blob: 30aa390bff952506873e2a4bd68679b99445863f [file] [log] [blame]
# -- Portage Unit Testing Functionality
# Copyright 2006 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
from portage.tests import TestCase
from portage.util import varexpand
class VarExpandTestCase(TestCase):
def testVarExpandPass(self):
varDict = { "a":"5", "b":"7", "c":"-5" }
for key in varDict:
result = varexpand( "$%s" % key, varDict )
self.assertFalse( result != varDict[key],
msg="Got %s != %s, from varexpand( %s, %s )" % \
( result, varDict[key], "$%s" % key, varDict ) )
result = varexpand( "${%s}" % key, varDict )
self.assertFalse( result != varDict[key],
msg="Got %s != %s, from varexpand( %s, %s )" % \
( result, varDict[key], "${%s}" % key, varDict ) )
def testVarExpandDoubleQuotes(self):
varDict = { "a":"5" }
tests = [ ("\"${a}\"", "\"5\"") ]
for test in tests:
result = varexpand( test[0], varDict )
self.assertFalse( result != test[1],
msg="Got %s != %s from varexpand( %s, %s )" \
% ( result, test[1], test[0], varDict ) )
def testVarExpandSingleQuotes(self):
varDict = { "a":"5" }
tests = [ ("\'${a}\'", "\'${a}\'") ]
for test in tests:
result = varexpand( test[0], varDict )
self.assertFalse( result != test[1],
msg="Got %s != %s from varexpand( %s, %s )" \
% ( result, test[1], test[0], varDict ) )
def testVarExpandFail(self):
varDict = { "a":"5", "b":"7", "c":"15" }
testVars = [ "fail" ]
for var in testVars:
result = varexpand( "$%s" % var, varDict )
self.assertFalse( len(result),
msg="Got %s == %s, from varexpand( %s, %s )" \
% ( result, var, "$%s" % var, varDict ) )
result = varexpand( "${%s}" % var, varDict )
self.assertFalse( len(result),
msg="Got %s == %s, from varexpand( %s, %s )" \
% ( result, var, "${%s}" % var, varDict ) )