blob: e484d9e37350a4cb15ac4788158209e9e9c99226 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1999-2006 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Header: $
import errno, os, sets
if not hasattr(__builtins__, "set"):
from sets import Set as set
import portage_exception, portage_versions, portage_const
from portage_checksum import *
from portage_exception import *
from portage_util import write_atomic
class FileNotInManifestException(PortageException):
def manifest2AuxfileFilter(filename):
filename = filename.strip(os.sep)
for ignored_dir in ("CVS", ".bzr",".git",".svn"):
if filename == ignored_dir or \
ignored_dir in filename.split(os.sep):
return False
return not filename.startswith("digest-")
def manifest2MiscfileFilter(filename):
filename = filename.strip(os.sep)
return not (filename in ["CVS", ".svn", "files", "Manifest"] or filename.endswith(".ebuild"))
def guessManifestFileType(filename):
""" Perform a best effort guess of which type the given filename is, avoid using this if possible """
if filename.startswith("files" + os.sep + "digest-"):
return None
if filename.startswith("files" + os.sep):
return "AUX"
elif filename.endswith(".ebuild"):
return "EBUILD"
elif filename in ["ChangeLog", "metadata.xml"]:
return "MISC"
return "DIST"
def parseManifest2(mysplit):
myentry = None
if len(mysplit) > 4 and mysplit[0] in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
mytype = mysplit[0]
myname = mysplit[1]
mysize = int(mysplit[2])
myhashes = dict(zip(mysplit[3::2], mysplit[4::2]))
myhashes["size"] = mysize
myentry = Manifest2Entry(type=mytype, name=myname, hashes=myhashes)
return myentry
def parseManifest1(mysplit):
myentry = None
if len(mysplit) == 4 and mysplit[0] in ["size"] + portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
myname = mysplit[2]
mytype = None
mytype = guessManifestFileType(myname)
if mytype == "AUX":
if myname.startswith("files" + os.path.sep):
myname = myname[6:]
mysize = int(mysplit[3])
myhashes = {mysplit[0]: mysplit[1]}
myhashes["size"] = mysize
myentry = Manifest1Entry(type=mytype, name=myname, hashes=myhashes)
return myentry
class ManifestEntry(object):
__slots__ = ("type", "name", "hashes")
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for k, v in kwargs.iteritems():
setattr(self, k, v)
def __cmp__(self, other):
if str(self) == str(other):
return 0
return 1
class Manifest1Entry(ManifestEntry):
def __str__(self):
myhashkeys = self.hashes.keys()
for hashkey in myhashkeys:
if hashkey != "size":
hashvalue = self.hashes[hashkey]
myname =
if self.type == "AUX" and not myname.startswith("files" + os.sep):
myname = os.path.join("files", myname)
return " ".join([hashkey, str(hashvalue), myname, str(self.hashes["size"])])
class Manifest2Entry(ManifestEntry):
def __str__(self):
myline = " ".join([self.type,, str(self.hashes["size"])])
myhashkeys = self.hashes.keys()
for h in myhashkeys:
myline += " " + h + " " + str(self.hashes[h])
return myline
class Manifest(object):
parsers = (parseManifest2, parseManifest1)
def __init__(self, pkgdir, distdir, fetchlist_dict=None,
manifest1_compat=True, from_scratch=False):
""" create new Manifest instance for package in pkgdir
and add compability entries for old portage versions if manifest1_compat == True.
Do not parse Manifest file if from_scratch == True (only for internal use)
The fetchlist_dict parameter is required only for generation of
a Manifest (not needed for parsing and checking sums)."""
self.pkgdir = pkgdir.rstrip(os.sep) + os.sep
self.fhashdict = {}
self.hashes = portage_const.MANIFEST2_HASH_FUNCTIONS[:]
if manifest1_compat:
self.hashes = sets.Set(self.hashes)
for t in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
self.fhashdict[t] = {}
if not from_scratch:
self.compat = manifest1_compat
self.fetchlist_dict = fetchlist_dict
self.distdir = distdir
self.guessType = guessManifestFileType
def getFullname(self):
""" Returns the absolute path to the Manifest file for this instance """
return os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "Manifest")
def getDigests(self):
""" Compability function for old digest/manifest code, returns dict of filename:{hashfunction:hashvalue} """
rval = {}
for t in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
return rval
def getTypeDigests(self, ftype):
""" Similar to getDigests(), but restricted to files of the given type. """
return self.fhashdict[ftype]
def _readDigests(self, myhashdict=None):
""" Parse old style digest files for this Manifest instance """
if myhashdict is None:
myhashdict = {}
for d in os.listdir(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files")):
if d.startswith("digest-"):
self._readManifest(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files", d), mytype="DIST",
except (IOError, OSError), e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
return myhashdict
def _readManifest(self, file_path, myhashdict=None, **kwargs):
"""Parse a manifest or an old style digest. If myhashdict is given
then data will be added too it. Otherwise, a new dict will be created
and returned."""
fd = open(file_path, "r")
if myhashdict is None:
myhashdict = {}
self._parseDigests(fd, myhashdict=myhashdict, **kwargs)
return myhashdict
except (OSError, IOError), e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
raise FileNotFound(file_path)
def _read(self):
""" Parse Manifest file for this instance """
self._readManifest(self.getFullname(), myhashdict=self.fhashdict)
except FileNotFound:
def _parseManifestLines(self, mylines):
"""Parse manifest lines and return a list of manifest entries."""
for myline in mylines:
myentry = None
mysplit = myline.split()
for parser in self.parsers:
myentry = parser(mysplit)
if myentry is not None:
yield myentry
break # go to the next line
def _parseDigests(self, mylines, myhashdict=None, mytype=None):
"""Parse manifest entries and store the data in myhashdict. If mytype
is specified, it will override the type for all parsed entries."""
if myhashdict is None:
myhashdict = {}
for myentry in self._parseManifestLines(mylines):
if mytype is None:
myentry_type = myentry.type
myentry_type = mytype
myhashdict.setdefault(myentry_type, {})
myhashdict[myentry_type].setdefault(, {})
return myhashdict
def _writeDigests(self, force=False):
""" Create old style digest files for this Manifest instance """
cpvlist = [os.path.join(self._pkgdir_category(), x[:-7]) for x in os.listdir(self.pkgdir) if x.endswith(".ebuild")]
rval = []
os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files"))
except OSError, oe:
if oe.errno == errno.EEXIST:
for cpv in cpvlist:
dname = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files", "digest-%s" % self._catsplit(cpv)[1])
distlist = self._getCpvDistfiles(cpv)
have_all_checksums = True
for f in distlist:
if f not in self.fhashdict["DIST"] or len(self.fhashdict["DIST"][f]) == 0:
have_all_checksums = False
if not have_all_checksums:
# We don't have all the required checksums to generate a proper
# digest, so we have to skip this cpv.
update_digest = True
if not force:
f = open(dname, "r")
old_data = self._parseDigests(f)
if len(old_data) == 1 and "DIST" in old_data:
new_data = self._getDigestData(distlist)
for myfile in new_data["DIST"]:
for hashname in new_data["DIST"][myfile].keys():
if hashname != "size" and \
hashname not in portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
del new_data["DIST"][myfile][hashname]
if new_data["DIST"] == old_data["DIST"]:
update_digest = False
except (IOError, OSError), e:
if errno.ENOENT == e.errno:
if update_digest:
"\n".join(self._createDigestLines1(distlist, self.fhashdict))+"\n")
return rval
def _getDigestData(self, distlist):
"""create a hash dict for a specific list of files"""
myhashdict = {}
for myname in distlist:
for mytype in self.fhashdict:
if myname in self.fhashdict[mytype]:
myhashdict.setdefault(mytype, {})
myhashdict[mytype].setdefault(myname, {})
return myhashdict
def _createDigestLines1(self, distlist, myhashdict):
""" Create an old style digest file."""
mylines = []
myfiles = myhashdict["DIST"].keys()
for f in myfiles:
if f in distlist:
myhashkeys = myhashdict["DIST"][f].keys()
for h in myhashkeys:
if h not in portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
myline = " ".join([h, str(myhashdict["DIST"][f][h]), f, str(myhashdict["DIST"][f]["size"])])
return mylines
def _addDigestsToManifest(self, digests, fd):
""" Add entries for old style digest files to Manifest file """
mylines = []
for dname in digests:
myhashes = perform_multiple_checksums(dname, portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS+["size"])
for h in myhashes:
mylines.append((" ".join([h, str(myhashes[h]), os.path.join("files", os.path.basename(dname)), str(myhashes["size"])])))
def _createManifestEntries(self):
mytypes = self.fhashdict.keys()
for t in mytypes:
myfiles = self.fhashdict[t].keys()
for f in myfiles:
myentry = Manifest2Entry(
type=t, name=f, hashes=self.fhashdict[t][f].copy())
myhashkeys = myentry.hashes.keys()
for h in myhashkeys:
if h not in ["size"] + portage_const.MANIFEST2_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
del myentry.hashes[h]
yield myentry
if self.compat and t != "DIST":
mysize = self.fhashdict[t][f]["size"]
myhashes = self.fhashdict[t][f]
for h in myhashkeys:
if h not in portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
yield Manifest1Entry(
type=t, name=f, hashes={"size":mysize, h:myhashes[h]})
if self.compat:
cvp_list = self.fetchlist_dict.keys()
for cpv in cvp_list:
digest_path = os.path.join("files", "digest-%s" % self._catsplit(cpv)[1])
dname = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, digest_path)
myhashes = perform_multiple_checksums(dname, portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS+["size"])
myhashkeys = myhashes.keys()
for h in myhashkeys:
if h in portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS:
yield Manifest1Entry(type="AUX", name=digest_path,
hashes={"size":myhashes["size"], h:myhashes[h]})
except FileNotFound:
def write(self, sign=False, force=False):
""" Write Manifest instance to disk, optionally signing it """
if self.compat:
myentries = list(self._createManifestEntries())
update_manifest = True
if not force:
f = open(self.getFullname(), "r")
oldentries = list(self._parseManifestLines(f))
if len(oldentries) == len(myentries):
update_manifest = False
for i in xrange(len(oldentries)):
if oldentries[i] != myentries[i]:
update_manifest = True
except (IOError, OSError), e:
if e.errno == errno.ENOENT:
if update_manifest:
fd = open(self.getFullname(), "w")
for myentry in myentries:
fd.write("%s\n" % str(myentry))
if sign:
except (IOError, OSError), e:
if e.errno == errno.EACCES:
raise PermissionDenied(str(e))
def sign(self):
""" Sign the Manifest """
raise NotImplementedError()
def validateSignature(self):
""" Validate signature on Manifest """
raise NotImplementedError()
def addFile(self, ftype, fname, hashdict=None):
""" Add entry to Manifest optionally using hashdict to avoid recalculation of hashes """
if not os.path.exists(self.pkgdir+fname):
raise FileNotFound(fname)
if not ftype in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
raise InvalidDataType(ftype)
self.fhashdict[ftype][fname] = {}
if hashdict != None:
if not portage_const.MANIFEST2_REQUIRED_HASH in self.fhashdict[ftype][fname]:
self.updateFileHashes(ftype, fname)
def removeFile(self, ftype, fname):
""" Remove given entry from Manifest """
del self.fhashdict[ftype][fname]
def hasFile(self, ftype, fname):
""" Return wether the Manifest contains an entry for the given type,filename pair """
return (fname in self.fhashdict[ftype])
def findFile(self, fname):
""" Return entrytype of the given file if present in Manifest or None if not present """
for t in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
if fname in self.fhashdict[t]:
return t
return None
def create(self, checkExisting=False, assumeDistHashesSometimes=False,
assumeDistHashesAlways=False, requiredDistfiles=None):
""" Recreate this Manifest from scratch. This will not use any
existing checksums unless assumeDistHashesSometimes or
assumeDistHashesAlways is true (assumeDistHashesSometimes will only
cause DIST checksums to be reused if the file doesn't exist in
DISTDIR). The requiredDistfiles parameter specifies a list of
distfiles to raise a FileNotFound exception for (if no file or existing
checksums are available), and defaults to all distfiles when not
if checkExisting:
if assumeDistHashesSometimes or assumeDistHashesAlways:
distfilehashes = self.fhashdict["DIST"]
distfilehashes = {}
self.__init__(self.pkgdir, self.distdir,
fetchlist_dict=self.fetchlist_dict, from_scratch=True)
for pkgdir, pkgdir_dirs, pkgdir_files in os.walk(self.pkgdir):
for f in pkgdir_files:
if f.endswith(".ebuild"):
mytype = "EBUILD"
elif manifest2MiscfileFilter(f):
mytype = "MISC"
self.fhashdict[mytype][f] = perform_multiple_checksums(self.pkgdir+f, self.hashes)
recursive_files = []
cut_len = len(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files") + os.sep)
for parentdir, dirs, files in os.walk(os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files")):
for f in files:
full_path = os.path.join(parentdir, f)
for f in recursive_files:
if not manifest2AuxfileFilter(f):
self.fhashdict["AUX"][f] = perform_multiple_checksums(
os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files", f.lstrip(os.sep)), self.hashes)
cpvlist = [os.path.join(self._pkgdir_category(), x[:-7]) for x in os.listdir(self.pkgdir) if x.endswith(".ebuild")]
distlist = set()
for cpv in cpvlist:
if requiredDistfiles is None or len(requiredDistfiles) == 0:
# repoman passes in an empty list, which implies that all distfiles
# are required.
requiredDistfiles = distlist.copy()
for f in distlist:
fname = os.path.join(self.distdir, f)
if f in distfilehashes and (assumeDistHashesAlways or \
(assumeDistHashesSometimes and not os.path.exists(fname))):
self.fhashdict["DIST"][f] = distfilehashes[f]
self.fhashdict["DIST"][f] = perform_multiple_checksums(fname, self.hashes)
except FileNotFound:
if f in requiredDistfiles:
def _pkgdir_category(self):
return self.pkgdir.rstrip(os.sep).split(os.sep)[-2]
def _getAbsname(self, ftype, fname):
if ftype == "DIST":
absname = os.path.join(self.distdir, fname)
elif ftype == "AUX":
absname = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, "files", fname)
absname = os.path.join(self.pkgdir, fname)
return absname
def checkAllHashes(self, ignoreMissingFiles=False):
for t in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
self.checkTypeHashes(t, ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
def checkTypeHashes(self, idtype, ignoreMissingFiles=False):
for f in self.fhashdict[idtype]:
self.checkFileHashes(idtype, f, ignoreMissing=ignoreMissingFiles)
def checkFileHashes(self, ftype, fname, ignoreMissing=False):
myhashes = self.fhashdict[ftype][fname]
ok,reason = verify_all(self._getAbsname(ftype, fname), self.fhashdict[ftype][fname])
if not ok:
raise DigestException(tuple([self._getAbsname(ftype, fname)]+list(reason)))
return ok, reason
except FileNotFound, e:
if not ignoreMissing:
return False, "File Not Found: '%s'" % str(e)
def checkCpvHashes(self, cpv, checkDistfiles=True, onlyDistfiles=False, checkMiscfiles=False):
""" check the hashes for all files associated to the given cpv, include all
AUX files and optionally all MISC files. """
if not onlyDistfiles:
self.checkTypeHashes("AUX", ignoreMissingFiles=False)
if checkMiscfiles:
self.checkTypeHashes("MISC", ignoreMissingFiles=False)
ebuildname = "%s.ebuild" % self._catsplit(cpv)[1]
self.checkFileHashes("EBUILD", ebuildname, ignoreMissing=False)
if checkDistfiles:
if onlyDistfiles:
for f in self._getCpvDistfiles(cpv):
self.checkFileHashes("DIST", f, ignoreMissing=False)
def _getCpvDistfiles(self, cpv):
""" Get a list of all DIST files associated to the given cpv """
return self.fetchlist_dict[cpv]
def getDistfilesSize(self, fetchlist):
total_bytes = 0
for f in fetchlist:
total_bytes += int(self.fhashdict["DIST"][f]["size"])
return total_bytes
def updateFileHashes(self, ftype, fname, checkExisting=True, ignoreMissing=True, reuseExisting=False):
""" Regenerate hashes for the given file """
if checkExisting:
self.checkFileHashes(ftype, fname, ignoreMissing=ignoreMissing)
if not ignoreMissing and not self.fhashdict[ftype].has_key(fname):
raise FileNotInManifestException(fname)
if not self.fhashdict[ftype].has_key(fname):
self.fhashdict[ftype][fname] = {}
myhashkeys = list(self.hashes)
if reuseExisting:
for k in [h for h in self.fhashdict[ftype][fname] if h in myhashkeys]:
myhashes = perform_multiple_checksums(self._getAbsname(ftype, fname), myhashkeys)
def updateTypeHashes(self, idtype, checkExisting=False, ignoreMissingFiles=True):
""" Regenerate all hashes for all files of the given type """
for fname in self.fhashdict[idtype]:
self.updateFileHashes(idtype, fname, checkExisting)
def updateAllHashes(self, checkExisting=False, ignoreMissingFiles=True):
""" Regenerate all hashes for all files in this Manifest. """
for ftype in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS:
self.updateTypeHashes(idtype, fname, checkExisting)
def updateCpvHashes(self, cpv, ignoreMissingFiles=True):
""" Regenerate all hashes associated to the given cpv (includes all AUX and MISC
self.updateTypeHashes("AUX", ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
self.updateTypeHashes("MISC", ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
ebuildname = "%s.ebuild" % self._catsplit(cpv)[1]
self.updateFileHashes("EBUILD", ebuildname, ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
for f in self._getCpvDistfiles(cpv):
self.updateFileHashes("DIST", f, ignoreMissingFiles=ignoreMissingFiles)
def updateHashesGuessType(self, fname, *args, **kwargs):
""" Regenerate hashes for the given file (guesses the type and then
calls updateFileHashes)."""
mytype = self.guessType(fname)
if mytype == "AUX":
fname = fname[len("files" + os.sep):]
elif mytype is None:
myrealtype = self.findFile(fname)
if myrealtype is not None:
mytype = myrealtype
return self.updateFileHashes(mytype, fname, *args, **kwargs)
def getFileData(self, ftype, fname, key):
""" Return the value of a specific (type,filename,key) triple, mainly useful
to get the size for distfiles."""
return self.fhashdict[ftype][fname][key]
def getVersions(self):
""" Returns a list of manifest versions present in the manifest file. """
rVal = []
mfname = self.getFullname()
if not os.path.exists(mfname):
return rVal
myfile = open(mfname, "r")
lines = myfile.readlines()
for l in lines:
mysplit = l.split()
if len(mysplit) == 4 and mysplit[0] in portage_const.MANIFEST1_HASH_FUNCTIONS and not 1 in rVal:
elif len(mysplit) > 4 and mysplit[0] in portage_const.MANIFEST2_IDENTIFIERS and ((len(mysplit) - 3) % 2) == 0 and not 2 in rVal:
return rVal
def _catsplit(self, pkg_key):
"""Split a category and package, returning a list of [cat, pkg].
This is compatible with portage.catsplit()"""
return pkg_key.split("/", 1)