blob: dce3ea1cedb46ce619d48705240adb3f42b6a8db [file] [log] [blame]
/* Copyright (c) 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
* Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
* found in the LICENSE file.
#ifndef WEBRTC_APM_H_
#define WEBRTC_APM_H_
#include <iniparser.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#define WEBRTC_APM_API __attribute__((visibility("default")))
/* Pointer to a webrtc::AudioProcessing instance. */
typedef void* webrtc_apm;
/* Creates a webrtc_apm for forward stream properties. In CRAS use case it
* is usually created for input stream.
* Args:
* num_channels - Number of channels of the forward stream.
* frame_rate - Frame rate used by forward stream.
* aec_config - Pointer to aec config.
* apm_config - Pointer to apm config.
WEBRTC_APM_API webrtc_apm webrtc_apm_create(
unsigned int num_channels,
unsigned int frame_rate,
dictionary *aec_ini,
dictionary *apm_ini);
/* Dumps configs content.
* Args:
* apm_ini - APM config file in ini format.
* aec_ini - AEC3 config file in ini format.
WEBRTC_APM_API void webrtc_apm_dump_configs(
dictionary *apm_ini,
dictionary *aec_ini);
/* Destroys a webrtc_apm instance. */
WEBRTC_APM_API void webrtc_apm_destroy(webrtc_apm apm);
/* Processes data in reverse stream. In CRAS use case this is called for
* output stream data.
* Args:
* ptr - The webrtc_apm to process reverse stream data.
* num_channels - Number of channels of the reverse stream.
* rate - Frame rate used by reverse stream.
* data - Pointer to the data in reverse stream to be processed.
* nframes - Number of frames of reverse stream's data.
WEBRTC_APM_API int webrtc_apm_process_reverse_stream(
webrtc_apm ptr,
int num_channels, int rate,
int16_t *data, int nframes);
/* Processes deinterleaved float data in reverse stream. Expecting data
* size be 10 ms equivalent of frames. */
WEBRTC_APM_API int webrtc_apm_process_reverse_stream_f(
webrtc_apm ptr,
int num_channels, int rate,
float *const *data);
/* Processes data in forward stream. In CRAS use case this is called for
* input stream data.
* Args:
* ptr - The webrtc_apm to process forward stream data.
* num_channels - Number of channels of the forward stream.
* rate - Frame rate used by forward stream.
* data - Pointer to the data in forward stream to be processed.
* nframes - Number of frames of forward stream's data.
WEBRTC_APM_API int webrtc_apm_process_stream(
webrtc_apm ptr, int num_channels,
int rate, int16_t *data, int nframes);
/* Processes deinterleaved float data in forward stream. Expecting data
* size be 10 ms equivalent of frames. */
WEBRTC_APM_API int webrtc_apm_process_stream_f(webrtc_apm ptr,
int num_channels,
int rate,
float *const *data);
/* Sets the delay in ms between apm analyzes a frame in reverse stream
* (playback) and this frame received as echo in forward stream (record)
* This is required for echo cancellation enabled apm.
* Args:
* ptr - Pointer to the webrtc_apm instance.
* delay_ms - The delay in ms.
WEBRTC_APM_API int webrtc_apm_set_stream_delay(webrtc_apm ptr, int delay_ms);
/* Dump aec debug info to a file.
* Args:
* ptr - Pointer to the webrtc_apm instance.
* work_queue - Pointer holding or to hold the allocated task queue for
* aec dump. Will be deleted when aec dump stops.
* start - True to start dumping, false to stop.
* handle - Pointer of the file storing aec dump.
WEBRTC_APM_API int webrtc_apm_aec_dump(
webrtc_apm ptr, void** work_queue,
int start, FILE *handle);
#endif /* WEBRTC_APM_H_ */