| ;============================================================================ |
| ;## SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-only |
| ;============================================================================ |
| ; Name: |
| ; debug_cb_trogdor.cmm |
| ; |
| ; Description: |
| ; Debug coreboot trogdor front-end |
| ;============================================================================ |
| |
| ;============================================================================ |
| ; CMM script variables |
| ;============================================================================ |
| |
| LOCAL &TargetPkg |
| |
| GLOBAL &BBEntryAddr // Bootblock Entry |
| GLOBAL &BBExitAddr // Bootblock Exit to Xbl-Sec |
| GLOBAL &VEREntryAddr // Verstage Entry |
| GLOBAL &ROMEntryAddr // Romstage Entry |
| GLOBAL &QCLEntryAddr // QCLstage Entry |
| GLOBAL &RAMEntryAddr // Ramstage Entry |
| GLOBAL &BL31EntryAddr // BL31 Entry |
| GLOBAL &DCEntryAddr // Depthcharge Entry |
| |
| GLOBAL &PreRamConsoleAddr |
| GLOBAL &RamConsoleAddr |
| GLOBAL &PreRamCbfsCache |
| GLOBAL &VBoot2Work |
| GLOBAL &Stack |
| GLOBAL &Ttb |
| GLOBAL &Timestamp |
| GLOBAL &CbmemTop |
| GLOBAL &PostRamCbfsCache |
| |
| GLOBAL &CBTablePtr |
| |
| ;============================================================================ |
| |
| ;--------------------------------------------------- |
| ; Entry point |
| ;--------------------------------------------------- |
| ENTRY &ImageName &RegAddress |
| |
| // Later these can be parameterized |
| &TargetPkg="trogdorPkg" |
| |
| // These settings come from .../src/soc/qualcomm/sc7180/include/soc/memlayout.ld |
| &BBEntryAddr=0x14815000 |
| &VEREntryAddr=0x14680000 |
| &ROMEntryAddr=0x14680000 |
| &QCLEntryAddr=0x1486c950 |
| &RAMEntryAddr=0xA0800000 |
| &BL31EntryAddr=0x80C00000 |
| &DCEntryAddr=0xF1000000 |
| &KernelEntryAddr=0xD0000000 |
| |
| &PreRamConsoleAddr=0x14830800 |
| &VBoot2Work=0x1484B000 |
| &Stack=0x14847000 |
| &Ttb=0x14839000 |
| &Timestamp=0x14838800 |
| &PreRamCbfsCache=0x1481F000 |
| &CbmemTop=0x280000000 |
| &PostRamCbfsCache=0x9F800000 |
| // End of memlayout.ld settings |
| |
| // Common commands irrespective of &Mode |
| PATH |
| &CwDir=os.pwd() |
| PATH + &CwDir |
| |
| // position at top of coreboot tree |
| // find depth count for source loading |
| cd ..\..\..\.. |
| &srcpath=os.pwd() |
| |
| |
| ;--------------------------------------------------- |
| ; Setup area and log |
| ;--------------------------------------------------- |
| area.clear |
| area.reset |
| area.create CB_Logs 1000. 8192. |
| area.select CB_Logs |
| |
| area.view CB_Logs |
| |
| PRINT %String "Source Path: &srcpath" |
| |
| symbol.sourcepath.setbasedir &srcpath\src |
| |
| // Make parsing simple, upper-case parameters |
| &ImageName=STRING.UPR("&ImageName") |
| if (STR.CP("&ImageName","0X*")) |
| ( |
| &RegAddress=&ImageName |
| &ImageName="" |
| ) |
| &RegAddress=STRING.UPR("&RegAddress") |
| |
| PRINT %String "ImageName: &ImageName" |
| PRINT %String "RegAddress: &RegAddress" |
| |
| sys.d |
| sys.up |
| b.d |
| y.reset |
| |
| if (STR.CP("&RegAddress","0X*")) |
| D.S EZAXI:&RegAddress %LE %Long 0x80000000 |
| |
| go &BBEntryAddr |
| wait !run() |
| |
| DO debug_cb_common.cmm &TargetPkg &srcpath &xblsrcpath &ImageName |
| |
| enddo |