blob: 1f172f3ca3a1b3caa8b8af07e71de26eaa00c613 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2019 The ChromiumOS Authors
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Portage Binhost operations."""
import os
import shutil
from typing import TYPE_CHECKING
import urllib.parse
from chromite.api import controller
from chromite.api import faux
from chromite.api import validate
from chromite.api.controller import controller_util
from chromite.api.gen.chromite.api import binhost_pb2
from chromite.lib import binpkg
from chromite.lib import constants
from chromite.lib import cros_build_lib
from chromite.lib import osutils
from chromite.lib import sysroot_lib
from chromite.service import binhost
from chromite.utils import gs_urls_util
from chromite.api import api_config
binhost_pb2.OVERLAYTYPE_BOTH: constants.BOTH_OVERLAYS,
binhost_pb2.OVERLAYTYPE_NONE: None,
# Default maximum number of URIs to be stored in Binhost conf file.
def _GetBinhostsResponse(_request, response, _config) -> None:
"""Add fake binhosts to a successful response."""
new_binhost = response.binhosts.add()
new_binhost.uri = (
new_binhost.package_index = "Packages"
def GetBinhosts(request, response, _config) -> None:
"""Get a list of binhosts."""
build_target = controller_util.ParseBuildTarget(request.build_target)
binhosts = binhost.GetBinhosts(build_target)
for current in binhosts:
new_binhost = response.binhosts.add()
new_binhost.uri = current
new_binhost.package_index = "Packages"
def _GetPrivatePrebuiltAclArgsResponse(_request, response, _config) -> None:
"""Add fake acls to a successful response."""
new_arg = response.args.add()
new_arg.arg = "-g"
new_arg.value = "group1:READ"
def GetPrivatePrebuiltAclArgs(request, response, _config) -> None:
"""Get the ACL args from the files in the private overlays."""
build_target = controller_util.ParseBuildTarget(request.build_target)
args = binhost.GetPrebuiltAclArgs(build_target)
except binhost.Error as e:
for arg, value in args:
new_arg = response.args.add()
new_arg.arg = arg
new_arg.value = value
def _PrepareBinhostUploadsResponse(_request, response, _config) -> None:
"""Add fake binhost upload targets to a successful response."""
response.uploads_dir = "/upload/directory"
response.upload_targets.add().path = "upload_target"
def PrepareBinhostUploads(
request: binhost_pb2.PrepareBinhostUploadsRequest,
response: binhost_pb2.PrepareBinhostUploadsResponse,
config: "api_config.ApiConfig",
"""Return a list of files to upload to the binhost.
See BinhostService documentation in api/proto/binhost.proto.
request: The input proto.
response: The output proto.
config: The API call config.
build_target_msg = request.sysroot.build_target
build_target_msg = request.build_target
sysroot_path = request.sysroot.path
if not sysroot_path and not
cros_build_lib.Die("Sysroot.path is required.")
build_target = controller_util.ParseBuildTarget(build_target_msg)
chroot = controller_util.ParseChroot(request.chroot)
if not sysroot_path:
sysroot_path = build_target.root
sysroot = sysroot_lib.Sysroot(sysroot_path)
uri = request.uri
# For now, we enforce that all input URIs are Google Storage buckets.
if not gs_urls_util.PathIsGs(uri):
raise ValueError("Upload URI %s must be Google Storage." % uri)
package_index_paths = [f.path.path for f in request.package_index_files]
if config.validate_only:
return controller.RETURN_CODE_VALID_INPUT
parsed_uri = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri)
upload_uri = gs_urls_util.GetGsURL(
upload_path = parsed_uri.path.lstrip("/")
# Read all packages and update the index. The index must be uploaded to the
# binhost for Portage to use it, so include it in upload_targets.
uploads_dir = binhost.GetPrebuiltsRoot(chroot, sysroot, build_target)
index_path = binhost.UpdatePackageIndex(
uploads_dir, upload_uri, upload_path, sudo=True
upload_targets = binhost.GetPrebuiltsFiles(
uploads_dir, package_index_paths=package_index_paths, sudo=True
assert index_path.startswith(
), "expected index_path to start with uploads_dir"
upload_targets.append(index_path[len(uploads_dir) :])
response.uploads_dir = uploads_dir
for upload_target in upload_targets:
response.upload_targets.add().path = upload_target.strip("/")
def _PrepareDevInstallBinhostUploadsResponse(
_request, response, _config
) -> None:
"""Add fake binhost files to a successful response."""
response.upload_targets.add().path = "app-arch/zip-3.0-r3.tbz2"
response.upload_targets.add().path = "virtual/python-enum34-1.tbz2"
response.upload_targets.add().path = "Packages"
@validate.require("uri", "sysroot.path")
def PrepareDevInstallBinhostUploads(
request: binhost_pb2.PrepareDevInstallBinhostUploadsRequest,
response: binhost_pb2.PrepareDevInstallBinhostUploadsResponse,
config: "api_config.ApiConfig",
"""Return a list of files to upload to the binhost"
The files will also be copied to the uploads_dir.
See BinhostService documentation in api/proto/binhost.proto.
request: The input proto.
response: The output proto.
config: The API call config.
sysroot_path = request.sysroot.path
chroot = controller_util.ParseChroot(request.chroot)
sysroot = sysroot_lib.Sysroot(sysroot_path)
uri = request.uri
# For now, we enforce that all input URIs are Google Storage buckets.
if not gs_urls_util.PathIsGs(uri):
raise ValueError("Upload URI %s must be Google Storage." % uri)
if config.validate_only:
return controller.RETURN_CODE_VALID_INPUT
parsed_uri = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri)
upload_uri = gs_urls_util.GetGsURL(
parsed_uri.netloc, for_gsutil=True
upload_path = parsed_uri.path.lstrip("/")
# Calculate the filename for the to-be-created Packages file, which will
# contain only devinstall packages.
devinstall_package_index_path = os.path.join(
request.uploads_dir, "Packages"
upload_targets_list = binhost.ReadDevInstallFilesToCreatePackageIndex(
chroot, sysroot, devinstall_package_index_path, upload_uri, upload_path
package_dir = chroot.full_path(sysroot.path, "packages")
for upload_target in upload_targets_list:
# Copy each package to target/category/package
upload_target = upload_target.strip("/")
category = upload_target.split(os.sep)[0]
target_dir = os.path.join(request.uploads_dir, category)
if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
full_src_pkg_path = os.path.join(package_dir, upload_target)
full_target_src_path = os.path.join(request.uploads_dir, upload_target)
shutil.copyfile(full_src_pkg_path, full_target_src_path)
response.upload_targets.add().path = upload_target
response.upload_targets.add().path = "Packages"
def _PrepareChromeBinhostUploadsResponse(_request, response, _config) -> None:
"""Add fake binhost files to a successful response."""
response.upload_targets.add().path = (
response.upload_targets.add().path = "chromeos-base/chrome-icu-100-r1.tbz2"
response.upload_targets.add().path = (
response.upload_targets.add().path = "Packages"
@validate.require("uploads_dir", "uri", "sysroot.path")
def PrepareChromeBinhostUploads(
request: binhost_pb2.PrepareChromeBinhostUploadsRequest,
response: binhost_pb2.PrepareChromeBinhostUploadsResponse,
config: "api_config.ApiConfig",
"""Return a list of Chrome files to upload to the binhost.
The files will also be copied to the uploads_dir.
See BinhostService documentation in api/proto/binhost.proto.
request: The input proto.
response: The output proto.
config: The API call config.
if config.validate_only:
return controller.RETURN_CODE_VALID_INPUT
chroot = controller_util.ParseChroot(request.chroot)
sysroot = sysroot_lib.Sysroot(request.sysroot.path)
uri = request.uri
# For now, we enforce that all input URIs are Google Storage buckets.
if not gs_urls_util.PathIsGs(uri):
raise ValueError("Upload URI %s must be Google Storage." % uri)
parsed_uri = urllib.parse.urlparse(uri)
gs_bucket = gs_urls_util.GetGsURL(
parsed_uri.netloc, for_gsutil=True
upload_path = parsed_uri.path.lstrip("/")
# Determine the filename for the to-be-created Packages file, which will
# contain only Chrome packages.
chrome_package_index_path = os.path.join(request.uploads_dir, "Packages")
upload_targets_list = binhost.CreateChromePackageIndex(
chroot, sysroot, chrome_package_index_path, gs_bucket, upload_path
package_dir = chroot.full_path(sysroot.path, "packages")
for upload_target in upload_targets_list:
# Copy each package to uploads_dir/category/package
upload_target = upload_target.strip("/")
category = upload_target.split("/")[0]
target_dir = os.path.join(request.uploads_dir, category)
if not os.path.exists(target_dir):
full_src_pkg_path = os.path.join(package_dir, upload_target)
full_target_src_path = os.path.join(request.uploads_dir, upload_target)
shutil.copyfile(full_src_pkg_path, full_target_src_path)
response.upload_targets.add().path = upload_target
response.upload_targets.add().path = "Packages"
def _UpdatePackageIndexResponse(_request, _response, _config) -> None:
"""Set up a fake successful response."""
def UpdatePackageIndex(
request: binhost_pb2.UpdatePackageIndexRequest,
_response: binhost_pb2.UpdatePackageIndexResponse,
_config: "api_config.ApiConfig",
) -> None:
"""Implementation for the BinhostService/UpdatePackageIndex endpoint."""
# Load the index file.
index_path = controller_util.pb2_path_to_pathlib_path(
pkgindex = binpkg.PackageIndex()
# Set the upload location for all packages.
if request.set_upload_location:
if not request.uri:
raise ValueError("set_upload_location is True, but no uri provided")
parsed_uri = urllib.parse.urlparse(request.uri)
gs_urls_util.GetGsURL(parsed_uri.netloc, for_gsutil=True).rstrip(
# Write the updated index file back to its original location.
def _SetBinhostResponse(_request, response, _config) -> None:
"""Add fake binhost file to a successful response."""
response.output_file = "/path/to/BINHOST.conf"
@validate.require("", "key", "uri")
def SetBinhost(
request: binhost_pb2.SetBinhostRequest,
response: binhost_pb2.SetBinhostResponse,
_config: "api_config.ApiConfig",
) -> None:
"""Set the URI for a given binhost key and build target.
See BinhostService documentation in api/proto/binhost.proto.
request: The input proto.
response: The output proto.
_config: The API call config.
target =
key = binhost_pb2.BinhostKey.Name(request.key)
uri = request.uri
private = request.private
max_uris = request.max_uris or _DEFAULT_BINHOST_MAX_URIS
response.output_file = binhost.SetBinhost(
target, key, uri, private=private, max_uris=max_uris
def _GetBinhostConfPathResponse(_request, response, _config) -> None:
"""Add fake binhost file to a successful response."""
response.conf_path = "/path/to/BINHOST.conf"
@validate.require("", "key")
def GetBinhostConfPath(
request: binhost_pb2.GetBinhostConfPathRequest,
response: binhost_pb2.GetBinhostConfPathResponse,
_config: "api_config.ApiConfig",
) -> None:
target =
key = binhost_pb2.BinhostKey.Name(request.key)
private = request.private
response.conf_path = str(binhost.GetBinhostConfPath(target, key, private))
def _RegenBuildCacheResponse(_request, response, _config) -> None:
"""Add fake binhosts cache path to a successful response."""
response.modified_overlays.add().path = "/path/to/BuildCache"
@validate.is_in("overlay_type", _OVERLAY_TYPE_TO_NAME)
def RegenBuildCache(
request: binhost_pb2.RegenBuildCacheRequest,
response: binhost_pb2.RegenBuildCacheResponse,
_config: "api_config.ApiConfig",
) -> None:
"""Regenerate the Build Cache for a build target.
See BinhostService documentation in api/proto/binhost.proto.
request: The input proto.
response: The output proto.
_config: The API call config.
chroot = controller_util.ParseChroot(request.chroot)
overlay_type = request.overlay_type
overlays = binhost.RegenBuildCache(
chroot, _OVERLAY_TYPE_TO_NAME[overlay_type]
for overlay in overlays:
response.modified_overlays.add().path = overlay