blob: 11927fd37d475f0b17b1d28e7b04418c2eae5af2 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2021 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Unittests for module."""
import ctypes
import errno
import signal
import pytest
from chromite.utils import prctl
def test_prctl_raw() -> None:
"""Check basic functionality with PDEATHSIG option."""
orig = prctl.get_pdeathsig()
# This should be safe to play with as we should exit before the parent.
assert prctl.prctl(prctl.Option.SET_PDEATHSIG, signal.SIGQUIT) == 0
arg2 = ctypes.c_int(0)
assert prctl.prctl(prctl.Option.GET_PDEATHSIG, ctypes.byref(arg2)) == 0
assert arg2.value == signal.SIGQUIT
# Restore the setting.
def test_prctl_error() -> None:
"""Check PrctlError handling."""
e = prctl.PrctlError(prctl.Option.SET_PDEATHSIG, -1)
assert "SET_PDEATHSIG" in str(e)
assert "SET_PDEATHSIG" in e.msg
e = prctl.PrctlError(prctl.Option.SET_PDEATHSIG, -1, errno=errno.EINVAL)
assert "EINVAL" in e.msg
assert e.errno == errno.EINVAL
with pytest.raises(prctl.PrctlError) as excinfo:
prctl.prctl(prctl.Option.SET_PDEATHSIG, 1000)
assert excinfo.value.option == prctl.Option.SET_PDEATHSIG
assert excinfo.value.prargs == [1000, 0, 0, 0]
def test_pdeathsig() -> None:
"""Check pdeathsig helpers."""
orig = prctl.get_pdeathsig()
assert prctl.set_pdeathsig(signal.SIGINT) is None
assert prctl.get_pdeathsig() == signal.SIGINT
# Restore the setting.
def test_name() -> None:
"""Check (thread) name helpers."""
assert prctl.set_name("foo") is None
assert prctl.get_name() == "foo"
# Check truncation.
assert prctl.set_name("1234567890" * 3) is None
assert prctl.get_name() == "123456789012345"
def test_no_new_privs() -> None:
"""Check no_new_privs helpers."""
assert prctl.get_no_new_privs() in (0, 1)
# Set it to -1 which doesn't block new privs. We don't want to mess up the
# general pytest runtime by locking down privs.
with pytest.raises(prctl.PrctlError):