blob: be74c2fb798d89e287f93924d6117e2c21cdbf6b [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 1999-2013 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
from _emerge.SpawnProcess import SpawnProcess
import portage
import signal
import subprocess
class BinpkgExtractorAsync(SpawnProcess):
__slots__ = ("features", "image_dir", "pkg", "pkg_path")
_shell_binary = portage.const.BASH_BINARY
def _start(self):
tar_options = ""
if "xattr" in self.features:
process = subprocess.Popen(["tar", "--help"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
output = process.communicate()[0]
if b"--xattrs" in output:
tar_options = "--xattrs"
# Add -q to bzip2 opts, in order to avoid "trailing garbage after
# EOF ignored" warning messages due to xpak trailer.
# SIGPIPE handling (128 + SIGPIPE) should be compatible with
# assert_sigpipe_ok() that's used by the ebuild unpack() helper.
self.args = [self._shell_binary, "-c",
("${PORTAGE_BUNZIP2_COMMAND:-${PORTAGE_BZIP2_COMMAND} -d} -cq -- %s | tar -xp %s -C %s -f - ; " + \
"p=(${PIPESTATUS[@]}) ; " + \
"if [[ ${p[0]} != 0 && ${p[0]} != %d ]] ; then " % (128 + signal.SIGPIPE) + \
"echo bzip2 failed with status ${p[0]} ; exit ${p[0]} ; fi ; " + \
"if [ ${p[1]} != 0 ] ; then " + \
"echo tar failed with status ${p[1]} ; exit ${p[1]} ; fi ; " + \
"exit 0 ;") % \