blob: baed68989fc43f589b469568ea63c5fc65dd3bf3 [file] [log] [blame]
Module loading and run list generator
import logging
import os
import yaml
import portage
from portage.module import InvalidModuleName, Modules
from portage.util import stack_lists
from repoman import _not_installed
from repoman.config import ConfigError
MODULES_PATH = os.path.dirname(__file__)
# initial development debug info
logging.debug("module path: %s", MODULES_PATH)
class ModuleConfig(object):
'''Holds the scan modules configuration information and
creates the ordered list of modulles to run'''
def __init__(self, configpaths, valid_versions=None, repository_modules=False):
'''Module init
@param configpaths: ordered list of filepaths to load
if repository_modules:
self.configpaths = [os.path.join(path, 'repository.yaml') for path in configpaths]
elif _not_installed:
self.configpaths = [os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(
os.path.dirname(__file__)))))), 'repoman/cnf/repository/repository.yaml'))]
self.configpaths = [os.path.join(portage.const.EPREFIX or '/',
logging.debug("ModuleConfig; configpaths: %s", self.configpaths)
self.controller = Modules(path=MODULES_PATH, namepath="repoman.modules.scan")
logging.debug("ModuleConfig; module_names: %s", self.controller.module_names)
self._configs = None
self.enabled = []
self.pkgs_loop = []
self.ebuilds_loop = []
self.final_loop = []
self.modules_forced = ['ebuild', 'mtime']
for loop in ['pkgs', 'ebuilds', 'final']:
logging.debug("ModuleConfig; Processing loop %s", loop)
setattr(self, '%s_loop' % loop, self._determine_list(loop))
self.linechecks = stack_lists(c['linechecks_modules'].split() for c in self._configs)
def load_configs(self, configpaths=None, valid_versions=None):
'''load the config files in order
@param configpaths: ordered list of filepaths to load
if configpaths:
self.configpaths = configpaths
elif not self.configpaths:
logging.error("ModuleConfig; Error: No repository.yaml files defined")
configs = []
for path in self.configpaths:
logging.debug("ModuleConfig; Processing: %s", path)
if os.path.exists(path):
with open(path, 'r') as inputfile:
except IOError as error:
logging,error("Failed to load file: %s", inputfile)
if configs[-1]['version'] not in valid_versions:
raise ConfigError("Invalid file version: %s in: %s\nPlease upgrade repoman" % (configs['version'], path))
logging.debug("ModuleConfig; completed : %s", path)
logging.debug("ModuleConfig; new _configs: %s", configs)
self._configs = configs
def _determine_list(self, loop):
'''Determine the ordered list from the config data and
the moule_runsIn value in the module_spec
@returns: list of modules
lists = [c['scan_modules'].split() for c in self._configs]
stacked = self.modules_forced + stack_lists(lists)
mlist = []
for mod in stacked:
logging.debug("ModuleConfig; checking loop %s, module: %s, in: %s",
loop, mod, self.controller.get_spec(mod, 'module_runsIn'))
if loop in self.controller.get_spec(mod, 'module_runsIn'):
except InvalidModuleName:
logging.error("ModuleConfig; unknown module: %s, skipping", mod)
logging.debug("ModuleConfig; mlist: %s", mlist)
return mlist