compiler in the chroot. sudo ebuild rust-${NEW_VERSION}.ebuild merge # Upgrade rust package in `profiles/targets/chromeos/package.provided` sed -i -e "s#dev-lang/rust-${DEL_VERSION}#dev-lang/rust-${NEW_VERSION}#" \ ../../profiles/targets/chromeos/package.provided git add ../../profiles/targets/chromeos/package.provided # Add a virtual/rust ebuild for the new version. cp ../../virtual/rust/rust-${OLD_VERSION}.ebuild ../../virtual/rust/rust-${NEW_VERSION}.ebuild git add ../../virtual/rust/rust-${NEW_VERSION}.ebuild git rm ../../virtual/rust/rust-${DEL_VERSION}.ebuild
Cq-Include-Trybots: chromeos/cq:cq-llvm-orchestrator
to your commit message.cros tryjob -g <cl number> chromiumos-sdk-tryjob