blob: 61bb6912661cfca1e297efe3257bfd9b99a17b4f [file] [log] [blame]
# -- Portage Config
# Copyright 2007 Gentoo Foundation
# Distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License v2
# $Id$
import os
class LoaderError(Exception):
def __init__(self, resource, error_msg):
@param resource: Resource that failed to load (file/sql/etc)
@type resource: String
@param error_msg: Error from underlying Loader system
@type error_msg: String
self.resource = resource
self.error_msg = error_msg
def __str__(self):
return "Failed while loading resource: %s, error was: %s" % (
self.resource, self.error_msg)
def RecursiveFileLoader(filename):
If filename is of type file, return a generate that yields filename
else if filename is of type directory, return a generator that fields
files in that directory.
Ignore files beginning with . or ending in ~.
Prune CVS directories.
@param filename: name of a file/directory to traverse
@rtype: list
@returns: List of files to process
if not os.path.exists(filename):
elif os.path.isdir(filename):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(filename):
if 'CVS' in dirs:
files = [f for f in files if not f.startswith('.') and not f.endswith('~')]
for f in files:
yield os.path.join(root, f)
yield filename
class DataLoader(object):
def __init__(self, validator):
f = validator
if f is None:
# if they pass in no validator, just make a fake one
# that always returns true
def validate(key):
return True
f = validate
self._validate = f
def load(self):
Function to do the actual work of a Loader
raise NotImplementedError("Please override in a subclass")
class EnvLoader(DataLoader):
""" Class to access data in the environment """
def __init__(self, validator):
DataLoader.__init__(self, validator)
def load(self):
return os.environ
class TestTextLoader(DataLoader):
""" You give it some data, it 'loads' it for you, no filesystem access
def __init__(self, validator):
DataLoader.__init__(self, validator) = {}
self.errors = {}
def setData(self, text):
"""Explicitly set the data field
text - a dict of data typical of Loaders
if isinstance(text, dict): = text
raise ValueError("setData requires a dict argument")
def setErrors(self, errors):
self.errors = errors
def load(self):
return (, self.errors)
class FileLoader(DataLoader):
""" Class to access data in files """
def __init__(self, filename, validator):
filename : Name of file or directory to open
validator : class with validate() method to validate data.
DataLoader.__init__(self, validator)
self.fname = filename
def load(self):
Return the {source: {key: value}} pairs from a file
Return the {source: [list of errors] from a load
@param recursive: If set and self.fname is a directory;
load all files in self.fname
@type: Boolean
@rtype: tuple
Returns (data,errors), both may be empty dicts or populated.
data = {}
errors = {}
# I tried to save a nasty lookup on lineparser by doing the lookup
# once, which may be expensive due to digging in child classes.
func = self.lineParser
for fn in RecursiveFileLoader(self.fname):
f = open(fn, 'rb')
for line_num, line in enumerate(f):
func(line, line_num, data, errors)
return (data, errors)
def lineParser(self, line, line_num, data, errors):
""" This function parses 1 line at a time
line: a string representing 1 line of a file
line_num: an integer representing what line we are processing
data: a dict that contains the data we have extracted from the file
errors: a dict representing parse errors.
Nothing (None). Writes to data and errors
raise NotImplementedError("Please over-ride this in a child class")
class ItemFileLoader(FileLoader):
Class to load data from a file full of items one per line
>>> item1
>>> item2
>>> item3
>>> item1
becomes { 'item1':None, 'item2':None, 'item3':None }
Note that due to the data store being a dict, duplicates
are removed.
def __init__(self, filename, validator):
FileLoader.__init__(self, filename, validator)
def lineParser(self, line, line_num, data, errors):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('#'): # Skip commented lines
if not len(line): # skip empty lines
split = line.split()
if not len(split):
errors.setdefault(self.fname, []).append(
"Malformed data at line: %s, data: %s"
% (line_num + 1, line))
key = split[0]
if not self._validate(key):
errors.setdefault(self.fname, []).append(
"Validation failed at line: %s, data %s"
% (line_num + 1, key))
data[key] = None
class KeyListFileLoader(FileLoader):
Class to load data from a file full of key [list] tuples
>>>>key foo1 foo2 foo3
def __init__(self, filename, validator=None, valuevalidator=None):
FileLoader.__init__(self, filename, validator)
f = valuevalidator
if f is None:
# if they pass in no validator, just make a fake one
# that always returns true
def validate(key):
return True
f = validate
self._valueValidate = f
def lineParser(self, line, line_num, data, errors):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('#'): # Skip commented lines
if not len(line): # skip empty lines
split = line.split()
if len(split) < 1:
errors.setdefault(self.fname, []).append(
"Malformed data at line: %s, data: %s"
% (line_num + 1, line))
key = split[0]
value = split[1:]
if not self._validate(key):
errors.setdefault(self.fname, []).append(
"Key validation failed at line: %s, data %s"
% (line_num + 1, key))
if not self._valueValidate(value):
errors.setdefault(self.fname, []).append(
"Value validation failed at line: %s, data %s"
% (line_num + 1, value))
if key in data:
data[key] = value
class KeyValuePairFileLoader(FileLoader):
Class to load data from a file full of key=value pairs
def __init__(self, filename, validator, valuevalidator=None):
FileLoader.__init__(self, filename, validator)
f = valuevalidator
if f is None:
# if they pass in no validator, just make a fake one
# that always returns true
def validate(key):
return True
f = validate
self._valueValidate = f
def lineParser(self, line, line_num, data, errors):
line = line.strip()
if line.startswith('#'): # skip commented lines
if not len(line): # skip empty lines
split = line.split('=')
if len(split) < 2:
errors.setdefault(self.fname, []).append(
"Malformed data at line: %s, data %s"
% (line_num + 1, line))
key = split[0]
value = split[1:]
if not key:
errors.setdefault(self.fname, []).append(
"Malformed key at line: %s, key %s"
% (line_num + 1, key))
if not self._validate(key):
errors.setdefault(self.fname, []).append(
"Key validation failed at line: %s, data %s"
% (line_num + 1, key))
if not self._valueValidate(value):
errors.setdefault(self.fname, []).append(
"Value validation failed at line: %s, data %s"
% (line_num + 1, value))
if key in data:
data[key] = value