blob: a705ee1abd49e723731f8c5191a47dc1b3c06b17 [file] [log] [blame]
"""Builder unittest.
This module tests the build helper method and the worker method.
__author__ = ' (Yuheng Long)'
import multiprocessing
import random
import sys
import unittest
import builder
import pipeline_process
def MockTaskCostGenerator():
"""Calls a random number generator and returns a negative number."""
return random.randint(-sys.maxint - 1, -1)
class MockTask(object):
"""This class emulates an actual task.
It does not do the actual compile, but simply returns the build result as when
this task is constructed.
def __init__(self, flags, cost):
"""Set up the compile results for this task.
flags: the optimization flags of this task.
cost: the mork build cost of this task.
The _pre_cost field stored the 'compiled' cost. Once this task is
compiled, i.e., by calling the compile method , the _cost field will have
this 'compiled' cost.
self._flags = flags
self._pre_cost = cost
def get_flags(self):
return self._flags
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, MockTask):
return self._flags == other._flags and self._cost == other._cost
return False
def set_build_result(self, cost):
self._cost = cost
def compile(self):
self._cost = self._pre_cost
def get_build_result(self):
return self._cost
def compiled(self):
"""Indicates whether the task has been compiled."""
return '_cost' in self.__dict__
class BuilderTest(unittest.TestCase):
"""This class tests the Builder.
Given the same flags set, the image and the cost should result the same from
the builder.
def testHelper(self):
""""Test the build helper.
Call the build method twice, and test the results. The results should be the
same, i.e., the cost should be the same.
# Set up the input, helper and output queue for the worker method.
manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
helper_queue = manager.Queue()
output_queue = manager.Queue()
built_queue = manager.Queue()
# Set up the helper process that holds the helper method.
helper_process = multiprocessing.Process(target=builder.build_helper,
args=({}, helper_queue,
built_queue, output_queue))
# A dictionary defines the mock compile result to the build_helper.
mock_compile_result = {1: 1995, 2: 59, 9: 1027}
# Test if there is a task that is done before, whether the duplicate task
# will have the same result. Here, two different scenarios are tested. That
# is the mock results are added to the built_queue before and after the
# corresponding mock tasks being ;added to the input queue.
built_queue.put((9, mock_compile_result[9]))
# The output of the helper should contain all the following tasks.
results = [1, 1, 2, 9]
# Testing the correctness of having tasks having the same flags key, here 1.
for result in results:
helper_queue.put(MockTask(result, MockTaskCostGenerator()))
built_queue.put((2, mock_compile_result[2]))
built_queue.put((1, mock_compile_result[1]))
# Signal there is no more duplicate task.
while results:
task = output_queue.get()
flags = task._flags
cost = task._cost
self.assertTrue(flags in results)
if flags in mock_compile_result:
self.assertTrue(cost, mock_compile_result[flags])
def testWorker(self):
""""Test the actual build worker method.
The worker should process all the input tasks and output the tasks to the
helper and result queue.
manager = multiprocessing.Manager()
output_queue = manager.Queue()
built_queue = manager.Queue()
# A dictionary defines the mock tasks and their corresponding compile
# results.
mock_compile_tasks = {1: 86, 2: 788}
mock_tasks = []
for flag, cost in mock_compile_tasks.iteritems():
mock_tasks.append(MockTask(flag, cost))
# Submit the mock tasks to the build worker.
for mock_task in mock_tasks:
builder.build_worker(mock_task, built_queue, output_queue)
# The tasks, from the output queue, should be the same as the input and
# should be compiled.
for task in mock_tasks:
output = output_queue.get()
self.assertEqual(output, task)
# The tasks, from the built queue, should be defined in the
# mock_compile_tasks dictionary.
for flag, cost in mock_compile_tasks.iteritems():
helper_input = built_queue.get()
self.assertEqual(helper_input, (flag, cost))
if __name__ == '__main__':