nyan*: Clear VDDIO_SDMMC3 to reset SD card reader.

When across warm reset, if VDD_3V3_SD_CARD gets power-cycled but VDDIO_SDMMC3
does not, we will get ~1.5V leakage on VDD. To fix that, we reset VDDIO_SDMMC3
to 0 along with VDD_3V3_SD_CARD in Coreboot.  Payloads must turn on VDDIO_SDMMC3
explicitly before accessing SD card.

Note the warnings of "VDD_SDMMC must set early" in comment seems only happens on
U-Boot and can be removed.

TEST=Ctrl-U to boot from SD card, login and type "reboot", then Ctrl-U to boot
     again. Without this patch, system will fail in loading kernel.

Change-Id: I7f85995317d18587d514ea3afcff3bfea0a33e93
Signed-off-by: Hung-Te Lin <hungte@chromium.org>
Reviewed-on: https://chromium-review.googlesource.com/196961
Reviewed-by: Gabe Black <gabeblack@chromium.org>
Tested-by: Andrew Bresticker <abrestic@chromium.org>
3 files changed