llvm_tools: adds a way to skip dependencies when pulling from Phab

Phabricator has a way to list dependencies, which Arcanist will
pull in succession to make sure the patch is correct. This is
fine until some of the patches land in main: Arcanist then gets
confused and doesn't always correctly apply the patches.

This patch makes it possible to skip dependencies by adding a new flag
to our upstream patch getter.

The current design is only going to permit `--skip_dependencies` when
there's exactly one `--differential` patch, since `--skip_dependencies`
is a global option. If we're finding this to be a common nuisance,
then we can look at redesigning the feature to allow lists of
differentials with skipped dependencies.

./get_upstream_patch.py --differential D12345 --skip_dependencies

./get_upstream_patch.py --cl 12345 --differential D45678 --skip_dependencies

./get_upstream_patch.py --cl 12345 --skip-dependencies

./get_upstream_patch.py --differential D12345 \
                        --differential D45678 \

TEST=Tested locally

Change-Id: I89032cba82c17c9f844bfac3cba330d173826ffd
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/c/chromiumos/third_party/toolchain-utils/+/3255665
Commit-Queue: Christopher Di Bella <cjdb@google.com>
Tested-by: Christopher Di Bella <cjdb@google.com>
Auto-Submit: Christopher Di Bella <cjdb@google.com>
Reviewed-by: Manoj Gupta <manojgupta@chromium.org>
Reviewed-by: George Burgess <gbiv@chromium.org>
1 file changed