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.TH "PORTAGE" "5" "Feb 2014" "Portage VERSION" "Portage"
portage \- the heart of Gentoo
The current portage code uses many different configuration files, most of which
are unknown to users and normal developers. Here we will try to collect all
the odds and ends so as to help users more effectively utilize portage. This
is a reference only for files which do not already have a man page.
All files in the make.profile directory may be tweaked via parent profiles
when using cascading profiles. For more info, please see
.IP Note:
If you are looking for information on how to emerge something, please see
.BR emerge (1).
\fB/etc/portage/make.profile/\fR or \fB/etc/make.profile/\fR
site\-specific overrides go in \fB/etc/portage/profile/\fR
.BR /etc/portage/
.BR make.conf (5)
.BR /etc/portage/env/
package-specific bashrc files
.BR /etc/portage/profile/
site-specific overrides of \fB/etc/portage/make.profile/\fR
.BR /etc/portage/sets/
user\-defined package sets
.BR /usr/portage/metadata/
.BR /usr/portage/profiles/
.BR /usr/share/portage/config/
.BR /var/cache/edb/
misc internal cache files
.BR /var/db/pkg/
database to track installed packages
.BR /var/lib/portage/
In the following sections, some terminology may be foreign to you or used
with meaning specific to Portage. Please see the referenced manpages for
more detailed explanations.
.B DEPEND atom
An atom is either of the form category/package or consists of an operator
followed by category/package followed by a hyphen and a version specification.
An atom might be suffixed by a slot specification.
More reading:
.BR ebuild (5)
.B Extended Atom Syntax
The following atom syntax extensions are only supported in user
configuration files and command line arguments for programs such as
.B Repository Constraints
Atoms with repository constraints have a '::' separator appended to the
right side, followed by a repository name. Each repository name should
correspond to the value of a \fBrepo_name\fR entry from one of the
repositories that is configured in \fBrepos.conf\fR file.
.I Examples:
# match sed from the 'gentoo' repository
# match kdelibs from the 'kde\-testing' repository
# match empathy from the 'gnome' repository
.B Wildcard Patterns
Atoms containing wildcard patterns are of the form category/package, where
the special '*' wildcard character substitutes for an arbitrary number
of normal characters. More than one '*' character is allowed, but not two
next to each other.
.I Examples:
# match anything with a version containing 9999, which can be used in
# package.mask to prevent emerge --autounmask from selecting live ebuilds
# match anything with a version containing _beta
# match anything from the 'sys\-apps' category
# match packages named 'zlib' from any category
# match any package from a category that begins with 'net\-'
# match any package name from any category
# match any package from the 'gentoo' repository
Each architecture has a unique KEYWORD.
More reading:
.BR ebuild (5)
.B virtual
A DEPEND atom that is part of the "virtual" category. They are used
when different packages can satisfy a dependency and only one of them is
More reading:
.BR ebuild (5)
\fB/etc/portage/make.profile/\fR or \fB/etc/make.profile/\fR
This is usually just a symlink to the correct profile in
\fB/usr/portage/profiles/\fR. Since it is part of the portage tree, it
may easily be updated/regenerated by running `emerge \-\-sync`. It defines
what a profile is (usually arch specific stuff). If you need a custom
profile, then you should make your own \fBmake.profile\fR
directory and populate it. However, if you just wish to override some
settings, use \fB/etc/portage/profile/\fR (it supports all of the same file
types that \fBmake.profile\fR does, except parent). Do NOT edit the
settings in \fBmake.profile\fR because they WILL be lost with the next
`emerge \-\-sync`. If both \fB/etc/portage/make.profile/\fR and
\fB/etc/make.profile/\fR exist, then \fB/etc/portage/make.profile/\fR
will be preferred.
Any file in this directory, directories of other profiles or top-level
"profiles" directory that begins with "package." or "use." can be more than
just a flat file. If it is a directory, then all the files in that directory
will be sorted in ascending alphabetical order by file name and summed together
as if it were a single file. Note that this behavior is only supported since
portage-, and it is not included in PMS at this time.
.I Example:
.BR deprecated
The existence of this file marks a profile as deprecated, meaning it is
not supported by Gentoo anymore. The first line must be the profile to which
users are encouraged to upgrade, optionally followed by some instructions
explaining how they can upgrade.
.I Example:
# emerge -n '>=sys-apps/portage-2.0.51'
# rm -f /etc/portage/make.profile
# ln -s /usr/portage/profiles/default-linux/alpha/2005.0 \
.BR eapi
The first line of this file specifies the \fBEAPI\fR to which files in the
same directory conform. See \fBebuild\fR(5) for information about \fBEAPI\fR
and related features. Beginning with \fBEAPI 5\fR, new USE
configuration files are supported: use.stable.mask,
use.stable.force, package.use.stable.mask and
package.use.stable.force. These files behave similarly to
previously supported USE configuration files, except that they
only influence packages that are merged due to a stable keyword.
.BR make.defaults
The profile default settings for Portage. The general format is described
in \fBmake.conf\fR(5). The \fImake.defaults\fR for your profile defines a
few specific variables too:
.PD 0
Architecture type (x86/ppc/hppa/etc...).
\fBIUSE_IMPLICIT\fR = \fI[space delimited list of USE flags]\fR
Defines implicit \fBIUSE\fR for ebuilds using \fBEAPI 5\fR or
later. Flags that come from \fBUSE_EXPAND\fR or
\fBUSE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED\fR variables do not belong in
\fBIUSE_IMPLICIT\fR, since \fBUSE_EXPAND_VALUES_*\fR variables
are used to define implicit \fBIUSE\fR for those flags. See
\fBebuild\fR(5) for more information about \fBIUSE\fR.
Support BSD/cygwin/etc...
\fBUSE_EXPAND\fR = \fI[space delimited list of variable names]\fR
Any variable listed here will be used to augment USE by inserting a new flag
for every value in that variable, so USE_EXPAND="FOO" and FOO="bar bla" results
in USE="foo_bar foo_bla".
\fBUSE_EXPAND_HIDDEN\fR = \fI[space delimited list of variable names]\fR
Names of \fBUSE_EXPAND\fR variables that should not be shown in the verbose
merge list output of the \fBemerge\fR(1) command.
\fBUSE_EXPAND_IMPLICIT\fR = \fI[space delimited list of variable names]\fR
variables for which the corresponding USE flags may have
implicit \fBIUSE\fR for ebuilds using \fBEAPI 5\fR or later.
\fBUSE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED\fR = \fI[space delimited list of variable names]\fR
Any variable listed here will be used to augment USE by
inserting a new flag for every value in that variable, so
USE_EXPAND_UNPREFIXED="FOO" and FOO="bar bla" results in
USE="bar bla".
\fBUSE_EXPAND_VALUES_ARCH\fR = \fI[space delimited list of ARCH values]\fR
Defines ARCH values used to generate implicit
\fBIUSE\fR for ebuilds using \fBEAPI 5\fR or later.
\fBUSE_EXPAND_VALUES_ELIBC\fR = \fI[space delimited list of ELIBC values]\fR
Defines ELIBC values used to generate implicit
\fBIUSE\fR for ebuilds using \fBEAPI 5\fR or later.
\fBUSE_EXPAND_VALUES_KERNEL\fR = \fI[space delimited list of KERNEL values]\fR
Defines KERNEL values used to generate implicit
\fBIUSE\fR for ebuilds using \fBEAPI 5\fR or later.
\fBUSE_EXPAND_VALUES_USERLAND\fR = \fI[space delimited list of USERLAND \
Defines USERLAND values used to generate implicit
\fBIUSE\fR for ebuilds using \fBEAPI 5\fR or later.
.B ELIBC = \fI"glibc"\fR
Support uClibc/BSD libc/etc...
Prevent critical variables from being changed by the user in make.conf
or the env.
Distinguish machines classes that have the same \fBARCH\fR. All sparc
machines have ARCH=sparc but set this to either 'sparc32' or 'sparc64'.
Special USE flags which may be needed when bootstrapping from stage1 to stage2.
.PD 1
.BR packages
Provides the list of packages that compose the special \fIsystem\fR set.
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one DEPEND atom per line
\- packages to be added to the system set begin with a *
\- atoms without * only appear for legacy reasons
.I Note:
In a cascading profile setup, you can remove packages in children
profiles which were added by parent profiles by prefixing the atom with
a '\-'.
.I Example:
# i am a comment !
# pull in a version of glibc less than 2.3
# pull in any version of bash
# pull in a version of readline earlier than 4.2
A list of packages (one per line) that make up a stage1 tarball. Really only
useful for stage builders.
.BR package.bashrc
Per-package bashrc mechanism. Contains a list of bashrc files to be sourced
before emerging a given atom. The bashrc files must be stored in bashrc/, in
the profile directory.
.I Note:
\- The bashrc files will be sourced after profile.bashrc for the same profile.
\- profile-formats in metadata/layout.conf must contain profile-bashrcs for this
to be enabled.
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments).
\- one atom per line with space-delimited list of bashrc files.
.I Example:
# By setting INSTALL_MASK in bashrc/nostandardconf.conf, we can avoid installing
# the standard configuration and enable another package to install it.
net-misc/dhcp nostardardconf.conf
.BR package.provided
A list of packages (one per line) that portage should assume have been
provided. Useful for porting to non-Linux systems. Basically, it's a
list that replaces the \fBemerge \-\-inject\fR syntax.
For example, if you manage your own copy of a 2.6 kernel, then you can
tell portage that 'sys-kernel/development-sources-2.6.7' is already taken
care of and it should get off your back about it.
Portage will not attempt to update a package that is listed here unless
another package explicitly requires a version that is newer than what
has been listed. Dependencies that are satisfied by package.provided
entries may cause installed packages satisfying equivalent dependencies
to be removed by \fBemerge\fR(1) \fB\-\-depclean\fR actions (see the
\fBACTIONS\fR section of the \fBemerge\fR(1) man page for more information).
Virtual packages (virtual/*) should not be specified in package.provided,
since virtual packages themselves do not provide any files, and
package.provided is intended to represent packages that do provide files.
Depending on the type of virtual, it may be necessary to add an entry to the
virtuals file and/or add a package that satisfies a virtual to
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one DEPEND atom per line
\- relational operators are not allowed
\- must include a version
.I Example:
# you take care of the kernel
# you installed your own special copy of QT
# you have modular X but packages want monolithic
\fBpackage.use.force\fR and \fBpackage.use.stable.force\fR
Per\-package USE flag forcing.
.I Note:
In a cascading profile setup, you can remove USE flags in children
profiles which were added by parent profiles by prefixing the flag with
a '\-'.
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one DEPEND atom per line with space-delimited USE flags
.I Example:
# force docs for GTK 2.x
=x11\-libs/gtk+\-2* doc
# unforce mysql support for QT
x11\-libs/qt \-mysql
\fBpackage.use.mask\fR and \fBpackage.use.stable.mask\fR
Per\-package USE flag masks.
.I Note:
In a cascading profile setup, you can remove USE flags in children
profiles which were added by parent profiles by prefixing the flag with
a '\-'.
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one DEPEND atom per line with space-delimited USE flags
.I Example:
# mask docs for GTK 2.x
=x11\-libs/gtk+\-2* doc
# unmask mysql support for QT
x11\-libs/qt \-mysql
.BR parent
This contains paths to the parent profiles (one per line). They may be either
relative (to the location of the profile) or absolute. Most commonly this file
contains '..' to indicate the directory above. Utilized only in cascading
When multiple parent profiles are specified, they are inherited in order from
the first line to the last.
If \fBlayout.conf\fR is new enough, you can also use the <repo>:<path>
syntax. The <repo> is the same string as is stored in the \fBrepo_name\fR
file (or omitted to refer to the current repo), and <path> is a subdir starting
at profiles/.
.BR profile.bashrc
If needed, this file can be used to set up a special environment for ebuilds,
different from the standard root environment. The syntax is the same as for
any other bash script.
\fBuse.force\fR and \fBuse.stable.force\fR
Some USE flags don't make sense to disable under certain conditions. Here we
list forced flags.
.I Note:
In a cascading profile setup, you can remove USE flags in children
profiles which were added by parent profiles by prefixing the flag with
a '\-'.
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one USE flag per line
\fBuse.mask\fR and \fBuse.stable.mask\fR
Some USE flags don't make sense on some archs (for example altivec on
non\-ppc or mmx on non\-x86), or haven't yet been tested. Here we list
the masked ones.
.I Note:
In a cascading profile setup, you can remove USE flags in children
profiles which were added by parent profiles by prefixing the flag with
a '\-'.
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one USE flag per line
.I Example:
# mask doc
# unmask mysql
.BR virtuals
The virtuals file controls default preferences for virtuals that
are defined via the \fBPROVIDE\fR ebuild variable (see
\fBebuild\fR(5)). Since Gentoo now uses \fBGLEP 37\fR virtuals
instead of \fBPROVIDE\fR virtuals, the virtuals file is
irrelevant for all Gentoo ebuilds. However, it is still possible
for third\-parties to distribute ebuilds that make use of
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one virtual and DEPEND atom base pair per line
.I Example:
# use net\-mail/ssmtp as the default mta
virtual/mta net\-mail/ssmtp
# use app\-dicts/aspell\-en as the default dictionary
virtual/aspell\-dict app\-dicts/aspell\-en
.BR /etc/portage/
Any file in this directory that begins with "package." or is repos.conf can be
more than just a flat file. If it is a directory, then all the files in that
directory will be sorted in ascending alphabetical order by file name and summed
together as if it were a single file.
.I Example:
.BR bashrc
If needed, this file can be used to set up a special environment for ebuilds,
different from the standard root environment. The syntax is the same as for
any other bash script.
Additional package-specific bashrc files can be created in /etc/portage/env.
.BR categories
A simple list of valid categories that may be used in repositories and PKGDIR
(see \fBmake.conf\fR(5)). This allows for custom categories to be created.
.I Format:
\- one category per line
.I Example:
Contains variables customizing colors. See \\fR(5).
.BR make.conf
The global custom settings for Portage. See \fBmake.conf\fR(5).
.BR mirrors
Whenever portage encounters a mirror:// style URI it will look up the actual
hosts here. If the mirror set is not found here, it will check the global
mirrors file at /usr/portage/profiles/thirdpartymirrors. You may also set a
special mirror type called "local". This list of mirrors will be checked
before GENTOO_MIRRORS and will be used even if the package has
RESTRICT="mirror" or RESTRICT="fetch".
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- mirror type followed by a list of hosts
.I Example:
# local private mirrors used only by my company
# people in japan would want to use the japanese mirror first
# people in tawain would want to use the local gnu mirror first
.BR modules
This file can be used to override the metadata cache implementation. In
practice, portdbapi.auxdbmodule is the only variable that the user will want to
.I Example:
portdbapi.auxdbmodule = portage.cache.sqlite.database
After changing the portdbapi.auxdbmodule setting, it may be necessary to
transfer or regenerate metadata cache. Users of the rsync tree need to
run `emerge \-\-metadata` if they have enabled FEATURES="metadata-transfer"
in \fBmake.conf\fR(5). In order to regenerate metadata for repositories
not distributing pregenerated metadata cache, run `emerge \-\-regen`
(see \fBemerge\fR(1)). If you use something like the sqlite module and want
to keep all metadata in that format alone (useful for querying), enable
FEATURES="metadata-transfer" in \fBmake.conf\fR(5).
\fBpackage.accept_keywords\fR and \fBpackage.keywords\fR
Per\-package ACCEPT_KEYWORDS. Useful for mixing unstable packages in with a
normally stable system or vice versa. This will allow ACCEPT_KEYWORDS to be
augmented for a single package. If both \fBpackage.accept_keywords\fR and
\fBpackage.keywords\fR are present, both of them will be used, and values
from \fBpackage.accept_keywords\fR will override values from
\fBpackage.keywords\fR. The \fBpackage.accept_keywords\fR file is
intended to replace the \fBpackage.keywords\fR file, since
profiles support a different form of \fBpackage.keywords\fR which
modifies effective KEYWORDS (rather than ACCEPT_KEYWORDS).
.I Format:
\- comment lines begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one DEPEND atom per line followed by additional KEYWORDS
\- lines without any KEYWORDS imply unstable host arch
.I Example:
# always use unstable libgd
media\-libs/libgd ~x86
# only use stable mplayer
media\-video/mplayer \-~x86
# always use unstable netcat
.I Note:
In addition to the normal values from ACCEPT_KEYWORDS package.keywords supports
three special tokens:
\fB*\fR package is visible if it is stable on any architecture
\fB~*\fR package is visible if it is in testing on any architecture
\fB**\fR package is always visible (KEYWORDS are ignored completely)
.I Additional Note:
If you encounter the \fB-*\fR KEYWORD, this indicates that the package is known
to be broken on all systems which are not otherwise listed in KEYWORDS. For
example, a binary only package which is built for x86 will look like:
games-fps/quake3-demo-1.11.ebuild:KEYWORDS="-* x86"
If you wish to accept this package anyways, then use one of the other keywords
in your package.accept_keywords like this:
games-fps/quake3-demo x86
.BR package.accept_restrict
This will allow ACCEPT_RESTRICT (see \fBmake.conf\fR(5)) to be augmented for a
single package.
.I Format:
\- comment lines begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one DEPEND atom per line followed by additional RESTRICT tokens
.BR package.env
Per\-package environment variable settings. Entries refer to
environment files that are placed in the \fB/etc/portage/env/\fR
directory and have the same format as \fBmake.conf\fR(5). Note that these
files are interpreted much earlier than the package\-specific \fIbashrc\fR
files which are described in a later section about \fB/etc/portage/env/\fR.
Beginners should be careful to recognize the difference between these two types
of files. When environment variable settings are all that's needed,
\fBpackage.env\fR is the recommended approach to use.
.I Format:
\- comment lines begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one DEPEND atom per line followed by name(s) of environment file(s)
.I Example:
# use environment variables from /etc/portage/env/glibc.conf for the glibc \
sys\-libs/glibc glibc.conf
.BR package.license
This will allow ACCEPT_LICENSE (see \fBmake.conf\fR(5)) to be augmented for a
single package.
.I Format:
\- comment lines begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one DEPEND atom per line followed by additional licenses or groups
.BR package.mask
A list of package atoms to mask. Useful if specific versions of packages do
not work well for you. For example, you swear by the Nvidia drivers, but only
versions earlier than 1.0.4496. No problem!
.I Format:
\- comment lines begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one DEPEND atom per line
.I Example:
# mask out versions 1.0.4496 of the nvidia
# drivers and later
This will allow ACCEPT_PROPERTIES (see \fBmake.conf\fR(5)) to be augmented for
a single package.
.I Format:
\- comment lines begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one DEPEND atom per line followed by additional properties
.BR package.unmask
Just like package.mask above, except here you list packages you want to
unmask. Useful for overriding the global package.mask file (see
above). Note that this does not override packages that are masked via
.BR package.use
Per\-package USE flags. Useful for tracking local USE flags or for
enabling USE flags for certain packages only. Perhaps you develop GTK
and thus you want documentation for it, but you don't want
documentation for QT. Easy as pie my friend!
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one DEPEND atom per line with space-delimited USE flags
.I Example:
# turn on docs for GTK 2.x
=x11\-libs/gtk+\-2* doc
# disable mysql support for QT
x11\-libs/qt \-mysql
.BR repos.conf
Specifies \fIsite\-specific\fR repository configuration information.
Configuration specified in \fBrepos.conf\fR can be overriden by \fBPORTAGE_REPOSITORIES\fR
environmental variable, which has the same format as \fBrepos.conf\fR.
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- configuration of each repository is specified in a section starting with \
\- attributes are specified in "${attribute} = ${value}" format
.I Attributes supported in DEFAULT section:
.B main\-repo
Specifies main repository.
.B eclass\-overrides
Makes all repositories inherit eclasses from specified repositories.
Setting this attribute is generally not recommended since resulting changes
in eclass inheritance may trigger performance issues due to invalidation
of metadata cache.
When 'force = eclass\-overrides' attribute is not set, \fBegencache\fR(1),
\fBemirrordist\fR(1) and \fBrepoman\fR(1) ignore this attribute,
since operations performed by these tools are inherently
\fBnot\fR \fIsite\-specific\fR.
.B force
Specifies names of attributes, which should be forcefully respected by
\fBegencache\fR(1), \fBemirrordist\fR(1) and \fBrepoman\fR(1).
Valid values: aliases, eclass\-overrides, masters
.I Attributes supported in sections of repositories:
.B aliases
Specifies aliases of given repository.
Setting this attribute is generally not recommended since resulting changes
in eclass inheritance may trigger performance issues due to invalidation
of metadata cache.
When 'force = aliases' attribute is not set, \fBegencache\fR(1),
\fBemirrordist\fR(1) and \fBrepoman\fR(1) ignore this attribute,
since operations performed by these tools are inherently
\fBnot\fR \fIsite\-specific\fR.
.B eclass\-overrides
Makes given repository inherit eclasses from specified repositories.
Setting this attribute is generally not recommended since resulting changes
in eclass inheritance may trigger performance issues due to invalidation
of metadata cache.
When 'force = eclass\-overrides' attribute is not set, \fBegencache\fR(1),
\fBemirrordist\fR(1) and \fBrepoman\fR(1) ignore this attribute,
since operations performed by these tools are inherently
\fBnot\fR \fIsite\-specific\fR.
.B force
Specifies names of attributes, which should be forcefully respected by
\fBegencache\fR(1), \fBemirrordist\fR(1) and \fBrepoman\fR(1).
Valid values: aliases, eclass\-overrides, masters
.B location
Specifies location of given repository.
.B masters
Specifies master repositories of given repository.
Setting this attribute is generally not recommended since resulting changes
in eclass inheritance may trigger performance issues due to invalidation
of metadata cache.
When 'force = masters' attribute is not set, \fBegencache\fR(1),
\fBemirrordist\fR(1) and \fBrepoman\fR(1) ignore this attribute,
since operations performed by these tools are inherently
\fBnot\fR \fIsite\-specific\fR.
.B priority
Specifies priority of given repository.
.B sync\-cvs\-repo
Specifies CVS repository.
.B sync\-type
Specifies type of synchronization performed by `emerge \-\-sync`.
Valid non\-empty values: cvs, git, rsync
This attribute can be set to empty value to disable synchronization of given
repository. Empty value is default.
.B sync\-uri
Specifies URI of repository used for synchronization performed by `emerge
This attribute can be set to empty value to disable synchronization of given
repository. Empty value is default.
cvs: [cvs://]:access_method:[username@]hostname[:port]:/path
git: (git|git+ssh|http|https)://[username@]hostname[:port]/path
rsync: (rsync|ssh)://[username@]hostname[:port]/(module|path)
Note: For the ssh:// scheme, key\-based authentication might be of interest.
.I Example:
# make gentoo the main repository, which makes it the default master
# repository for repositories that do not specify masters
main\-repo = gentoo
# make all repositories inherit eclasses from the java\-overlay and
# java\-experimental repositories, with eclasses from java\-experimental
# taking precedence over those from java\-overlay
eclass\-overrides = java\-overlay java\-experimental
# repos with higher priorities are preferred when ebuilds with equal versions
# are found in multiple repos (see the `emerge \-\-info \-\-verbose` repo
# display for a listing of repos and their corresponding priorities).
priority = 9999
# disable all eclass overrides for ebuilds from the gentoo repository
eclass\-overrides =
# when processing metadata/layout.conf from other repositories, substitute
# 'gentoo' in place of references to repositories named 'foo' and 'bar',
# and discard the 'baz' alias contained in gentoo's layout.conf
aliases = foo bar -baz
# override the metadata/layout.conf masters setting from the kde-testing repo
masters = gentoo kde
# override the metadata/layout.conf masters setting from the python repo,
# so that settings won't be inherited from those masters, and so that
# those master repos won't be required as dependencies (the user must
# ensure that any required dependencies such as eclasses are satisfied)
masters =
# Repository 'gentoo' synchronized using CVS
location = /usr/portage
sync\-type = cvs
sync\-uri =
sync\-cvs\-repo = gentoo\-x86
.BR /etc/portage/env/
In this directory additional package\-specific bashrc files can be created.
Note that if package\-specific environment variable settings are all that's
needed, then \fB/etc/portage/package.env\fR should be used instead of the
bashrc approach that is described here. Also note that special variables
such as \fBFEATURES\fR and \fBINSTALL_MASK\fR will not produce the intended
results if they are set in bashrc, and therefore
\fB/etc/portage/package.env\fR should be used instead. Lastly, note that these
files are interpreted much later than the portage environment file
Portage will source all of these bashrc files after \fB/etc/portage/bashrc\fR
in the following order:
.nr step 1 1
.IP \n[step]. 3
.IP \n+[step].
.IP \n+[step].
.IP \n+[step].
.BR /etc/portage/sets/
For each file in this directory, a package set is created with its name
corresponding to the name of the file. Each file should contain a list
of package atoms and nested package sets, one per line. When a package
set is referenced as an \fBemerge\fR(1) argument or when it is
referenced as a nested package set (inside of another package set), the
set name is prefixed with \fB@\fR.
Also see \fB/var/lib/portage/world_sets\fR and the \fBemerge\fR(1)
\fB\-\-list\-sets\fR option.
.BR /usr/portage/metadata/
.BR layout.conf
Specifies information about the repository layout.
\fISite-specific\fR overrides to \fBlayout.conf\fR settings may be specified in
Settings in \fBrepos.conf\fR take precedence over settings in
\fBlayout.conf\fR, except tools such as \fBrepoman\fR(1) and \fBegencache\fR(1)
ignore "aliases", "eclass-overrides" and "masters" attributes set in
\fBrepos.conf\fR since their operations are inherently \fBnot\fR
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- attributes are specified in "${attribute} = ${value}" format
.I Supported attributes.
.BR aliases
Behaves like an "aliases" attribute in \fBrepos.conf\fR.
.BR eapis\-banned
List of EAPIs which are not allowed in this repo.
.BR eapis\-deprecated
List of EAPIs which are allowed but generate warnings when used.
.BR masters
Names of repositories which satisfy dependencies on eclasses and from which
settings specified in various repository\-level files (\fBpackage.mask\fR,
\fBpackage.use.mask\fR, \fBuse.mask\fR etc.) are inherited. Each repository
name should correspond to the value of a \fBrepo_name\fR entry from one of
the repositories that is configured in \fBrepos.conf\fR file. Repositories
listed toward the right of the \fBmasters\fR list take precedence over those
listed toward the left of the list.
.BR repo\-name " = <value of profiles/repo_name>"
The name of this repository (overrides profiles/repo_name if it exists).
.BR sign\-commits " = [true|" false "]"
Boolean value whether we should sign commits in this repo.
.BR sign\-manifests " = [" true "|false]"
Boolean value whether we should sign Manifest files in this repo.
.BR thin\-manifests " = [true|" false "]"
Boolean value whether Manifest files contain only DIST entries.
.BR use\-manifests " = [" strict "|true|false]"
How Manifest files get used. Possible values are "strict" (require an entry
for every file), "true" (if an entry exists for a file, enforce it), or "false"
(don't check Manifest files at all).
.BR manifest\-hashes
List of hashes to generate/check in Manifest files. Valid hashes depend on the
current version of portage; see the portage.const.MANIFEST2_HASH_FUNCTIONS
constant for the current list.
.BR update\-changelog " = [true|" false "]"
The default setting for repoman's --echangelog option.
.BR cache\-formats " = [pms] [md5-dict]"
The cache formats supported in the metadata tree. There is the old "pms" format
and the newer/faster "md5-dict" format. Default is to detect dirs.
.BR profile\-formats " = [pms|portage-1|portage-2|profile-bashrcs]"
Control functionality available to profiles in this repo such as which files
may be dirs, or the syntax available in parent files. Use "portage-2" if you're
unsure. The default is "portage-1-compat" mode which is meant to be compatible
with old profiles, but is not allowed to be opted into directly.
Setting profile-bashrcs will enable the per-profile bashrc mechanism
.I Example:
# Specify the repository name (overriding profils/repo_name).
repo\-name = foo-overlay
# eclasses provided by java-overlay take precedence over identically named
# eclasses that are provided by gentoo
masters = gentoo java-overlay
# indicate that this repo can be used as a substitute for foo-overlay
aliases = foo-overlay
# indicate that ebuilds with the specified EAPIs are banned
eapis\-banned = 0 1
# indicate that ebuilds with the specified EAPIs are deprecated
eapis\-deprecated = 2 3
# sign commits in this repo, which requires Git >=1.7.9, and
# key configured by `git config user.signingkey key_id`
sign\-commits = true
# do not sign Manifest files in this repo
sign\-manifests = false
# Manifest files only contain DIST entries
thin\-manifests = true
# indicate that this repo requires manifests for each package, and is
# considered a failure if a manifest file is missing/incorrect
use\-manifests = strict
# customize the set of hashes generated for Manifest entries
manifest\-hashes = SHA256 SHA512 WHIRLPOOL
# indicate that this repo enables repoman's --echangelog=y option automatically
update\-changelog = true
# indicate that this repo contains both md5-dict and pms cache formats,
# which may be generated by egencache(1)
cache\-formats = md5-dict pms
# indicate that this repo contains profiles that may use directories for
# package.mask, package.provided, package.use, package.use.force,
# package.use.mask, package.use.stable.force, package.use.stable.mask,
# use.force, use.mask, use.stable.force, and use.stable.mask.
# profile\-formats = portage-1
# indicate that paths such as 'gentoo:targets/desktop' or ':targets/desktop' in
# profile parent files can be used to express paths relative to the root
# 'profiles' directory of a repository (when the repo name is omitted before
# the colon, it refers to the current repository the parent file is inside)
profile\-formats = portage-2
.BR /usr/portage/profiles/
Global Gentoo settings that are controlled by the developers. To override
these settings, you can use the files in \fB/etc/portage/\fR.
.BR arch.list
A list of all valid KEYWORDS. This does not include modifiers.
.I Format:
\- one KEYWORD per line
.I Example:
.BR categories
A simple list of valid categories that may be used in repositories and PKGDIR
(see \fBmake.conf\fR(5)).
.I Format:
\- one category per line
.I Example:
.BR info_pkgs
A list of all the packages which will be displayed when you run `emerge info`.
.BR info_vars
A list of all the variables which will be displayed when you run `emerge info`.
.BR license_groups
This contains groups of licenses that may be specifed in the
\fBACCEPT_LICENSE\fR variable (see \fBmake.conf\fR(5)). Refer
to GLEP 23 for further information:
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one group name, followed by list of licenses and nested groups
\- nested groups are prefixed with the '@' symbol
.I Example:
# The FSF-APPROVED group includes the entire GPL-COMPATIBLE group and more.
# The GPL-COMPATIBLE group includes all licenses compatible with the GNU GPL.
.BR package.accept_keywords
Per\-package ACCEPT_KEYWORDS for profiles. This has the same format and
behavior as /etc/portage/package.accept_keywords, including the ability
to list atoms without any keywords in order to accept unstable variants
of all stable keywords listed in ACCEPT_KEYWORDS.
.BR package.keywords
Per\-profile KEYWORDS. Useful for cases in which the effective KEYWORDS of a
given package should vary depending on which profile the user has selected.
.I Format:
\- comment lines begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one DEPEND atom per line followed by additional KEYWORDS
.I Example:
# add stable keyword to libgd
media\-libs/libgd x86
# remove stable keyword from mplayer and add unstable keyword
media\-video/mplayer \-x86 ~x86
# remove all keywords from netcat
net-analyzer/netcat -*
.BR package.mask
This contains a list of DEPEND atoms for packages that should not be installed
in any profile. Useful for adding the latest KDE betas and making sure no
one accidentally upgrades to them. Also useful for quickly masking specific
versions due to security issues. ALWAYS include a comment explaining WHY the
package has been masked and WHO is doing the masking.
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one DEPEND atom per line
.I Example:
# masked for security reasons
# <> (10 Sep 2003)
# new kde betas
.BR profiles.desc
List all the current stable and development profiles. If a profile is listed
here, then it will be checked by repoman.
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- one profile list per line in format: arch dir status
\- arch must be listed in arch.list
\- dir is relative to profiles.desc
\- status must be 'stable', 'dev', or 'exp'
.I Example:
alpha default/linux/alpha/10.0 stable
m68k default/linux/m68k/10.0 dev
x86 default/linux/x86/10.0 stable
x86-linux prefix/linux/x86 exp
.BR repo_name
The first line of the file should define a unique repository name. The name
may contain any of the characters [A\-Za\-z0\-9_\-]. It must not begin with a
hyphen. If the repo\-name attribute is specified in layout.conf, then that
setting will take precedence.
.BR thirdpartymirrors
Controls the mapping of mirror:// style URIs to actual lists of
mirrors. Keeps us from overloading a single server.
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- mirror type followed by a list of hosts
.I Example:
sourceforge \
gentoo \
.BR use.desc
All global USE flags must be listed here with a description of what they do.
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- use flag \- some description
.I Example:
3dfx \- Adds support for 3dfx video cards
acl \- Adds support for Access Control Lists
doc \- Adds extra documentation
.BR use.local.desc
All local USE flags are listed here along with the package and a
description. This file is automatically generated from the
metadata.xml files that are included with each individual package.
Refer to GLEP 56 for further information:
.I Format:
\- comments begin with # (no inline comments)
\- package:use flag \- description
.I Example:
app\-editors/nano:justify \- Toggles the justify option
dev\-libs/DirectFB:fusion \- Adds Multi Application support
games\-emulation/xmess:net \- Adds network support
.BR /usr/share/portage/config/
.BR make.globals
The global default settings for Portage. This comes from the portage package
itself. Settings in \fBmake.conf\fR or \fBpackage.env\fR override values set
here. The format is described extensively in \fBmake.conf\fR(5).
.BR repos.conf
The default configuration of repositories for Portage. This comes from
the portage package itself. Settings in \fB/etc/portage/repos.conf\fR
override values set here. The format is described extensively in section
for \fB/etc/portage/repos.conf\fR.
.BR /var/cache/edb/
This directory is used to store internal portage cache files. The names and
purpose of these files are not documented on purpose so as to keep down bitrot
as internals change. If you aren't working on portage internally, then the
details most likely do not matter to you.
This entire directory can be safely deleted. It is highly recommended you do
not do this however as it can be a time consuming process to generate them all
.BR /var/db/pkg/
All installed package information is recorded here. If portage thinks you have
a package installed, it is usually because it is listed here.
The format follows somewhat closely that of the portage tree. There is a
directory for each category and a package-version subdirectory for each package
you have installed.
Inside each package directory are misc files that describe the installed
contents of the package as well as build time information (so that the package
can be unmerged without needing the portage tree).
The exact file contents and format are not described here again so that things
can be changed quickly. Generally though there is one file per environment
variable that "matters" (like CFLAGS) with the contents stored inside of it.
Another common file is the CONTENTS file which lists the path and hashes of
all objects that the package installed onto your system.
.BR /var/lib/portage/
.BR config
Hashes which are used to determine whether files in config protected
directories have been modified since being installed. Files which have not
been modified will automatically be unmerged.
.BR world
Every time you emerge a package, the package that you requested is
recorded here. Then when you run `emerge world \-up`, the list of
packages is read from this file. Note that this does not mean that the
packages that were installed as dependencies are listed here. For
example, if you run `emerge mod_wsgi` and you do not have apache
already, then "www\-apache/mod_wsgi" is recorded in the world file but
"www\-servers/apache" is not. For more information, review \fBemerge\fR(1).
.I Format:
\- one DEPEND atom base per line
.I Example:
.BR world_sets
This is like the world file but instead of package atoms it contains
packages sets which always begin with the \fB@\fR character. Use
\fB/etc/portage/sets/\fR to define user package sets.
.I Example:
Please report bugs via
Marius Mauch <>
Mike Frysinger <>
Drake Wyrm <>
Arfrever Frehtes Taifersar Arahesis <>
.BR emerge (1),
.BR ebuild (1),
.BR ebuild (5),
.BR make.conf (5),
.BR (5)