VSCode extension prototype

This repository contains prototype code for VSCode extensions for Chrome OS.

CrOS SDK Proxy

CrOS SDK Proxy allows you to connect to CrOS chroot by SSH without exposing any network ports.


Clone this repository to your development workstation, and run the following command.

# Binary goes to ~/go/bin/cros-sdk-proxy.
go install ./cmd/cros-sdk-proxy

Setting up SSH config for local access

If you run the VSCode client on your development workstation, add the following entry to ~/.ssh/config.

Host cros
ProxyCommand ~/go/bin/cros-sdk-proxy enter --root=${CROS_ROOT}
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
  • ${CROS_ROOT} is the path to the root directory of your CrOS source code checkout.

Then you can connect to chroot by ssh cros.

Setting up SSH config for remote access

If you run the VSCode client on a remote client machine, add the following entry to ~/.ssh/config on the remote client machine (not on the development workstation).

Host cros
ProxyCommand ssh ${SSH_HOST} go/bin/cros-sdk-proxy enter --root=${CROS_ROOT}
StrictHostKeyChecking no
UserKnownHostsFile /dev/null
  • ${SSH_HOST} is the host name of the development workstation. Password-less SSH access to the workstation should be configured in advance.
  • ${CROS_ROOT} is the path to the root directory of your CrOS source code checkout.

Then you can connect to chroot by ssh cros.