blob: 108a523d0bc43133888cd5f38222b1e605c74eaf [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
* Copyright (c) 2018 The WebRTC project authors. All Rights Reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license
* that can be found in the LICENSE file in the root of the source
* tree. An additional intellectual property rights grant can be found
* in the file PATENTS. All contributing project authors may
* be found in the AUTHORS file in the root of the source tree.
#include <string.h>
#include "api/audio/audio_frame.h"
#include "rtc_base/checks.h"
#include "rtc_base/numerics/safe_conversions.h"
#include "rtc_base/timeutils.h"
namespace webrtc {
AudioFrame::AudioFrame() {
// Visual Studio doesn't like this in the class definition.
static_assert(sizeof(data_) == kMaxDataSizeBytes, "kMaxDataSizeBytes");
void AudioFrame::Reset() {
muted_ = true;
void AudioFrame::ResetWithoutMuting() {
// TODO(wu): Zero is a valid value for |timestamp_|. We should initialize
// to an invalid value, or add a new member to indicate invalidity.
timestamp_ = 0;
elapsed_time_ms_ = -1;
ntp_time_ms_ = -1;
samples_per_channel_ = 0;
sample_rate_hz_ = 0;
num_channels_ = 0;
speech_type_ = kUndefined;
vad_activity_ = kVadUnknown;
profile_timestamp_ms_ = 0;
void AudioFrame::UpdateFrame(uint32_t timestamp,
const int16_t* data,
size_t samples_per_channel,
int sample_rate_hz,
SpeechType speech_type,
VADActivity vad_activity,
size_t num_channels) {
timestamp_ = timestamp;
samples_per_channel_ = samples_per_channel;
sample_rate_hz_ = sample_rate_hz;
speech_type_ = speech_type;
vad_activity_ = vad_activity;
num_channels_ = num_channels;
const size_t length = samples_per_channel * num_channels;
RTC_CHECK_LE(length, kMaxDataSizeSamples);
if (data != nullptr) {
memcpy(data_, data, sizeof(int16_t) * length);
muted_ = false;
} else {
muted_ = true;
void AudioFrame::CopyFrom(const AudioFrame& src) {
if (this == &src) return;
timestamp_ = src.timestamp_;
elapsed_time_ms_ = src.elapsed_time_ms_;
ntp_time_ms_ = src.ntp_time_ms_;
muted_ = src.muted();
samples_per_channel_ = src.samples_per_channel_;
sample_rate_hz_ = src.sample_rate_hz_;
speech_type_ = src.speech_type_;
vad_activity_ = src.vad_activity_;
num_channels_ = src.num_channels_;
const size_t length = samples_per_channel_ * num_channels_;
RTC_CHECK_LE(length, kMaxDataSizeSamples);
if (!src.muted()) {
memcpy(data_,, sizeof(int16_t) * length);
muted_ = false;
void AudioFrame::UpdateProfileTimeStamp() {
profile_timestamp_ms_ = rtc::TimeMillis();
int64_t AudioFrame::ElapsedProfileTimeMs() const {
if (profile_timestamp_ms_ == 0) {
// Profiling has not been activated.
return -1;
return rtc::TimeSince(profile_timestamp_ms_);
const int16_t* AudioFrame::data() const {
return muted_ ? empty_data() : data_;
// TODO(henrik.lundin) Can we skip zeroing the buffer?
// See
int16_t* AudioFrame::mutable_data() {
if (muted_) {
memset(data_, 0, kMaxDataSizeBytes);
muted_ = false;
return data_;
void AudioFrame::Mute() {
muted_ = true;
bool AudioFrame::muted() const { return muted_; }
AudioFrame& AudioFrame::operator>>=(const int rhs) {
RTC_CHECK_GT(num_channels_, 0);
RTC_CHECK_LT(num_channels_, 3);
if ((num_channels_ > 2) || (num_channels_ < 1)) return *this;
if (muted_) return *this;
for (size_t i = 0; i < samples_per_channel_ * num_channels_; i++) {
data_[i] = static_cast<int16_t>(data_[i] >> rhs);
return *this;
AudioFrame& AudioFrame::operator+=(const AudioFrame& rhs) {
// Sanity check
RTC_CHECK_GT(num_channels_, 0);
RTC_CHECK_LT(num_channels_, 3);
if ((num_channels_ > 2) || (num_channels_ < 1)) return *this;
if (num_channels_ != rhs.num_channels_) return *this;
bool noPrevData = muted_;
if (samples_per_channel_ != rhs.samples_per_channel_) {
if (samples_per_channel_ == 0) {
// special case we have no data to start with
samples_per_channel_ = rhs.samples_per_channel_;
noPrevData = true;
} else {
return *this;
if ((vad_activity_ == kVadActive) || rhs.vad_activity_ == kVadActive) {
vad_activity_ = kVadActive;
} else if (vad_activity_ == kVadUnknown || rhs.vad_activity_ == kVadUnknown) {
vad_activity_ = kVadUnknown;
if (speech_type_ != rhs.speech_type_) speech_type_ = kUndefined;
if (!rhs.muted()) {
muted_ = false;
if (noPrevData) {
sizeof(int16_t) * rhs.samples_per_channel_ * num_channels_);
} else {
// IMPROVEMENT this can be done very fast in assembly
for (size_t i = 0; i < samples_per_channel_ * num_channels_; i++) {
int32_t wrap_guard =
static_cast<int32_t>(data_[i]) + static_cast<int32_t>(rhs.data_[i]);
data_[i] = rtc::saturated_cast<int16_t>(wrap_guard);
return *this;
// static
const int16_t* AudioFrame::empty_data() {
static const int16_t kEmptyData[kMaxDataSizeSamples] = {0};
static_assert(sizeof(kEmptyData) == kMaxDataSizeBytes, "kMaxDataSizeBytes");
return kEmptyData;
} // namespace webrtc