blob: e09521c40167e244fcd6b9aca877f4b8ffc21536 [file] [log] [blame]
import os, subprocess
def run_exe(exe_path, args):
""" Runs the given executable as a subprocess, given the
list of arguments. Captures its return code (rc) and stdout and
returns a pair: rc, stdout_str
popen_cmd = [exe_path] + args
if os.path.splitext(exe_path)[1] == '.py':
popen_cmd.insert(0, 'python')
proc = subprocess.Popen(popen_cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE)
proc_stdout = proc.communicate()[0]
return proc.returncode, proc_stdout
def is_in_rootdir():
""" Check whether the current dir is the root dir of pyelftools
dirstuff = os.listdir('.')
return 'test' in dirstuff and 'elftools' in dirstuff