webrtc-apm: Add OWNERS file

This CL is populating OWNERS file based on the candidates in the Chrome OS OWNERS status sheet.


Change-Id: I18d96ee99d5e8366028fd45e910e65f6d58fc17f
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/third_party/webrtc-apm/+/1682705
1 file changed
tree: 8ecbc0e340437288870149a80cdbbbbce1d47632
  1. absl/
  2. api/
  3. audio/
  4. common_audio/
  5. cras-config/
  6. modules/
  7. rtc_base/
  8. script/
  9. system_wrappers/
  10. third_party/
  11. common.mk
  12. common_types.h
  13. libwebrtc_apm.pc.template
  14. Makefile
  15. OWNERS
  16. pc_utils.mk
  17. README.md
  18. typedefs.h
  19. webrtc_apm.cc
  20. webrtc_apm.h


APM is the audio processing module of WebRTC project in charge of effects like echo cancellation, noise suppression, etc. The purpose of this project is to build a standalone library for Chrome OS system side audio processing.

Files content

  • scripts to copy over folders and files from upstream WebRTC project for APM and its dependencies.
  • Copied files from upstream WebRTC project. For example: common_audio, modules, rtc_base and system_wrappers.
  • webrtc_apm.cc/h C wrappers to access APM functions.
  • common-mk based makefiles to build shared library libwebrtc_apm.so


To update this package to latest upstream WebRC:

  • Run ./script/sync-apm.sh path/to/webrtc-checkout/src .
  • emerge webrtc-apm to see if anything breaks.
  • If emerge success, then we're good.
  • Otherwise look into the emerge failure, and then possibly:
    • Update sync-apm.sh to copy more files if upstream directory structure changes.
    • Update makefiles if upstream build files has changed.
    • Update webrtc-apm ebuild file if dependencies changed.
  • Create a new commit