blob: 7a2ccda8e2a1f77e48c9929dcc96490aaa762e73 [file] [log] [blame]
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE pkgmetadata SYSTEM "">
<maintainer type="person">
<name>Maciej Barć</name>
Rsyslog is a rocket-fast system for log processing. It offers
high-performance, great security features and a modular design. While it
started as a regular syslogd, rsyslog has evolved into a kind of swiss army
knife of logging, being able to accept inputs from a wide variety of
sources, transform them, and output to the results to diverse destinations.
Rsyslog can deliver over one million messages per second to local
destinations when limited processing is applied (based on v7, December
2013). Even with remote destinations and more elaborate processing the
performance is usually considered "stunning".
<flag name="clickhouse">Build the ClickHouse output module (requires <pkg>net-misc/curl</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="curl">Enable http_request() function in RainerScript (requires <pkg>net-misc/curl</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="dbi">Build the general database output module (requires <pkg>dev-db/libdbi</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="elasticsearch">Build the Elasticsearch output module (requires <pkg>net-misc/curl</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="gcrypt">Add support for encrypted log files using <pkg>dev-libs/libgcrypt</pkg></flag>
<flag name="gnutls">Build the GnuTLS network stream driver (requires <pkg>net-libs/gnutls</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="imhttp">Build the http input module (requires <pkg>www-servers/civetweb</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="impcap">Build the pcap input module (requires <pkg>net-libs/libpcap</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="kafka">Build the Apache Kafka input/output module (requires <pkg>dev-libs/librdkafka</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="kerberos">Build the GSSAPI input and output module (requires <pkg>virtual/krb5</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="kubernetes">Build the kubernetes modify plugin (requires <pkg>net-misc/curl</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="mdblookup">Build the MaxMind DB lookup message modify plugin using <pkg>dev-libs/libmaxminddb</pkg></flag>
<flag name="mongodb">Build the MongoDB output module (requires <pkg>dev-libs/mongo-c-driver</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="mysql">Build the MySQL database output module (requires <pkg>virtual/mysql</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="normalize">Build the normalize modify module (requires <pkg>dev-libs/libee</pkg> and <pkg>dev-libs/liblognorm</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="omhttp">Build the http output module (requires <pkg>net-misc/curl</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="omhttpfs">Build the httpfs output module (requires <pkg>net-misc/curl</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="omudpspoof">Build the udpspoof output module (requires <pkg>net-libs/libnet</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="openssl">Build the OpenSSL network stream driver (requires <pkg>dev-libs/openssl</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="postgres">Build the PostgreSQL database output module (requires <pkg>dev-db/postgresql</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="rabbitmq">Build the RabbitMQ output module (requires <pkg>net-libs/rabbitmq-c</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="redis">Build the Redis output module using (requires <pkg>dev-libs/hiredis</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="relp">Build the Reliable Event Logging Protocol (RELP) output module (requires <pkg>dev-libs/librelp</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="rfc3195">Build the rfc3195 input module (requires <pkg>dev-libs/liblogging</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="rfc5424hmac">Build the rfc5424hmac modify module (requires <pkg>dev-libs/openssl</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="snmp">Build the snmp modify and output module (requires <pkg>net-analyzer/net-snmp</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="ssl">Add support for encrypted client/server communication (requires <pkg>net-libs/gnutls</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="systemd">Build the journal input and output module (requires <pkg>sys-apps/systemd</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="uuid">Include UUIDs in messages (requires <pkg>sys-apps/util-linux</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="usertools">Installs the user tools (rsgtutil, rscryutil...) corresponding to the set USE flags</flag>
<flag name="xxhash">Enable xxHash support in fmhash module (requires <pkg>dev-libs/xxhash</pkg>)</flag>
<flag name="zeromq">Build the ZeroMQ input and output modules (requires <pkg>net-libs/czmq</pkg>)</flag>
<remote-id type="cpe">cpe:/a:rsyslog:rsyslog</remote-id>
<remote-id type="github">rsyslog/rsyslog</remote-id>