blob: 8e02c2a7797b8d36f83da31853a012fa290e0ddd [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1999-2009 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
from _emerge.SlotObject import SlotObject
import shutil
import portage
from portage import os
from portage.elog.messages import eerror
class EbuildFetchonly(SlotObject):
__slots__ = ("fetch_all", "pkg", "pretend", "settings")
def execute(self):
settings = self.settings
pkg = self.pkg
portdb = pkg.root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi
ebuild_path = portdb.findname(pkg.cpv)
if ebuild_path is None:
raise AssertionError("ebuild not found for '%s'" % pkg.cpv)
debug = settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG") == "1"
if 'fetch' in pkg.metadata.restrict:
rval = self._execute_with_builddir()
rval = portage.doebuild(ebuild_path, "fetch",
settings["ROOT"], settings, debug=debug,
listonly=self.pretend, fetchonly=1, fetchall=self.fetch_all,
mydbapi=portdb, tree="porttree")
if rval != os.EX_OK:
msg = "Fetch failed for '%s'" % (pkg.cpv,)
eerror(msg, phase="unpack", key=pkg.cpv)
return rval
def _execute_with_builddir(self):
# To spawn pkg_nofetch requires PORTAGE_BUILDDIR for
# ensuring sane $PWD (bug #239560) and storing elog
# messages. Use a private temp directory, in order
# to avoid locking the main one.
settings = self.settings
global_tmpdir = settings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"]
from tempfile import mkdtemp
private_tmpdir = mkdtemp("", "._portage_fetch_.", global_tmpdir)
except OSError as e:
if e.errno != portage.exception.PermissionDenied.errno:
raise portage.exception.PermissionDenied(global_tmpdir)
settings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"] = private_tmpdir
retval = self._execute()
settings["PORTAGE_TMPDIR"] = global_tmpdir
return retval
def _execute(self):
settings = self.settings
pkg = self.pkg
root_config = pkg.root_config
portdb = root_config.trees["porttree"].dbapi
ebuild_path = portdb.findname(pkg.cpv)
if ebuild_path is None:
raise AssertionError("ebuild not found for '%s'" % pkg.cpv)
debug = settings.get("PORTAGE_DEBUG") == "1"
retval = portage.doebuild(ebuild_path, "fetch",
self.settings["ROOT"], self.settings, debug=debug,
listonly=self.pretend, fetchonly=1, fetchall=self.fetch_all,
mydbapi=portdb, tree="porttree")
if retval != os.EX_OK:
msg = "Fetch failed for '%s'" % (pkg.cpv,)
eerror(msg, phase="unpack", key=pkg.cpv)
portage.elog.elog_process(self.pkg.cpv, self.settings)
return retval