| # Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors |
| # Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2. |
| |
| EAPI=7 |
| |
| CROS_WORKON_PROJECT="chromiumos/platform2" |
| CROS_WORKON_SUBTREE="sepolicy" |
| |
| inherit cros-workon udev |
| |
| DESCRIPTION="Chrome OS SELinux Policy Package" |
| LICENSE="BSD-Google" |
| KEYWORDS="~*" |
| |
| # Keep this in sync with has_arc(). |
| IUSE=" |
| android-container-pi |
| android-container-rvc |
| android-vm-master |
| android-vm-rvc |
| android-vm-sc |
| android-vm-tm |
| selinux_audit_all selinux_develop selinux_experimental |
| arc_first_release_n |
| nocheck |
| cheets_user cheets_user_64 |
| " |
| DEPEND=" |
| android-container-pi? ( chromeos-base/android-container-pi:0= ) |
| android-container-rvc? ( chromeos-base/android-container-rvc:0= ) |
| android-vm-master? ( chromeos-base/android-vm-master:0= ) |
| android-vm-rvc? ( chromeos-base/android-vm-rvc:0= ) |
| android-vm-sc? ( chromeos-base/android-vm-sc:0= ) |
| android-vm-tm? ( chromeos-base/android-vm-tm:0= ) |
| " |
| |
| ${DEPEND} |
| sys-apps/restorecon |
| sys-process/audit |
| " |
| |
| |
| MLS_NUM_CATS=1024 |
| security_classes |
| initial_sids |
| access_vectors |
| global_macros |
| chromeos_macros |
| neverallow_macros |
| mls_macros |
| mls_decl |
| mls |
| policy_capabilities |
| te_macros |
| attributes |
| ioctl_defines |
| ioctl_macros |
| chromeos_ioctl_defines |
| chromeos_ioctl_macros |
| "*.te" |
| roles_decl |
| roles |
| users |
| initial_sid_contexts |
| fs_use |
| genfs_contexts |
| ) |
| |
| # Files under $SEPATH are built by android-container-* in DEPEND. |
| SEPATH="${SYSROOT}/etc/selinux/intermediates/" |
| |
| # -M Build MLS policy. |
| # -G expand and remove auto-generated attributes. |
| # -N ignore neverallow rules (checked during Android build) |
| # -m allow multiple declaration (combination of rules of multiple source) |
| -M true -G -N -m |
| -f /dev/null |
| ) |
| |
| -M true -G -m |
| -o /dev/null |
| -f /dev/null |
| ) |
| |
| # Common flags for m4 |
| ) |
| |
| # Remove all lines existed in $1 from /dev/stdin. |
| # and remove all lines begin with "^;" (cil comment) |
| # remove cil comment is necessary for clearing unmatched line marker |
| # after base policy definitions are removed. |
| # Also preserve type definitions since secilc can handle duplicates on |
| # definition of types. |
| filter_file_line_by_line() { |
| perl -e ' |
| my @reflines; |
| open(my $ref, "<", $ARGV[0]); |
| while(<$ref>) { push @reflines, $_; } |
| while(<STDIN>) { |
| if ( m/^\(type / ) { print; next; } |
| if ( m/^;/ ) { next; } |
| if ($_ ~~ @reflines) { next; } |
| print |
| } |
| ' "$1" |
| } |
| |
| # Quick hack for conflicting generated base_typeattr_XX with |
| # non-versioned Android cil. |
| # A better solution could be to use libsepol to parse and process |
| # cil to modify it. |
| version_cil() { |
| sed -e 's/base_typeattr_\([0-9]*\)/base_typeattr_cros_\1/g' |
| } |
| |
| # Keep this in sync with IUSE/DEPEND. |
| has_arc() { |
| use android-container-pi || |
| use android-container-rvc || |
| use android-vm-rvc || |
| use android-vm-sc || |
| use android-vm-tm || |
| use android-vm-master |
| } |
| |
| gen_m4_flags() { |
| local arc_type="none" |
| local arc_version="none" |
| if use android-container-pi; then |
| arc_type="container" |
| arc_version="p" |
| elif use android-container-rvc; then |
| arc_type="container" |
| arc_version="r" |
| elif use android-vm-rvc; then |
| arc_type="vm" |
| arc_version="r" |
| elif use android-vm-sc; then |
| arc_type="vm" |
| arc_version="s" |
| elif use android-vm-tm; then |
| arc_type="vm" |
| arc_version="t" |
| elif use android-vm-master; then |
| arc_type="vm" |
| arc_version="master" |
| fi |
| "-Darc_type=${arc_type}" |
| "-Darc_version=${arc_version}" |
| "-Duse_selinux_develop=$(usex selinux_develop y n)" |
| "-Duse_arc_first_release_n=$(usex arc_first_release_n y n)" |
| ) |
| einfo "m4 flags: ${M4_COMMON_FLAGS[*]}" |
| } |
| |
| # Build SELinux intermediate language files. |
| # Look into SELinux policies in given directories, and |
| # pre-compile with m4 macro preprocessor, and merge them into |
| # a monothilic SELinux policy, and then compile it into |
| # intermediate files using checkpolicy compiler. |
| build_cil() { |
| local policy_files=() |
| local ciltype="$1" |
| shift |
| local output="$1" |
| shift |
| local pattern |
| for pattern in "${CHROME_POLICY_FILES_PATTERN[@]}"; do |
| local path |
| for path in "$@"; do |
| local file |
| while read -r -d $'\0' file; do |
| policy_files+=("${file}") |
| done < <(find "${path}" -xtype f -name "${pattern}" -print0) |
| done |
| done |
| m4 "-Dmls_num_sens=${MLS_NUM_SENS}" "-Dmls_num_cats=${MLS_NUM_CATS}" \ |
| "${M4_COMMON_FLAGS[@]}" \ |
| "-Dciltype=${ciltype}" \ |
| -s "${policy_files[@]}" > "${output}.conf" \ |
| || die "failed to generate ${output}.conf" |
| checkpolicy -M -C -c "${SELINUX_VERSION}" "${output}.conf" \ |
| -o "${output}" || die "failed to build ${output}" |
| } |
| |
| build_android_reqd_cil() { |
| build_cil reqd "android_reqd.cil" "sepolicy/policy/base/" "sepolicy/policy/mask_only/" |
| } |
| |
| build_chromeos_policy() { |
| build_android_reqd_cil |
| |
| build_cil cros "chromeos.raw.cil" "sepolicy/policy/base/" "sepolicy/policy/chromeos_base" "sepolicy/policy/chromeos/" |
| version_cil < chromeos.raw.cil > chromeos.raw.versioned.cil |
| secilc "${SECILC_ARGS_CHECK_NEVERALLOW[@]}" chromeos.raw.cil || |
| die "some Chrome OS neverallows are not satisfied" |
| filter_file_line_by_line android_reqd.cil < chromeos.raw.versioned.cil > chromeos.cil || |
| die "failed to convert raw cil to filtered cil" |
| } |
| |
| build_file_contexts() { |
| einfo "Compiling chromeos_file_contexts" |
| m4 "${M4_COMMON_FLAGS[@]}" "sepolicy/file_contexts/macros" \ |
| "sepolicy/file_contexts/chromeos_file_contexts" > chromeos_file_contexts || |
| die "failed to build chromeos file contexts" |
| } |
| |
| check_filetrans_defined_in_file_contexts() { |
| einfo "Verifying policy and file_contexts for filetrans_pattern" |
| _is_empty() { |
| local err=0 |
| while read -r line; do |
| if [[ "${err}" -eq "0" ]]; then |
| ewarn "Expected to find these lines in file_contexts, but were not found:" |
| err=1 |
| fi |
| ewarn "${line}" |
| done |
| return ${err} |
| } |
| # filetrans is a kind of typetransition. Typetrasition is described like |
| # the following in a .cil file: |
| # (typetransition source target class new_type) or |
| # (typetransition source target class object_name new_type) |
| # We only want to verify where |
| # - both source and target are not tmpfs-related. |
| # - source is not unconfined domain: chromeos |
| # - type is not process since we only care file typetransition. |
| awk ' |
| /^\(typetransition/ { |
| context=substr($NF,0,length($NF)-1) |
| if ($4=="process"||$2=="chromeos") next; |
| if(context ~/cros_.*tmp_file/) next; # Created an cros_.*_tmp_file |
| if(context ~/(device|rootfs|tmpfs)/) next; # Created a file labeled as device, tmpfs, or rootfs. |
| if($3 ~/^(cros_run(_.*)?|cros_.*tmp_file|tmpfs|arc_dir)$/) next; # Create a file in tmpfs. |
| if(NF==6) { print substr($5,2,length($5)-2) ".*u:object_r:" context ":s0" } |
| else { print "u:object_r:" context ":s0" } |
| } |
| ' chromeos.cil | sort -u | xargs -d'\n' -n 1 sh -c 'grep $0 file_contexts >/dev/null || echo $0' | _is_empty |
| } |
| |
| # cat cil-file | get_attributed_type(attribute) => types separated by spaces |
| get_attributed_type() { |
| local attr="$1" |
| grep "(typeattributeset ${attr} (" | sed -e "s/^(typeattributeset ${attr} (//g" | sed -e 's/ ))$//g' |
| } |
| |
| # check_attribute_include attr subattr1 subattr2 subattr3 ... excluded_type1 excluded_type2 ... |
| check_attribute_include() { |
| local poolname="$1" |
| shift 1 |
| einfo "Checking type set (attribute ${poolname}) equals to union of type sets of (attribute $@)" |
| local pool="$(cat chromeos.cil | get_attributed_type "${poolname}" | tr ' ' '\n')" |
| local remaining_types="${pool}" |
| for attr in "$@"; do |
| remaining_types="$(echo "${remaining_types}" | grep -E -v "^${attr}$")" |
| for t in $(cat chromeos.cil | get_attributed_type "${attr}"); do |
| if ! grep "${t}" <(echo "${pool}") >/dev/null; then |
| die "${t} type should have attribute ${poolname} to have attribute ${attr}" |
| fi |
| remaining_types="$(echo "${remaining_types}" | grep -E -v "^${t}$")" |
| done |
| done |
| if ! [[ -z "${remaining_types}" ]]; then |
| die "Types with attribute ${poolname} should have at least one of $@, but these doesn't: \n$(echo "${remaining_types}" | tr '\n' ' ')" |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| check_file_type_and_attribute() { |
| einfo "Checking file types and their attributes" |
| check_attribute_include file_type cros_file_type unlabeled system_data_file media_data_file android_file_type |
| check_attribute_include cros_file_type cros_system_file_type cros_tmpfile_type cros_home_file_type cros_var_file_type cros_run_file_type cros_uncategorized_file_type |
| } |
| |
| src_compile() { |
| gen_m4_flags |
| |
| build_chromeos_policy |
| build_file_contexts |
| |
| cp -r "${SEPATH}" intermediate_policy |
| |
| if use selinux_audit_all; then |
| find intermediate_policy/ -xtype f -name '*.cil' -exec \ |
| sed -i 's/^(dontaudit .*//g' {} \; |
| sed -i 's/^(dontaudit .*//g' chromeos.cil |
| sed -i 's/^(dontaudit .*//g' chromeos.raw.cil |
| fi |
| |
| local cilpath="$(pwd)/intermediate_policy" |
| |
| if has_arc; then |
| einfo "Removing duplicate nnp_nosuid_transition policycap from Android cil" |
| sed -i '/^(policycap nnp_nosuid_transition)$/d' "${cilpath}"/*.cil || die |
| |
| einfo "Combining Chrome OS and Android SELinux policy" |
| secilc "${SECILC_ARGS[@]}" "${cilpath}/plat_sepolicy.cil" \ |
| "${cilpath}/mapping.cil" \ |
| "${cilpath}/plat_pub_versioned.cil" \ |
| "${cilpath}/vendor_sepolicy.cil" \ |
| chromeos.cil || die "fail to build sepolicy" |
| |
| # Add header/footer around ARC++ contexts, so they can be |
| # correctly replaced when pushing new Android builds using |
| # push_to_device.py. |
| ( |
| cat "chromeos_file_contexts" && |
| echo -e "\n# BEGIN_ARC_FILE_CONTEXTS" && |
| cat "${SYSROOT}/etc/selinux/intermediates/arc_file_contexts" && |
| echo -e "\n# END_ARC_FILE_CONTEXTS" |
| ) > file_contexts || die "failed to combine *_file_contexts files" |
| |
| else |
| # Chrome OS without ARC++ only. |
| einfo "Use Chrome OS-only SELinux policy." |
| |
| secilc "${SECILC_ARGS[@]}" chromeos.raw.cil || die "fail to build sepolicy" |
| cp "chromeos_file_contexts" file_contexts \ |
| || die "didn't find chromeos_file_contexts for file_contexts" |
| fi |
| |
| check_filetrans_defined_in_file_contexts \ |
| || die "failed to check consistency between filetrans_pattern and file_contexts" |
| |
| if use nocheck; then |
| ewarn "Some post-compile checks are skipped. Please remove nocheck from your USE flag" |
| else |
| # We don't want to expand the variables in the help text. |
| #shellcheck disable=SC2016 |
| einfo 'Use USE="$USE nocheck" emerge-$BOARD selinux-policy to speed up emerge for development purposes' |
| check_file_type_and_attribute |
| fi |
| } |
| |
| src_install() { |
| insinto /etc/selinux/arc/contexts/files |
| doins file_contexts |
| |
| insinto /etc/selinux |
| if use selinux_experimental; then |
| newins "${FILESDIR}/selinux_config_experimental" config |
| else |
| newins "${FILESDIR}/selinux_config" config |
| fi |
| |
| insinto /etc/selinux/arc/policy |
| doins "${SEPOLICY_FILENAME}" |
| |
| if use selinux_develop; then |
| insinto /etc/init |
| doins "${FILESDIR}/selinux_debug.conf" |
| dobin "${FILESDIR}/audit_log_since_boot" |
| fi |
| |
| if has_arc; then |
| # Install ChromeOS cil so push_to_device.py can compile a new |
| # version of SELinux policy. |
| insinto /etc/selinux/intermediates.raw/ |
| doins chromeos.cil |
| fi |
| |
| udev_dorules "${FILESDIR}/50-selinux.rules" |
| } |
| |
| # Check policy violation for neverallow rules extracted from CTS SELinuxNeverallowRulesTest. |
| src_test() { |
| if ! use android-container-pi; then |
| ewarn "********************************************************" |
| ewarn "WARNING: Build-time SELinux policy tests only apply to" |
| ewarn "boards shipping android-container-pi." |
| ewarn "Test again using e.g. caroline or kevin to ensure full" |
| ewarn "test coverage." |
| ewarn "********************************************************" |
| return |
| fi |
| |
| if ! ( use cheets_user || use cheets_user_64 ); then |
| ewarn "********************************************************" |
| ewarn "WARNING: Build-time SELinux policy tests are skipped on" |
| ewarn "boards shipping ARC userdebug builds (including betty)." |
| ewarn "Test again using e.g. caroline or kevin to ensure full" |
| ewarn "test coverage." |
| ewarn "********************************************************" |
| return |
| fi |
| |
| local neverallowjava="${SYSROOT}/etc/selinux/intermediates/SELinuxNeverallowRulesTest.java" |
| if [ ! -f "${neverallowjava}" ]; then |
| die "No SELinuxNeverallowRulesTest.java found" |
| fi |
| |
| # Extract 'String neverallowRule = "neverallow ...";' lines from the Java source code and |
| # write the extracted lines to ./neverallows. |
| ( |
| grep "boolean compatiblePropertyOnly = false;" -B 2 | |
| grep "boolean fullTrebleOnly = false;" -B 1 | |
| grep neverallowRule | |
| sed -E 's/.*"(neverallow.*)";/\1/g' |
| ) < "${neverallowjava}" > neverallows |
| |
| local loc="$(wc -l neverallows | awk '{print $1;}')" |
| if [[ "${loc}" -lt "100" ]]; then |
| die "too few test cases. something is wrong." |
| fi |
| local fail |
| while read -r rule; do |
| if ! sepolicy-analyze "${SEPOLICY_FILENAME}" neverallow -n "${rule}"; then |
| eerror "sepolicy-analyze failed for rule: ${rule}" |
| fail=1 |
| fi |
| done < neverallows |
| |
| if [[ -n "${fail}" ]]; then |
| die "SELinux neverallow check(s) failed, see logs above." \ |
| "If you're seeing this failure in CQ, make sure to" \ |
| "use the same failing board(s) when testing locally" \ |
| "as SELinux rules may differ by board." |
| fi |
| } |