blob: 4fed03282f2651deebdc971cadcc205804de0d83 [file] [log] [blame]
# dispatch-conf.conf
# Directory to archive replaced configs
# Use rcs for storing files in the archive directory?
# (yes or no)
# Diff for display
# %s old file
# %s new file
diff="diff -Nu '%s' '%s' | less --no-init --QUIT-AT-EOF"
# Diff for interactive merges.
# %s output file
# %s old file
# %s new file
merge="sdiff --suppress-common-lines --output='%s' '%s' '%s'"
# Automerge files comprising only CVS interpolations (e.g. Header or Id)
# (yes or no)
# Automerge files comprising only whitespace and/or comments
# (yes or no)
# Automerge files that the user hasn't modified
# (yes or no)
# Ignore a version that is identical to the previously merged version,
# even though it is different from the current user modified version
# Note that emerge already has a similar feature enabled by default,
# which can be disabled by the emerge --noconfmem option.
# (yes or no)
# Per-session log file of changes made to configuration files
# List of frozen files for which dispatch-conf will automatically zap updates