blob: 1dc9534ce02cea0d50f547e1e978e91db34f5dd9 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tests for timer."""
import re
import time
from unittest import mock
import pytest
from chromite.utils import timer
DELTA = 1.0
def time_mock_fixture(monkeypatch) -> None: # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
last_t = 0.0
def time_mock() -> float:
nonlocal last_t
last_t += DELTA
return last_t
monkeypatch.setattr(time, "perf_counter", time_mock)
def test_timer_delta(caplog) -> None: # type: ignore[no-untyped-def]
"""Test basic usage of a Timer."""
with timer.timer() as t:
assert"{DELTA}[0-9]*s", caplog.text) is not None
assert == DELTA
assert t.timedelta.total_seconds() == DELTA
def test_timer_average() -> None:
"""Test the timer __add__ and __truediv__ functions."""
timers = []
range_len = 10
for x in range(range_len):
with timer.Timer(str(x)) as t:
assert sum(timers, start=timer.Timer()).delta == DELTA * range_len
assert (sum(timers, start=timer.Timer()) / len(timers)).delta == DELTA
def test_timer_decorator() -> None:
"""Test the timed decorator."""
name = "name"
output_fn_called = False
# Output function to check the value.
def output_fn(value: str) -> None:
nonlocal output_fn_called
output_fn_called = True
assert re.match(f"{name}: {DELTA}[0-9]*s", value) is not None
# The decorated function.
@timer.timed(name, output_fn)
def timed_fn() -> None:
# Run the function to trigger the test.
assert output_fn_called
def test_timer_decorator_with_exception_calls_output() -> None:
"""Test the timed decorator with exception handling."""
name = "test_name"
output_fn = mock.MagicMock()
# The decorated function.
@timer.timer(name, output_fn)
def timed_fn() -> None:
raise Exception("test exception")
# Run the function to trigger the test.
with pytest.raises(Exception):