blob: 7a45090ba63d1a01bc828fea5918ef6cc0b1acba [file] [log] [blame]
import sys, unittest
from cStringIO import StringIO
sys.path.extend(['.', '..'])
from elftools.dwarf.callframe import (
CallFrameInfo, CIE, FDE, instruction_name, CallFrameInstruction)
from elftools.dwarf.structs import DWARFStructs
class TestCallFrame(unittest.TestCase):
def assertInstruction(self, instr, name, args):
self.assertIsInstance(instr, CallFrameInstruction)
self.assertEqual(instruction_name(instr.opcode), name)
self.assertEqual(instr.args, args)
def test_spec_sample_d6(self):
# D.6 sample in DWARFv3
s = StringIO()
data = ('' +
# first comes the CIE
'\x20\x00\x00\x00' + # length
'\xff\xff\xff\xff' + # CIE_id
'\x03\x00\x04\x7c' + # version, augmentation, caf, daf
'\x08' + # return address
'\x0c\x07\x00' +
'\x08\x00' +
'\x07\x01' +
'\x07\x02' +
'\x07\x03' +
'\x08\x04' +
'\x08\x05' +
'\x08\x06' +
'\x08\x07' +
'\x09\x08\x01' +
'\x00' +
# then comes the FDE
'\x28\x00\x00\x00' + # length
'\x00\x00\x00\x00' + # CIE_pointer (to CIE at 0)
'\x44\x33\x22\x11' + # initial_location
'\x54\x00\x00\x00' + # address range
'\x41' +
'\x0e\x0c' + '\x41' +
'\x88\x01' + '\x41' +
'\x86\x02' + '\x41' +
'\x0d\x06' + '\x41' +
'\x84\x03' + '\x4b' +
'\xc4' + '\x41' +
'\xc6' +
'\x0d\x07' + '\x41' +
'\xc8' + '\x41' +
'\x0e\x00' +
structs = DWARFStructs(little_endian=True, dwarf_format=32, address_size=4)
cfi = CallFrameInfo(s, len(data), structs)
entries = cfi.get_entries()
self.assertEqual(len(entries), 2)
self.assertIsInstance(entries[0], CIE)
self.assertEqual(entries[0]['length'], 32)
self.assertEqual(entries[0]['data_alignment_factor'], -4)
self.assertEqual(entries[0]['return_address_register'], 8)
'DW_CFA_def_cfa', [7, 0])
self.assertTrue(isinstance(entries[1], FDE))
if __name__ == '__main__':