blob: 9b02026a77c505f38f8677c55e586bbcef8c8b9c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2012 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/forward_error_correction_internal.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <algorithm>
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/fec_private_tables_bursty.h"
#include "modules/rtp_rtcp/source/fec_private_tables_random.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
namespace {
// Allow for different modes of protection for packets in UEP case.
enum ProtectionMode {
// Fits an input mask (sub_mask) to an output mask.
// The mask is a matrix where the rows are the FEC packets,
// and the columns are the source packets the FEC is applied to.
// Each row of the mask is represented by a number of mask bytes.
// \param[in] num_mask_bytes The number of mask bytes of output mask.
// \param[in] num_sub_mask_bytes The number of mask bytes of input mask.
// \param[in] num_rows The number of rows of the input mask.
// \param[in] sub_mask A pointer to hold the input mask, of size
// [0, num_rows * num_sub_mask_bytes]
// \param[out] packet_mask A pointer to hold the output mask, of size
// [0, x * num_mask_bytes], where x >= num_rows.
void FitSubMask(int num_mask_bytes,
int num_sub_mask_bytes,
int num_rows,
const uint8_t* sub_mask,
uint8_t* packet_mask) {
if (num_mask_bytes == num_sub_mask_bytes) {
memcpy(packet_mask, sub_mask, num_rows * num_sub_mask_bytes);
} else {
for (int i = 0; i < num_rows; ++i) {
int pkt_mask_idx = i * num_mask_bytes;
int pkt_mask_idx2 = i * num_sub_mask_bytes;
for (int j = 0; j < num_sub_mask_bytes; ++j) {
packet_mask[pkt_mask_idx] = sub_mask[pkt_mask_idx2];
// Shifts a mask by number of columns (bits), and fits it to an output mask.
// The mask is a matrix where the rows are the FEC packets,
// and the columns are the source packets the FEC is applied to.
// Each row of the mask is represented by a number of mask bytes.
// \param[in] num_mask_bytes The number of mask bytes of output mask.
// \param[in] num_sub_mask_bytes The number of mask bytes of input mask.
// \param[in] num_column_shift The number columns to be shifted, and
// the starting row for the output mask.
// \param[in] end_row The ending row for the output mask.
// \param[in] sub_mask A pointer to hold the input mask, of size
// [0, (end_row_fec - start_row_fec) *
// num_sub_mask_bytes]
// \param[out] packet_mask A pointer to hold the output mask, of size
// [0, x * num_mask_bytes],
// where x >= end_row_fec.
// TODO(marpan): This function is doing three things at the same time:
// shift within a byte, byte shift and resizing.
// Split up into subroutines.
void ShiftFitSubMask(int num_mask_bytes,
int res_mask_bytes,
int num_column_shift,
int end_row,
const uint8_t* sub_mask,
uint8_t* packet_mask) {
// Number of bit shifts within a byte
const int num_bit_shifts = (num_column_shift % 8);
const int num_byte_shifts = num_column_shift >> 3;
// Modify new mask with sub-mask21.
// Loop over the remaining FEC packets.
for (int i = num_column_shift; i < end_row; ++i) {
// Byte index of new mask, for row i and column res_mask_bytes,
// offset by the number of bytes shifts
int pkt_mask_idx =
i * num_mask_bytes + res_mask_bytes - 1 + num_byte_shifts;
// Byte index of sub_mask, for row i and column res_mask_bytes
int pkt_mask_idx2 =
(i - num_column_shift) * res_mask_bytes + res_mask_bytes - 1;
uint8_t shift_right_curr_byte = 0;
uint8_t shift_left_prev_byte = 0;
uint8_t comb_new_byte = 0;
// Handle case of num_mask_bytes > res_mask_bytes:
// For a given row, copy the rightmost "numBitShifts" bits
// of the last byte of sub_mask into output mask.
if (num_mask_bytes > res_mask_bytes) {
shift_left_prev_byte = (sub_mask[pkt_mask_idx2] << (8 - num_bit_shifts));
packet_mask[pkt_mask_idx + 1] = shift_left_prev_byte;
// For each row i (FEC packet), shift the bit-mask of the sub_mask.
// Each row of the mask contains "resMaskBytes" of bytes.
// We start from the last byte of the sub_mask and move to first one.
for (int j = res_mask_bytes - 1; j > 0; j--) {
// Shift current byte of sub21 to the right by "numBitShifts".
shift_right_curr_byte = sub_mask[pkt_mask_idx2] >> num_bit_shifts;
// Fill in shifted bits with bits from the previous (left) byte:
// First shift the previous byte to the left by "8-numBitShifts".
shift_left_prev_byte =
(sub_mask[pkt_mask_idx2 - 1] << (8 - num_bit_shifts));
// Then combine both shifted bytes into new mask byte.
comb_new_byte = shift_right_curr_byte | shift_left_prev_byte;
// Assign to new mask.
packet_mask[pkt_mask_idx] = comb_new_byte;
// For the first byte in the row (j=0 case).
shift_right_curr_byte = sub_mask[pkt_mask_idx2] >> num_bit_shifts;
packet_mask[pkt_mask_idx] = shift_right_curr_byte;
} // namespace
namespace webrtc {
namespace internal {
PacketMaskTable::PacketMaskTable(FecMaskType fec_mask_type,
int num_media_packets)
: table_(PickTable(fec_mask_type, num_media_packets)) {}
PacketMaskTable::~PacketMaskTable() = default;
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> PacketMaskTable::LookUp(int num_media_packets,
int num_fec_packets) {
RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_media_packets, 0);
RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_fec_packets, 0);
RTC_DCHECK_LE(num_media_packets, kUlpfecMaxMediaPackets);
RTC_DCHECK_LE(num_fec_packets, num_media_packets);
if (num_media_packets <= 12) {
return LookUpInFecTable(table_, num_media_packets - 1, num_fec_packets - 1);
int mask_length =
// Generate FEC code mask for {num_media_packets(M), num_fec_packets(N)} (use
// N FEC packets to protect M media packets) In the mask, each FEC packet
// occupies one row, each bit / coloumn represent one media packet. E.g. Row
// A, Col/Bit B is set to 1, means FEC packet A will have protection for media
// packet B.
// Loop through each fec packet.
for (int row = 0; row < num_fec_packets; row++) {
// Loop through each fec code in a row, one code has 8 bits.
// Bit X will be set to 1 if media packet X shall be protected by current
// FEC packet. In this implementation, the protection is interleaved, thus
// media packet X will be protected by FEC packet (X % N)
for (int col = 0; col < mask_length; col++) {
fec_packet_mask_[row * mask_length + col] =
((col * 8) % num_fec_packets == row && (col * 8) < num_media_packets
? 0x80
: 0x00) |
((col * 8 + 1) % num_fec_packets == row &&
(col * 8 + 1) < num_media_packets
? 0x40
: 0x00) |
((col * 8 + 2) % num_fec_packets == row &&
(col * 8 + 2) < num_media_packets
? 0x20
: 0x00) |
((col * 8 + 3) % num_fec_packets == row &&
(col * 8 + 3) < num_media_packets
? 0x10
: 0x00) |
((col * 8 + 4) % num_fec_packets == row &&
(col * 8 + 4) < num_media_packets
? 0x08
: 0x00) |
((col * 8 + 5) % num_fec_packets == row &&
(col * 8 + 5) < num_media_packets
? 0x04
: 0x00) |
((col * 8 + 6) % num_fec_packets == row &&
(col * 8 + 6) < num_media_packets
? 0x02
: 0x00) |
((col * 8 + 7) % num_fec_packets == row &&
(col * 8 + 7) < num_media_packets
? 0x01
: 0x00);
return {&fec_packet_mask_[0],
static_cast<size_t>(num_fec_packets * mask_length)};
// If |num_media_packets| is larger than the maximum allowed by |fec_mask_type|
// for the bursty type, or the random table is explicitly asked for, then the
// random type is selected. Otherwise the bursty table callback is returned.
const uint8_t* PacketMaskTable::PickTable(FecMaskType fec_mask_type,
int num_media_packets) {
RTC_DCHECK_GE(num_media_packets, 0);
RTC_DCHECK_LE(static_cast<size_t>(num_media_packets), kUlpfecMaxMediaPackets);
if (fec_mask_type != kFecMaskRandom &&
num_media_packets <=
static_cast<int>(fec_private_tables::kPacketMaskBurstyTbl[0])) {
return &fec_private_tables::kPacketMaskBurstyTbl[0];
return &fec_private_tables::kPacketMaskRandomTbl[0];
// Remaining protection after important (first partition) packet protection
void RemainingPacketProtection(int num_media_packets,
int num_fec_remaining,
int num_fec_for_imp_packets,
int num_mask_bytes,
ProtectionMode mode,
uint8_t* packet_mask,
PacketMaskTable* mask_table) {
if (mode == kModeNoOverlap) {
// sub_mask21
const int res_mask_bytes =
PacketMaskSize(num_media_packets - num_fec_for_imp_packets);
auto end_row = (num_fec_for_imp_packets + num_fec_remaining);
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> packet_mask_sub_21 = mask_table->LookUp(
num_media_packets - num_fec_for_imp_packets, num_fec_remaining);
ShiftFitSubMask(num_mask_bytes, res_mask_bytes, num_fec_for_imp_packets,
end_row, &packet_mask_sub_21[0], packet_mask);
} else if (mode == kModeOverlap || mode == kModeBiasFirstPacket) {
// sub_mask22
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> packet_mask_sub_22 =
mask_table->LookUp(num_media_packets, num_fec_remaining);
FitSubMask(num_mask_bytes, num_mask_bytes, num_fec_remaining,
&packet_mask[num_fec_for_imp_packets * num_mask_bytes]);
if (mode == kModeBiasFirstPacket) {
for (int i = 0; i < num_fec_remaining; ++i) {
int pkt_mask_idx = i * num_mask_bytes;
packet_mask[pkt_mask_idx] = packet_mask[pkt_mask_idx] | (1 << 7);
} else {
// Protection for important (first partition) packets
void ImportantPacketProtection(int num_fec_for_imp_packets,
int num_imp_packets,
int num_mask_bytes,
uint8_t* packet_mask,
PacketMaskTable* mask_table) {
const int num_imp_mask_bytes = PacketMaskSize(num_imp_packets);
// Get sub_mask1 from table
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> packet_mask_sub_1 =
mask_table->LookUp(num_imp_packets, num_fec_for_imp_packets);
FitSubMask(num_mask_bytes, num_imp_mask_bytes, num_fec_for_imp_packets,
&packet_mask_sub_1[0], packet_mask);
// This function sets the protection allocation: i.e., how many FEC packets
// to use for num_imp (1st partition) packets, given the: number of media
// packets, number of FEC packets, and number of 1st partition packets.
int SetProtectionAllocation(int num_media_packets,
int num_fec_packets,
int num_imp_packets) {
// TODO(marpan): test different cases for protection allocation:
// Use at most (alloc_par * num_fec_packets) for important packets.
float alloc_par = 0.5;
int max_num_fec_for_imp = alloc_par * num_fec_packets;
int num_fec_for_imp_packets = (num_imp_packets < max_num_fec_for_imp)
? num_imp_packets
: max_num_fec_for_imp;
// Fall back to equal protection in this case
if (num_fec_packets == 1 && (num_media_packets > 2 * num_imp_packets)) {
num_fec_for_imp_packets = 0;
return num_fec_for_imp_packets;
// Modification for UEP: reuse the off-line tables for the packet masks.
// Note: these masks were designed for equal packet protection case,
// assuming random packet loss.
// Current version has 3 modes (options) to build UEP mask from existing ones.
// Various other combinations may be added in future versions.
// Longer-term, we may add another set of tables specifically for UEP cases.
// TODO(marpan): also consider modification of masks for bursty loss cases.
// Mask is characterized as (#packets_to_protect, #fec_for_protection).
// Protection factor defined as: (#fec_for_protection / #packets_to_protect).
// Let k=num_media_packets, n=total#packets, (n-k)=num_fec_packets,
// m=num_imp_packets.
// For ProtectionMode 0 and 1:
// one mask (sub_mask1) is used for 1st partition packets,
// the other mask (sub_mask21/22, for 0/1) is for the remaining FEC packets.
// In both mode 0 and 1, the packets of 1st partition (num_imp_packets) are
// treated equally important, and are afforded more protection than the
// residual partition packets.
// For num_imp_packets:
// sub_mask1 = (m, t): protection = t/(m), where t=F(k,n-k,m).
// t=F(k,n-k,m) is the number of packets used to protect first partition in
// sub_mask1. This is determined from the function SetProtectionAllocation().
// For the left-over protection:
// Mode 0: sub_mask21 = (k-m,n-k-t): protection = (n-k-t)/(k-m)
// mode 0 has no protection overlap between the two partitions.
// For mode 0, we would typically set t = min(m, n-k).
// Mode 1: sub_mask22 = (k, n-k-t), with protection (n-k-t)/(k)
// mode 1 has protection overlap between the two partitions (preferred).
// For ProtectionMode 2:
// This gives 1st packet of list (which is 1st packet of 1st partition) more
// protection. In mode 2, the equal protection mask (which is obtained from
// mode 1 for t=0) is modified (more "1s" added in 1st column of packet mask)
// to bias higher protection for the 1st source packet.
// Protection Mode 2 may be extended for a sort of sliding protection
// (i.e., vary the number/density of "1s" across columns) across packets.
void UnequalProtectionMask(int num_media_packets,
int num_fec_packets,
int num_imp_packets,
int num_mask_bytes,
uint8_t* packet_mask,
PacketMaskTable* mask_table) {
// Set Protection type and allocation
// TODO(marpan): test/update for best mode and some combinations thereof.
ProtectionMode mode = kModeOverlap;
int num_fec_for_imp_packets = 0;
if (mode != kModeBiasFirstPacket) {
num_fec_for_imp_packets = SetProtectionAllocation(
num_media_packets, num_fec_packets, num_imp_packets);
int num_fec_remaining = num_fec_packets - num_fec_for_imp_packets;
// Done with setting protection type and allocation
// Generate sub_mask1
if (num_fec_for_imp_packets > 0) {
ImportantPacketProtection(num_fec_for_imp_packets, num_imp_packets,
num_mask_bytes, packet_mask, mask_table);
// Generate sub_mask2
if (num_fec_remaining > 0) {
RemainingPacketProtection(num_media_packets, num_fec_remaining,
num_fec_for_imp_packets, num_mask_bytes, mode,
packet_mask, mask_table);
// This algorithm is tailored to look up data in the |kPacketMaskRandomTbl| and
// |kPacketMaskBurstyTbl| tables. These tables only cover fec code for up to 12
// media packets. Starting from 13 media packets, the fec code will be generated
// at runtime. The format of those arrays is that they're essentially a 3
// dimensional array with the following dimensions: * media packet
// * Size for kPacketMaskRandomTbl: 12
// * Size for kPacketMaskBurstyTbl: 12
// * fec index
// * Size for both random and bursty table increases from 1 to number of rows.
// (i.e. 1-48, or 1-12 respectively).
// * Fec data (what actually gets returned)
// * Size for kPacketMaskRandomTbl: 2 bytes.
// * For all entries: 2 * fec index (1 based)
// * Size for kPacketMaskBurstyTbl: 2 bytes.
// * For all entries: 2 * fec index (1 based)
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> LookUpInFecTable(const uint8_t* table,
int media_packet_index,
int fec_index) {
RTC_DCHECK_LT(media_packet_index, table[0]);
// Skip over the table size.
const uint8_t* entry = &table[1];
uint8_t entry_size_increment = 2; // 0-16 are 2 byte wide, then changes to 6.
// Hop over un-interesting array entries.
for (int i = 0; i < media_packet_index; ++i) {
if (i == 16)
entry_size_increment = 6;
uint8_t count = entry[0];
++entry; // skip over the count.
for (int j = 0; j < count; ++j) {
entry += entry_size_increment * (j + 1); // skip over the data.
if (media_packet_index == 16)
entry_size_increment = 6;
RTC_DCHECK_LT(fec_index, entry[0]);
++entry; // Skip over the size.
// Find the appropriate data in the second dimension.
// Find the specific data we're looking for.
for (int i = 0; i < fec_index; ++i)
entry += entry_size_increment * (i + 1); // skip over the data.
size_t size = entry_size_increment * (fec_index + 1);
return {&entry[0], size};
void GeneratePacketMasks(int num_media_packets,
int num_fec_packets,
int num_imp_packets,
bool use_unequal_protection,
PacketMaskTable* mask_table,
uint8_t* packet_mask) {
RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_media_packets, 0);
RTC_DCHECK_GT(num_fec_packets, 0);
RTC_DCHECK_LE(num_fec_packets, num_media_packets);
RTC_DCHECK_LE(num_imp_packets, num_media_packets);
RTC_DCHECK_GE(num_imp_packets, 0);
const int num_mask_bytes = PacketMaskSize(num_media_packets);
// Equal-protection for these cases.
if (!use_unequal_protection || num_imp_packets == 0) {
// Retrieve corresponding mask table directly:for equal-protection case.
// Mask = (k,n-k), with protection factor = (n-k)/k,
// where k = num_media_packets, n=total#packets, (n-k)=num_fec_packets.
rtc::ArrayView<const uint8_t> mask =
mask_table->LookUp(num_media_packets, num_fec_packets);
memcpy(packet_mask, &mask[0], mask.size());
} else { // UEP case
UnequalProtectionMask(num_media_packets, num_fec_packets, num_imp_packets,
num_mask_bytes, packet_mask, mask_table);
} // End of UEP modification
} // End of GetPacketMasks
size_t PacketMaskSize(size_t num_sequence_numbers) {
RTC_DCHECK_LE(num_sequence_numbers, 8 * kUlpfecPacketMaskSizeLBitSet);
if (num_sequence_numbers > 8 * kUlpfecPacketMaskSizeLBitClear) {
return kUlpfecPacketMaskSizeLBitSet;
return kUlpfecPacketMaskSizeLBitClear;
void InsertZeroColumns(int num_zeros,
uint8_t* new_mask,
int new_mask_bytes,
int num_fec_packets,
int new_bit_index) {
for (uint16_t row = 0; row < num_fec_packets; ++row) {
const int new_byte_index = row * new_mask_bytes + new_bit_index / 8;
const int max_shifts = (7 - (new_bit_index % 8));
new_mask[new_byte_index] <<= std::min(num_zeros, max_shifts);
void CopyColumn(uint8_t* new_mask,
int new_mask_bytes,
uint8_t* old_mask,
int old_mask_bytes,
int num_fec_packets,
int new_bit_index,
int old_bit_index) {
RTC_CHECK_LT(new_bit_index, 8 * new_mask_bytes);
// Copy column from the old mask to the beginning of the new mask and shift it
// out from the old mask.
for (uint16_t row = 0; row < num_fec_packets; ++row) {
int new_byte_index = row * new_mask_bytes + new_bit_index / 8;
int old_byte_index = row * old_mask_bytes + old_bit_index / 8;
new_mask[new_byte_index] |= ((old_mask[old_byte_index] & 0x80) >> 7);
if (new_bit_index % 8 != 7) {
new_mask[new_byte_index] <<= 1;
old_mask[old_byte_index] <<= 1;
} // namespace internal
} // namespace webrtc