blob: 2f11801204cbc8fd04c1e72729a82e37a551a8a5 [file] [log] [blame]
/* $NoKeywords:$ */
* @file
* mm.h
* Common main functions
* @xrefitem bom "File Content Label" "Release Content"
* @e project: AGESA
* @e sub-project: (Mem)
* @e \$Revision: 49794 $ @e \$Date: 2011-03-29 13:59:05 +0800 (Tue, 29 Mar 2011) $
* Copyright (c) 2011, Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
* All rights reserved.
* Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
* modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met:
* * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
* * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
* notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
* documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
* * Neither the name of Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. nor the names of
* its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived
* from this software without specific prior written permission.
* ***************************************************************************
#ifndef _MM_H_
#define _MM_H_
#define GENERATE_MEM_HANDLE(type, x, y, z) (\
AMD_MEM_MISC_HANDLES_START + (((type) << 18) + ((x) << 12) + ((y) << 6) + (z)) \
/// Heap handle for each supported family's NB register table
typedef enum {
NbRegTabDR, ///< Heap handle for DR NB register table
NbRegTabDA, ///< Heap handle for DA NB register table
NbRegTabC32, ///< Heap handle for C32 NB register table
NbRegTabHY, ///< Heap handle for HY NB register table
NbRegTabKR, ///< Heap handle for KR NB register table
NbRegTabLN, ///< Heap handle for LN NB register table
NbRegTabON, ///< Heap handle for ON NB register table
NbRegTabOR, ///< Heap handle for OR NB register table
NbRegTabTN, ///< Heap handle for TN NB register table
NumberOfNbRegTables ///< Number of families that have NB register tables
#define VOLT1_5_ENCODED_VAL 0
#define VOLT1_35_ENCODED_VAL 1
#define VOLT1_25_ENCODED_VAL 2
(VddIo == VOLT1_5) ? VOLT1_5_ENCODED_VAL : ((VddIo == VOLT1_35) ? VOLT1_35_ENCODED_VAL : ((VddIo == VOLT1_25) ? VOLT1_25_ENCODED_VAL : 0xFF)) \
#define CONVERT_ENCODED_TO_VDDIO(EncodedVal) (\
(EncodedVal == VOLT1_5_ENCODED_VAL) ? VOLT1_5 : ((EncodedVal == VOLT1_35_ENCODED_VAL) ? VOLT1_35 : ((EncodedVal == VOLT1_25_ENCODED_VAL) ? VOLT1_25 : VOLT_UNSUPPORTED)) \
/// Bit field names used in memory initialization
typedef enum {
BFDevVendorIDReg, ///< Bit field DevVendorIDReg
BFNodeID, ///< Bit field NodeID
BFNodeCnt, ///< Bit field NodeCnt
BFDramBaseReg0, ///< Bit field DramBaseReg0
BFDramBaseReg1, ///< Bit field DramBaseReg1
BFDramBaseReg2, ///< Bit field DramBaseReg2
BFDramBaseReg3, ///< Bit field DramBaseReg3
BFDramBaseReg4, ///< Bit field DramBaseReg4
BFDramBaseReg5, ///< Bit field DramBaseReg5
BFDramBaseReg6, ///< Bit field DramBaseReg6
BFDramBaseReg7, ///< Bit field DramBaseReg7
BFDramLimitReg0, ///< Bit field DramLimitReg0
BFDramLimitReg1, ///< Bit field DramLimitReg1
BFDramLimitReg2, ///< Bit field DramLimitReg2
BFDramLimitReg3, ///< Bit field DramLimitReg3
BFDramLimitReg4, ///< Bit field DramLimitReg4
BFDramLimitReg5, ///< Bit field DramLimitReg5
BFDramLimitReg6, ///< Bit field DramLimitReg6
BFDramLimitReg7, ///< Bit field DramLimitReg7
BFDramBaseHiReg0, ///< Bit field DramBaseHiReg0
BFDramBaseHiReg1, ///< Bit field DramBaseHiReg1
BFDramBaseHiReg2, ///< Bit field DramBaseHiReg2
BFDramBaseHiReg3, ///< Bit field DramBaseHiReg3
BFDramBaseHiReg4, ///< Bit field DramBaseHiReg4
BFDramBaseHiReg5, ///< Bit field DramBaseHiReg5
BFDramBaseHiReg6, ///< Bit field DramBaseHiReg6
BFDramBaseHiReg7, ///< Bit field DramBaseHiReg7
BFDramLimitHiReg0, ///< Bit field DramLimitHiReg0
BFDramLimitHiReg1, ///< Bit field DramLimitHiReg1
BFDramLimitHiReg2, ///< Bit field DramLimitHiReg2
BFDramLimitHiReg3, ///< Bit field DramLimitHiReg3
BFDramLimitHiReg4, ///< Bit field DramLimitHiReg4
BFDramLimitHiReg5, ///< Bit field DramLimitHiReg5
BFDramLimitHiReg6, ///< Bit field DramLimitHiReg6
BFDramLimitHiReg7, ///< Bit field DramLimitHiReg7
BFDramHoleAddrReg, ///< Bit field DramHoleAddrReg
BFCSBaseAddr0Reg, ///< Bit field CSBaseAddr0Reg
BFCSBaseAddr1Reg, ///< Bit field CSBaseAddr1Reg
BFCSBaseAddr2Reg, ///< Bit field CSBaseAddr2Reg
BFCSBaseAddr3Reg, ///< Bit field CSBaseAddr3Reg
BFCSBaseAddr4Reg, ///< Bit field CSBaseAddr4Reg
BFCSBaseAddr5Reg, ///< Bit field CSBaseAddr5Reg
BFCSBaseAddr6Reg, ///< Bit field CSBaseAddr6Reg
BFCSBaseAddr7Reg, ///< Bit field CSBaseAddr7Reg
BFCSMask0Reg, ///< Bit field CSMask0Reg
BFCSMask1Reg, ///< Bit field CSMask1Reg
BFCSMask2Reg, ///< Bit field CSMask2Reg
BFCSMask3Reg, ///< Bit field CSMask3Reg
BFRankDef0, ///< Bit field RankDef 0
BFRankDef1, ///< Bit field RankDef 1
BFRankDef2, ///< Bit field RankDef 2
BFRankDef3, ///< Bit field RankDef 3
BFDramControlReg, ///< Bit field DramControlReg
BFDramInitRegReg, ///< Bit field DramInitRegReg
BFDramBankAddrReg, ///< Bit field DramBankAddrReg
BFDramMRSReg, ///< Bit field DramMRSReg
BFDramTimingLoReg, ///< Bit field DramTimingLoReg
BFDramTimingHiReg, ///< Bit field DramTimingHiReg
BFDramConfigLoReg, ///< Bit field DramConfigLoReg
BFDramConfigHiReg, ///< Bit field DramConfigHiReg
BFDctAddlOffsetReg, ///< Bit field DctAddlOffsetReg
BFDctAddlDataReg, ///< Bit field DctAddlDataReg
BFDctAccessDone, ///< Bit field DctAccessDone
BFDctAccessError, ///< Bit field DctAccessError
BFDctExtraOffsetReg, ///< Bit field DctExtraOffsetReg
BFDctExtraDataReg, ///< Bit field DctExtraDataReg
BFDctExtraAccessDone, ///< Bit field DctExtraAccessDone
BFDramConfigMiscReg, ///< Bit field DramConfigMiscReg
BFDramCtrlMiscReg2, ///< Bit field DramCtrlMiscReg2
BFMctCfgHiReg, ///< Bit field MctCfgHiReg
BFMctCfgLoReg, ///< Bit field MctCfgLoReg
BFExtMctCfgLoReg, ///< Bit field ExtMctCfgLoReg
BFExtMctCfgHiReg, ///< Bit field ExtMctCfgHiReg
BFDramHoleBase, ///< Bit field DramHoleBase
BFDramHoleOffset, ///< Bit field DramHoleOffset
BFDramMemHoistValid, ///< Bit field DramMemHoistValid
BFDramHtHoleValid, ///< Bit field BFDramHtHoleValid - Orochi
BFDramHoleValid, ///< Bit field DramHoleValid
BFDramBaseAddr, ///< Bit field DramBaseAddr
BFDramIntlvSel, ///< Bit field DramIntlvSel
BFDramLimitAddr, ///< Bit field DramLimitAddr
BFDramIntlvEn, ///< Bit field DramIntlvEn
BFMemPsSel, ///< Bit field MemPsSel
BFDctCfgSel, ///< Bit field DctCfgSel
BFMcaNbCtlReg, ///< Bit field McaNbCtlReg
BFDramEccEn, ///< Bit field DramEccEn
BFSyncOnUcEccEn, ///< Bit field SyncOnUcEccEn
BFEccSymbolSize, ///< Bit field EccSymbolSize
BFMcaNbStatusLoReg, ///< Bit field McaNbStatusLoReg
BFMcaNbStatusHiReg, ///< Bit field McaNbStatusHiReg
BFDramScrub, ///< Bit field DramScrub
BFL2Scrub, ///< Bit field L2Scrub
BFDcacheScrub, ///< Bit field DcacheScrub
BFL3Scrub, ///< Bit field L3Scrub
BFScrubReDirEn, ///< Bit field ScrubReDirEn
BFScrubAddrLoReg, ///< Bit field ScrubAddrLoReg
BFScrubAddrHiReg, ///< Bit field ScrubAddrHiReg
BFC1ClkDivisor, ///< Bit field C1ClkDivisor
BFDisDatMsk, ///< Bit field DisDatMsk
BFNbFid, ///< Bit field NbFid
BFMTC1eEn, ///< Bit field MTC1eEn
BFL3Capable, ///< Bit field L3Capable
BFDisableL3, ///< Bit field DisableL3
BFEnhMemProtCap, ///< Bit field EnhMemProtCap
BFNbPsForceReq, ///< Bit field NbPsForceReq
BFNbPsCtrlDis, ///< Bit field NbPsCtrlDis
BFNbPsCap, ///< Bit field NbPsCap
BFNonSPDHi, ///< Bit field NonSPDHi
BFRdPtrInit, ///< Bit field RdPtrInit
BFAltVidC3MemClkTriEn, ///< Bit field AltVidC3MemClkTriEn
BFDqsRcvEnTrain, ///< Bit field DqsRcvEnTrain
BFEarlyArbEn, ///< Bit field EarlyArbEn
BFMaxLatency, ///< Bit field either MaxRdLat or MaxAsyncLat
BFMrsAddress, ///< Bit field MrsAddress
BFMrsBank, ///< Bit field MrsBank
BFMrsChipSel, ///< Bit field MrsChipSel
BFSendPchgAll, ///< Bit field SendPchgAll
BFSendAutoRefresh, ///< Bit field SendAutoRefresh
BFSendMrsCmd, ///< Bit field SendMrsCmd
BFDeassertMemRstX, ///< Bit field DeassertMemRstX
BFAssertCke, ///< Bit field AssertCke
BFSendZQCmd, ///< Bit field SendZQCmd
BFSendCtrlWord, ///< Bit field SendCtrlWord
BFEnDramInit, ///< Bit field EnDramInit
BFMrsLevel, ///< Bit field MrsLevel
BFMrsQoff, ///< Bit field MrsQoff
BFMrsAddressHi, ///< Bit field MrsAddress [17:13]
BFBurstCtrl, ///< Bit field BurstCtrl
BFDrvImpCtrl, ///< Bit field DrvImpCtrl
BFDramTerm_DDR3, ///< Bit field DramTerm_DDR3
BFDramTermDyn, ///< Bit field DramTermDyn
BFQoff, ///< Bit field Qoff
BFASR, ///< Bit field ASR
BFSRT, ///< Bit field SRT
BFTcwl, ///< Bit field Tcwl
BFPchgPDModeSel, ///< Bit field PchgPDModeSel
BFLowPowerDefault, ///< Bit field LowPowerDefault
BFTwrDDR3, ///< Bit field TwrDDR3
BFTcl, ///< Bit field Tcl
BFTrcd, ///< Bit field Trcd
BFTrp, ///< Bit field Trp
BFTrtp, ///< Bit field Trtp
BFTras, ///< Bit field Tras
BFTrc, ///< Bit field Trc
BFTwr, ///< Bit field Twr
BFTrrd, ///< Bit field Trrd
BFMemClkDis, ///< Bit field MemClkDis
BFDramTiming0, ///< Bit field BFDramTiming0
BFDramTiming1, ///< Bit field BFDramTiming1
BFDramTiming2, ///< Bit field BFDramTiming2
BFDramTiming3, ///< Bit field BFDramTiming3
BFDramTiming4, ///< Bit field BFDramTiming4
BFDramTiming5, ///< Bit field BFDramTiming5
BFDramTiming6, ///< Bit field BFDramTiming6
BFDramTiming10, ///< Bit field BFDramTiming10
BFDramNBP0, ///< Bit field BFDramNBP0
BFNonSPD, ///< Bit field NonSPD
BFTrwtWB, ///< Bit field TrwtWB
BFTrwtTO, ///< Bit field TrwtTO
BFTwtr, ///< Bit field Twtr
BFTwrrd, ///< Bit field Twrrd
BFTwrrdHi, ///< Bit field TwrrdHi
BFTwrwr, ///< Bit field Twrwr
BFTwrwrHi, ///< Bit field TwrwrHi
BFTrdrdSD, ///< Bit field TrdrdSD
BFTwrwrSD, ///< Bit field TwrwrSD
BFTwrrdSD, ///< Bit field TwrrdSD
BFTmod, ///< Bit field Tmod
BFTmrd, ///< Bit field Tmrd
BFRdOdtTrnOnDly, ///< Bit field RdOdtTrnOnDly
BFRdOdtOnDuration, ///< Bit field RdOdtOnDuration
BFWrOdtTrnOnDly, ///< Bit field WrOdtTrnOnDly
BFWrOdtOnDuration, ///< Bit field WrOdtOnDuration
BFPrtlChPDDynDly, ///< Bit field PrtlChPDDynDly
BFAggrPDDelay, ///< Bit field AggrPDDelay
BFPchgPDEnDelay, ///< Bit field PchgPDEnDelay
BFTrdrd, ///< Bit field Trdrd
BFTrdrdHi, ///< Bit field TrdrdHi
BFTref, ///< Bit field Tref
BFDisAutoRefresh, ///< Bit field DisAutoRefresh
BFTrfc0, ///< Bit field Trfc0
BFTrfc1, ///< Bit field Trfc1
BFTrfc2, ///< Bit field Trfc2
BFTrfc3, ///< Bit field Trfc3
BFInitDram, ///< Bit field InitDram
BFExitSelfRef, ///< Bit field ExitSelfRef
BFDramTerm, ///< Bit field DramTerm
BFParEn, ///< Bit field ParEn
BFBurstLength32, ///< Bit field BurstLength32
BFWidth128, ///< Bit field Width128
BFX4Dimm, ///< Bit field X4Dimm
BFDimmEccEn, ///< Bit field DimmEccEn
BFUnBuffDimm, ///< Bit field UnBuffDimm
BFEnterSelfRef, ///< Bit field EnterSelfRef
BFDynPageCloseEn, ///< Bit field DynPageCloseEn
BFIdleCycInit, ///< Bit field IdleCycInit
BFFreqChgInProg, ///< Bit field FreqChgInProg
BFForceAutoPchg, ///< Bit field ForceAutoPchg
BFStagRefEn, ///< Bit field StagRefEn
BFPendRefPaybackS3En, ///< Bit field PendRefPaybackS3En
BFEnDispAutoPrecharge, ///< Bit field EnDispAutoPrecharge
BFDisDllShutdownSR, ///< Bit field DisDllShutdownSR
BFDisSscClkGateData, ///< Bit field DisSscClkGateData
BFDisSscClkGateCmdAddr, ///< Bit field DisSscClkGateCmdAddr
BFDisSimulRdWr, ///< Bit field DisSimulRdWr
BFMemClkFreq, ///< Bit field MemClkFreq
BFMemClkFreqVal, ///< Bit field MemClkFreqVal
BFDdr3Mode, ///< Bit field Ddr3Mode
BFLegacyBiosMode, ///< Bit field LegacyBiosMode
BFZqcsInterval, ///< Bit field ZqcsInterval
BFRDqsEn, ///< Bit field RDqsEn
BFDisDramInterface, ///< Bit field DisDramInterface
BFPowerDownEn, ///< Bit field PowerDownEn
BFPowerDownMode, ///< Bit field PowerDownMode
BFFourRankSoDimm, ///< Bit field FourRankSoDimm
BFDcqArbBypassEn, ///< Bit field DcqArbBypassEn
BFFourRankRDimm, ///< Bit field FourRankRDimm
BFSlowAccessMode, ///< Bit field SlowAccessMode
BFBankSwizzleMode, ///< Bit field BankSwizzleMode
BFDcqBypassMax, ///< Bit field DcqBypassMax
BFFourActWindow, ///< Bit field FourActWindow
BFDphyMemPsSelEn, ///< Bit field BFDphyMemPsSelEn
BFODTSEn, ///< Bit field ODTSEn
BFCmdThrottleMode, ///< Bit field CmdThrottleMode
BFBwCapEn, ///< Bit field BwCapEn
BFDdr3FourSocketCh, ///< Bit field Ddr3FourSocketCh
BFSubMemclkRegDly, ///< Bit field SubMemclkRegDly
BFOdtSwizzle, ///< Bit field OdtSwizzle
BFProgOdtEn, ///< Bit field ProgOdtEn
BFCtrlWordCS, ///< Bit field CtrlWordCS
BFRefChCmdMgtDis, ///< Bit field RefChCmdMgtDis
BFFastSelfRefEntryDis, ///< Bit field FastSelfRefEntryDis
BFPrtlChPDEnhEn, ///< Bit field PrtlChPDEnhEn
BFAggrPDEn, ///< Bit field AggrPDEn
BFDataTxFifoWrDly, ///< Bit field DataTxFifoWrDly
BFWrDqDqsEarly, ///< Bit field WrDqDqsEarly
BFCSMux45, ///< Bit field CSMux45
BFCSMux67, ///< Bit field CSMux67
BFLrDimmMrsCtrl, ///< Bit field LrDimmMrsCtrl
BFExtendedParityEn, ///< Bit field ExtendedParityEn
BFLrDimmEnhRefEn, ///< Bit field LrDimmEnhRefEn
BFCSTimingMux67, ///< Bit field CSTimingMux67
BFIntLvRgnSwapEn, ///< Bit field IntLvRgnSwapEn
BFIntLvRgnBaseAddr, ///< Bit field IntLvRgnBaseAddr
BFIntLvRgnLmtAddr, ///< Bit field IntLvRgnLmtAddr
BFIntLvRgnSize, ///< Bit field IntLvRgnSize
BFDctSelHiRngEn, ///< Bit field DctSelHiRngEn
BFDctSelHi, ///< Bit field DctSelHi
BFDctSelIntLvEn, ///< Bit field DctSelIntLvEn
BFMemClrInit, ///< Bit field MemClrInit
BFDctGangEn, ///< Bit field DctGangEn
BFDctDatIntLv, ///< Bit field DctDatIntLv
BFDctSelIntLvAddr, ///< Bit field DctSelIntLvAddr
BFDctSelIntLvAddrHi, ///< Bit field DctSelIntLvAddrHi
BFDramEnabled, ///< Bit field DramEnabled
BFMemClrBusy, ///< Bit field MemClrBusy
BFMemCleared, ///< Bit field MemCleared
BFDctSelBaseAddr, ///< Bit field DctSelBaseAddr
BFDctSelBaseOffset, ///< Bit field DctSelBaseOffset
BFDctSelBankSwap, ///< Bit field DctSelBankSwap
BFAdapPrefMissRatio, ///< Bit field AdapPrefMissRatio
BFAdapPrefPosStep, ///< Bit field AdapPrefPosStep
BFAdapPrefNegStep, ///< Bit field AdapPrefNegStep
BFCohPrefPrbLmt, ///< Bit field CohPrefPrbLmt
BFFlushWrOnS3StpGnt, ///< Bit field FlushWrOnS3StpGnt
BFPrefDramTrainDone, ///< Bit field PrefDramTrainDone
BFWrDramTrainMode, ///< Bit field WrDramTrainMode
BFMctPrefReqLimit, ///< Bit field MctPrefReqLimit
BFPrefDramTrainMode, ///< Bit field PrefDramTrainMode
BFDctWrLimit, ///< Bit field DctWrLimit
BFMctWrLimit, ///< Bit field MctWrLimit
BFDramTrainPdbDis, ///< Bit field DramTrainPdbDis
BFTrainLength, ///< Bit field TrainLength
BFRdTrainGo, ///< Bit field RdTrainGo
BFWrTrainGo, ///< Bit field WrTrainGo
BFWrTrainAdrPtrLo, ///< Bit field WrTrainAdrPtrLo
BFWrTrainAdrPtrHi, ///< Bit field WrTrainAdrPtrHi
BFWrTrainBufAddr, ///< Bit field WrTrainBufAddr
BFWrTrainBufDat, ///< Bit field WrTrainBufDat
BFFlushWr, ///< Bit field FlushWr
BFFlushWrOnStpGnt, ///< Bit field FlushWrOnStpGnt
BFPrefCpuDis, ///< Bit field PrefCpuDis
BFPrefIoDis, ///< Bit field PrefIoDis
BFTrainCmpSts, ///< Bit field TrainCmpSts
BFTrainCmpSts2, ///< Bit field TrainCmpSts2
BFTraceModeEn, ///< Bit field TraceModeEn
BFAddrCmdDrvStren, ///< Bit field AddrCmdDrvStren
BFDataDrvStren, ///< Bit field DataDrvStren
BFCkeDrvStren, ///< Bit field CkeDrvStren
BFCsOdtDrvStren, ///< Bit field CsOdtDrvStren
BFClkDrvStren, ///< Bit field ClkDrvStren
BFDqsDrvStren, ///< Bit field DqsDrvStren
BFProcOdt, ///< Bit field ProcOdt
BFODCControl, ///< Bit field ODCControl
BFAddrTmgControl, ///< Bit field AddrTmgControl
BFAddrCmdFineDelay, ///< Bit field AddrCmdFineDelay
BFWrtLvTrEn, ///< Bit field WrtLvTrEn
BFWrtLvTrMode, ///< Bit field WrtLvTrMode
BFPhyFenceTrEn, ///< Bit field PhyFenceTrEn
BFTrDimmSel, ///< Bit field TrDimmSel
BFTrNibbleSel, ///< Bit field TrNibbleSel
BFFenceTrSel, ///< Bit field FenceTrSel
BFWrLvOdt, ///< Bit field WrLvOdt
BFWrLvOdtEn, ///< Bit field WrLvOdtEn
BFDqsRcvTrEn, ///< Bit field DqsRcvTrEn
BFDisAutoComp, ///< Bit field DisAutoComp
BFWrtLvErr, ///< Bit field WrtLvErr
BFODTAssertionCtl, ///< Bit field ODTAssertionCtl
BFNibbleTrainModeEn, ///< Bit field NibbleTrainModeEn
BFRankTrainModeEn, ///< Bit field RankTrainModeEn
BFPllMult, ///< Bit field PllMult
BFPllDiv, ///< Bit field PllDiv
BFDramPhyCtlReg, ///< Bit field Dram Phy Control Register
BFDramPhyStatusReg, ///< Bit field DramPhyStatusReg
BFD3Cmp2PCal, ///< Bit field D3Cmp2PCal
BFD3Cmp2NCal, ///< Bit field D3Cmp2NCal
BFD3Cmp1PCal, ///< Bit field D3Cmp1PCal
BFD3Cmp1NCal, ///< Bit field D3Cmp1NCal
BFD3Cmp0PCal, ///< Bit field D3Cmp0PCal
BFD3Cmp0NCal, ///< Bit field D3Cmp0NCal
BFPhyFence, ///< Bit field PhyFence
BFODTTri, ///< Bit field ODTTri
BFCKETri, ///< Bit field CKETri
BFChipSelTri, ///< Bit field ChipSelTri
BFPhyRODTCSLow, ///< Bit field PhyRODTCSLow
BFPhyRODTCSHigh, ///< Bit field PhyRODTCSHigh
BFPhyWODTCSLow, ///< Bit field PhyWODTCSLow
BFPhyWODTCSHigh, ///< Bit field PhyWODTCSHigh
BFUSPLLCtlAll, ///< Bit field USPLLCtlAll
BFDSPLLCtlAll, ///< Bit field DSPLLCtlAll
BFUSNibbleAlignEn, ///< Bit field USNibbleAlignEn
BFChnLinitClkEn, ///< Bit field ChnLinitClkEn
BFTSLinkSelect, ///< Bit field TSLinkSelect
BFTS2BitLockEn, ///< Bit field TS2BitLockEn
BFTS2En, ///< Bit field TS2En
BFTS1En, ///< Bit field TS1En
BFTS0LinkStarEn, ///< Bit field TS0LinkStarEn
BFTS0En, ///< Bit field TS0En
BFLinkTrainData, ///< Bit field LinkTrainData
BFRstRxFifoPtrs, ///< Bit field RstRxFifoPtrs
BFRxFifoPtrInit, ///< Bit field RxFifoPtrInit
BFRstTxFifoPtrs, ///< Bit field RstTxFifoPtrs
BFTxFifoPtrInit, ///< Bit field TxFifoPtrInit
BFLpbkCount, ///< Bit field LpbkCount
BFLpbkMap, ///< Bit field LpbkMap
BFSendLpbkMaintCmd, ///< Bit field SendLpbkMaintCmd
BFLpbkData, ///< Bit field LpbkData
BFMbRdPtrEn, ///< Bit field MbRdPtrEn
BFLnkLpBkLat, ///< Bit field LnkLpBkLat
BFLpbkRndTripLatDone, ///< Bit field LpbkRndTripLatDone
BFLnkLatTrainEn, ///< Bit field LnkLatTrainEn
BFDsPhyReset, ///< Bit field DsPhyReset
BFLinkReset, ///< Bit field LinkReset
BFPllLockTime, ///< Bit field PllLockTime
BFPllRegWaitTime, ///< Bit field PllRegWaitTime
BFNclkFreqDone, ///< Bit field NclkFreqDone
BFNbPs0NclkDiv, ///< Bit field NbPs0NclkDiv
BFNbPs1NclkDiv, ///< Bit field NbPs1NclkDiv
BFNbPsCsrAccSel, ///< Bit field NbPsCsrAccSel
BFNbPsDbgEn, ///< Bit field NbPsDbgEn
BFNclkRampWithDllRelock, ///< Bit field NclkRampWithDllRelock
BFOnLineSpareControl, ///< Bit field OnLineSpareControl
BFDdrMaxRate, ///< Bit field DdrMaxRate
BFNbPstateDis, ///< Bit field NbPstateDis
BFNbPsSel, ///< Bit field NbPsSel
BFNbPstateCtlReg, ///< Bit field NB Pstate Control register
BFSwNbPstateLoDis, ///< Bit field SwNbPstateLoDis
BFNbPstateLo, ///< Bit field NbPstateLo
BFNbPstateHi, ///< Bit field NbPstateHi
BFNbPstateMaxVal, ///< Bit field NbPstateMaxVal
BFCurNbPstate, ///< Bit field NbCurNbPstate
BFC6Base, ///< Bit field C6Base
BFC6DramLock, ///< Bit field C6DramLock
BFCC6SaveEn, ///< Bit field CC6SaveEn
BFCoreStateSaveDestNode, ///< Bit field CoreStateSaveDestNode
BFRxPtrInitReq, ///< Bit field RxPtrInitReq
BFAddrCmdTriEn, ///< Bit field AddrCmdTriEn
BFForceCasToSlot0, ///< Bit field ForceCasToSlot0
BFDisCutThroughMode, ///< Bit field DisCutThroughMode
BFDbeSkidBufDis, ///< Bit field DbeSkidBufDis
BFDbeGskMemClkAlignMode, ///< Bit field DbeGskMemClkAlignMode
BFEnCpuSerRdBehindNpIoWr, ///< Bit field EnCpuSerRdBehindNpIoWr
BFDRAMPhyDLLControl, ///< Bit field DRAMPhyDLLControl
BFRxDLLWakeupTime, ///< Bit field RxDllWakeupTime
BFRxCPUpdPeriod, ///< Bit field RxCPUpdPeriod
BFRxMaxDurDllNoLock, ///< Bit field RxMaxDurDllNoLock
BFTxDLLWakeupTime, ///< Bit field TxDllWakeupTime
BFTxCPUpdPeriod, ///< Bit field TxCPUpdPeriod
BFTxMaxDurDllNoLock, ///< Bit field TxMaxDurDllNoLock
BFEnRxPadStandby, ///< Bit field EnRxPadStandby
BFMaxSkipErrTrain, ///< Bit field MaxSkipErrTrain
BFSlotSel, ///< Bit field SlotSel
BFSlot1ExtraClkEn, ///< Bit field Slot1ExtraClkEn
BFMemTempHot, ///< Bit field MemTempHot
BFDoubleTrefRateEn, ///< Bit field DoubleTrefRateEn
BFAcpiPwrStsCtrlHi, ///< Bit field BFAcpiPwrStsCtrlHi
BFDramSrHysEn, ///< Bit field BFDramSrHysEn
BFDramSrHys, ///< Bit field BFDramSrHys
BFMemTriStateEn, ///< Bit field BFMemTriStateEn
BFDramSrEn, ///< Bit field BFDramSrEn
BFDeassertCke, ///< Bit field BFDeassertCke
BFFourRankRDimm0, ///< Bit field BFFourRankRDimm0
BFFourRankRDimm1, ///< Bit field BFFourRankRDimm1
BFTwrwrSdSc, ///< Bit field BFTwrwrSdSc
BFTwrwrSdDc, ///< Bit field BFTwrwrSdDc
BFTwrwrDd, ///< Bit field BFTwrwrDd
BFTrdrdSdSc, ///< Bit field BFTrdrdSdSc
BFTrdrdSdDc, ///< Bit field BFTrdrdSdDc
BFTrdrdDd, ///< Bit field BFTrdrdDd
BFTstag0, ///< Bit field BFTstag0
BFTstag1, ///< Bit field BFTstag1
BFTstag2, ///< Bit field BFTstag2
BFTstag3, ///< Bit field BFTstag3
BFCmdSendInProg, ///< Bit field BFCmdSendInProg
BFSendCmd, ///< Bit field BFSendCmd
BFTestStatus, ///< Bit field BFTestStatus
BFCmdTgt, ///< Bit field BFCmdTgt
BFCmdType, ///< Bit field BFCmdType
BFStopOnErr, ///< Bit field BFStopOnErr
BFResetAllErr, ///< Bit field BFResetAllErr
BFCmdTestEnable, ///< Bit field BFCmdTestEnable
BFTgtChipSelectA, ///< Bit field BFTgtChipSelectA
BFTgtBankA, ///< Bit field BFTgtBankA
BFTgtAddressA, ///< Bit field BFTgtAddressA
BFTgtChipSelectB, ///< Bit field BFTgtChipSelectB
BFTgtBankB, ///< Bit field BFTgtBankB
BFTgtAddressB, ///< Bit field BFTgtAddressB
BFBubbleCnt2, ///< Bit field BFBubbleCnt2
BFBubbleCnt, ///< Bit field BFBubbleCnt
BFCmdStreamLen, ///< Bit field BFCmdStreamLen
BFCmdCount, ///< Bit field BFCmdCount
BFErrDqNum, ///< Bit field BFErrDQNum
BFErrCnt, ///< Bit field BFErrCnt
BFNibbleErrSts, ///< Bit field BFNibbleErrSts
BFNibbleErr180Sts, ///< Bit field BFNibbleErr180Sts
BFDataPrbsSeed, ///< Bit field BFDataPrbsSeed
BFDramDqMaskLow, ///< Bit field BFDramDqMaskLow
BFDramDqMaskHigh, ///< Bit field BFDramDqMaskHigh
BFDramEccMask, ///< Bit field BFDramEccMask
BFSendActCmd, ///< Bit field BFSendActCmd
BFSendPchgCmd, ///< Bit field BFSendPchgCmd
BFCmdChipSelect, ///< Bit field BFCmdChipSelect
BFCmdBank, ///< Bit field BFCmdBank
BFCmdAddress, ///< Bit field BFCmdAddress
BFErrBeatNum, ///< Bit Field BFErrBeatNum
BFErrCmdNum, ///< Bit field BFBFErrCmdNum
BFDQErrLow, ///< Bit field BFDQSErrLow
BFDQErrHigh, ///< Bit field BFDQSErrHigh
BFEccErr, ///< Bit field BFEccErr
BFFastMstateDis, ///< Bit field BFFastMstateDis
/* Bit fields for workarounds */
BFErr263, ///< Bit field Err263
BFErr350, ///< Bit field Err350
BFErr322I, ///< Bit field Err322I
BFErr322II, ///< Bit field Err322II
BFErratum468WorkaroundNotRequired, ///< Bit field Erratum468WorkaroundNotRequired
/* Bit fields for Phy */
BFEccDLLConf, ///< Bit field EccDLLConf
BFProcOdtAdv, ///< Bit field ProcOdtAdv
BFEccDLLPwrDnConf, ///< Bit field EccDLLPwrDnConf
BFPhyPLLLockTime, ///< Bit field PhyPLLLockTime
BFPhyDLLLockTime, ///< Bit field PhyDLLLockTime
BFSkewMemClk, ///< Bit field SkewMemClk
BFPhyDLLControl, ///< Bit field BFPhyDLLControl
BFPhy0x0D080F0C, ///< Bit field BFPhy0x0D080F0C
BFPhy0x0D080F10, ///< Bit field BFPhy0x0D080F10
BFPhy0x0D080F11, ///< Bit field BFPhy0x0D080F11
BFPhy0x0D088F30, ///< Bit field BFPhy0x0D088F30
BFPhy0x0D08C030, ///< Bit field BFPhy0x0D08C030
BFPhy0x0D082F30, ///< Bit field BFPhy0x0D082F30
BFDiffTimingEn, ///< Bit Field DiffTimingEn
BFFence, ///< Bit Field Fence
BFDelay, ///< Bit Field Delay
BFFenceValue, ///< Bit Field FenceValue
BFPhy0x0D040F3E, ///< Bit field BFPhy0x0D040F3E
BFPhy0x0D042F3E, ///< Bit field BFPhy0x0D042F3E
BFPhy0x0D048F3E, ///< Bit field BFPhy0x0D048F3E
BFPhy0x0D04DF3E, ///< Bit field BFPhy0x0D04DF3E
BFPhyClkDllFine0, ///< Bit field ClkDllFineDly 0
BFPhyClkDllFine1, ///< Bit field ClkDllFineDly 1
BFPhyClkConfig0, ///< Bit field ClkConfig0
BFPhyClkConfig1, ///< Bit field ClkConfig1
BFPhyClkConfig2, ///< Bit field ClkConfig2
BFPhyClkConfig3, ///< Bit field ClkConfig3
BFPhy0x0D0F0F13, ///< Bit field BFPhy0x0D0F0F13
BFPhy0x0D0F0F13Bit0to7, ///< Bit field BFPhy0x0D0F0F13Bit0to7
BFPhy0x0D0F0830, ///< Bit field BFPhy0x0D0F0830
BFPhy0x0D07812F, ///< Bit field BFPhy0x0D0F8108
BFDataRxVioLvl, ///< Bit field DataRxVioLvl
BFClkRxVioLvl, ///< Bit field ClkRxVioLvl
BFCmdRxVioLvl, ///< Bit field CmdRxVioLvl
BFAddrRxVioLvl, ///< Bit field AddrRxVioLvl
BFCmpVioLvl, ///< Bit field CmpVioLvl
BFCsrComparator, ///< Bit field CsrComparator
BFAlwaysEnDllClks, ///< Bit field AlwaysEnDllClks
BFPhy0x0D0FE00A, ///< Bit field Phy0x0D0FE00A
BFPllPdMode, ///< Bit fields SelCsrPllPdMode and CsrPhySrPllPdMode
BFDataFence2, ///< Bit field DataFence2
BFClkFence2, ///< Bit field ClkFence2
BFCmdFence2, ///< Bit field CmdFence2
BFAddrFence2, ///< Bit field AddrFence2
BFDataByteDMConf, ///< Bit field DataByteDMConf
BFAddrCmdTri, ///< Bit field BFAddrCmdTri
BFLowPowerDrvStrengthEn, ///< Bit field BFLowPowerDrvStrengthEn
BFLevel, ///< Bit field Level
BFDbeGskFifoNumerator, ///< Bit field DbeGskFifoNumerator
BFDbeGskFifoDenominator, ///< Bit field DbeGskFifoDenominator
BFDataTxFifoSchedDlyNegSlot0, ///< Bit field DataTxFifoSchedDlyNegSlot0
BFDataTxFifoSchedDlyNegSlot1, ///< Bit field DataTxFifoSchedDlyNegSlot1
BFDataTxFifoSchedDlySlot0, ///< Bit field DataTxFifoSchedDlySlot0
BFDataTxFifoSchedDlySlot1, ///< Bit field DataTxFifoSchedDlySlot1
BFDisablePredriverCal, ///< Bit field DisablePredriverCal
BFDataByteTxPreDriverCal, ///< Bit field DataByteTxPreDriverCal
BFDataByteTxPreDriverCal2Pad1, ///< Bit field DataByteTxPreDriverCal2Pad1
BFDataByteTxPreDriverCal2Pad2, ///< Bit field DataByteTxPreDriverCal2Pad2
BFCmdAddr0TxPreDriverCal2Pad1, ///< Bit field CmdAddr0TxPreDriverCal2Pad1
BFCmdAddr0TxPreDriverCal2Pad2, ///< Bit field CmdAddr0TxPreDriverCal2Pad2
BFCmdAddr1TxPreDriverCal2Pad1, ///< Bit field CmdAddr1TxPreDriverCal2Pad1
BFCmdAddr1TxPreDriverCal2Pad2, ///< Bit field CmdAddr1TxPreDriverCal2Pad2
BFAddrTxPreDriverCal2Pad1, ///< Bit field AddrTxPreDriverCal2Pad1
BFAddrTxPreDriverCal2Pad2, ///< Bit field AddrTxPreDriverCal2Pad2
BFAddrTxPreDriverCal2Pad3, ///< Bit field AddrTxPreDriverCal2Pad3
BFAddrTxPreDriverCal2Pad4, ///< Bit field AddrTxPreDriverCal2Pad4
BFCmdAddr0TxPreDriverCalPad0, ///< Bit field CmdAddr0TxPreDriverCalPad0
BFCmdAddr1TxPreDriverCalPad0, ///< Bit field CmdAddr1TxPreDriverCalPad0
BFAddrTxPreDriverCalPad0, ///< Bit field AddrTxPreDriverCalPad0
BFClock0TxPreDriverCalPad0, ///< Bit field Clock0TxPreDriverCalPad0
BFClock1TxPreDriverCalPad0, ///< Bit field Clock1TxPreDriverCalPad0
BFClock2TxPreDriverCalPad0, ///< Bit field Clock2TxPreDriverCalPad0
BFPNOdtCal, ///< Bit field P/NOdtCal
BFPNDrvCal, ///< Bit field P/NDrvCal
BFCalVal, ///< Bit field CalVal
BFPStateToAccess, ///< Bit field PStateToAccess
BFTxp, ///< Bit field Txp
BFTxpdll, ///< Bit field Txpdll
BFDramPwrMngm1Reg, ///< Bit field DRAM Power Management 1 register
BFL3ScrbRedirDis, ///< Bit field L3ScrbRedirDis
BFDQOdt03, ///< Bit field DQ Odt 0-3
BFDQOdt47, ///< Bit field DQ Odt 4-7
BFTriDM, ///< Bit field TriDM
BFTcksrx, ///< Bit field Tcksrx
BFTcksre, ///< Bit field Tcksre
BFTckesr, ///< Bit field Tckesr
BFTpd, ///< Bit field Tpd
BFFixedErrataSkipPorFreqCap, ///< Bit field FixedErrataSkipPorFreqCap
BFPerRankTimingEn, ///< Bit field PerRankTimingEn
BFMemPhyPllPdMode, ///< Bit field MemPhyPllPdMode
BFBankSwap, ///< Bit field BankSwap
BFBwCapCmdThrottleMode, ///< Bit field BwCapCmdThrottleMode
BFRxChMntClkEn, ///< Bit field RxChMntClkEn
BFBlockRxDqsLock, ///< Bit field BlockRxDqsLock
BFRxSsbMntClkEn, ///< Bit field RxSsbMntClkEn
BFPhyPSMasterChannel, ///< Bit field PhyPSMasterChannel
BFDataByteDllPowerMgnByte0, ///< Bit field DataByteDllPowerManagement for Byte 0
BFDataByteDllPowerMgnByte1, ///< Bit field DataByteDllPowerManagement for Byte 1
BFDataByteDllPowerMgnByte2, ///< Bit field DataByteDllPowerManagement for Byte 2
BFDataByteDllPowerMgnByte3, ///< Bit field DataByteDllPowerManagement for Byte 3
BFDataByteDllPowerMgnByte4, ///< Bit field DataByteDllPowerManagement for Byte 4
BFDataByteDllPowerMgnByte5, ///< Bit field DataByteDllPowerManagement for Byte 5
BFDataByteDllPowerMgnByte6, ///< Bit field DataByteDllPowerManagement for Byte 6
BFDataByteDllPowerMgnByte7, ///< Bit field DataByteDllPowerManagement for Byte 7
BFDataByteDllPowerMgnByte8, ///< Bit field DataByteDllPowerManagement for Byte ECC
BFDataByteDllPowerMgnByteAll, ///< Bit field DataByteDllPowerManagement for all bytes
BFM1MemClkFreq, ///< Bit field M1MemClkFreq
BFRate, ///< Bit field Rate
BFFence2, ///< Bit field Fence2
BFNbVid0, ///< Bit field NbVid for NB Pstate 0
BFNbVid0Hi, ///< Bit field 7th bit of NbVid for NB Pstate 0
BFNbVid1, ///< Bit field NbVid for NB Pstate 1
BFNbVid1Hi, ///< Bit field 7th bit of NbVid for NB Pstate 1
BFNbVid2, ///< Bit field NbVid for NB Pstate 2
BFNbVid2Hi, ///< Bit field 7th bit of NbVid for NB Pstate 2
BFNbVid3, ///< Bit field NbVid for NB Pstate 3
BFNbVid3Hi, ///< Bit field 7th bit of NbVid for NB Pstate 3
BFMemPstate0, ///< Bit field MemPstate for NB Pstate 0
BFMemPstate1, ///< Bit field MemPstate for NB Pstate 1
BFMemPstate2, ///< Bit field MemPstate for NB Pstate 2
BFMemPstate3, ///< Bit field MemPstate for NB Pstate 3
BFMemPstateDis, ///< Bit field MemPstateDis
BFRxBypass3rd4thStg, ///< Bit field RxBypass3rd4thStg
BFRx4thStgEn, ///< Bit field Rx4thStgEn
BFDllNoLock, ///< Bit field DllNoLock
BFEnSplitMctDatBuffers, ///< Bit field EnSplitMctDatBuffers
BFGmcTokenLimit, ///< Bit fieid GmcTokenLimit
BFMctTokenLimit, ///< Bit field MctTokenLimit
BFGmcToDctControl1, ///< Bit field GmcToDctControl1
BFDllCSRBisaTrimDByte, ///< Bit field DllCSRBisaTrimDByte
BFDllCSRBisaTrimClk, ///< Bit field DllCSRBisaTrimClk
BFDllCSRBisaTrimCsOdt, ///< Bit field DllCSRBisaTrimCsOdt
BFDllCSRBisaTrimAByte2, ///< Bit field DllCSRBisaTrimAByte2
BFReduceLoop, ///< Bit field ReduceLoop
BFEffArbDis, ///< Bit field EffArbDis
// Reserved
BFReserved01, ///< Reserved 01
BFReserved02, ///< Reserved 02
BFReserved03, ///< Reserved 03
BFReserved04, ///< Reserved 04
BFReserved05, ///< Reserved 05
BFReserved06, ///< Reserved 06
BFReserved07, ///< Reserved 07
BFReserved08, ///< Reserved 08
BFReserved09, ///< Reserved 09
BFReserved10, ///< Reserved 10
BFReserved11, ///< Reserved 11
BFReserved12, ///< Reserved 12
BFReserved13, ///< Reserved 13
BFReserved14, ///< Reserved 14
BFReserved15, ///< Reserved 15
BFReserved16, ///< Reserved 16
BFReserved17, ///< Reserved 17
BFReserved18, ///< Reserved 18
BFReserved19, ///< Reserved 19
BFReserved20, ///< Reserved 20
BFDctSelBaseAddrReg, ///< Bit field DctSelBaseAddrReg
BFDctSelBaseOffsetReg, ///< Bit field DctSelBaseOffsetReg
/* End of accessible list --- entries below this line are for private use ------------*/
BFEndOfList, ///< End of bit field list
// Only for Table Drive Support define.
BFRcvEnDly, ///< F2x[1,0]9C_x[2B:10] Dram DQS Receiver Enable Timing Control Registers
BFWrDatDly, ///< F2x[1, 0]9C_x[302:301, 202:201, 102:101, 02:01] DRAM Write Data Timing [High:Low] Registers
BFRdDqsDly, ///< F2x[1, 0]9C_x[306:305, 206:205, 106:105, 06:05] DRAM Read DQS Timing Control [High:Low] Registers
BFWrDqsDly, ///< F2x[1, 0]9C_x[4A:30] DRAM DQS Write Timing Control Registers
BFPhRecDly, ///< F2x[1, 0]9C_x[51:50] DRAM Phase Recovery Control Register [High:Low] Registers
/* Do not define any entries beyond this point */
BFAbsLimit ///< Beyond this point is reserved for bit field manipulation
/// Bit field aliases
#define BFMainPllOpFreqId BFNbFid
#define BFNbDid BFNbPs0NclkDiv
#define BFRdDramTrainMode BFPrefDramTrainMode
#define BFThrottleEn BFCmdThrottleMode
#define BFIntlvRegionEn BFIntLvRgnSwapEn
#define BFIntlvRegionBase BFIntLvRgnBaseAddr
#define BFIntlvRegionLimit BFIntLvRgnLmtAddr
#define BFRdOdtPatReg BFPhyRODTCSLow
#define BFWrOdtPatReg BFPhyWODTCSLow
#define BFLockDramCfg BFC6DramLock
#define BFRstRcvFifo BFTwr
#define BFDramCmd2Reg BFCmdBank
#define BFDramODTCtlReg BFRdOdtTrnOnDly
/// Bit field names per DRAM CS base address register
typedef enum {
BFCSEnable = 0, ///< Chip select enable
BFSpare = 1, ///< Spare rank
BFTestFail = 2, ///< Memory test failed
BFOnDimmMirror = 3 ///< on-DIMM mirroring enable
/// Flag for exclude dimm
typedef enum {
NORMAL, ///< Normal mode, exclude the dimm if there is new dimm failure
TRAINING, ///< Training mode, exclude dimms that fail during training after training is done
END_TRAINING ///< End training mode, exclude all dimms that failed during training
#define BSP_DIE 0
#define MAX_NODES_SUPPORTED 8 ///< Maximum number of nodes in the system.
#define MAX_CS_PER_CHANNEL 8 ///< Max CS per channel
#define MAX_CS_PER_DELAY 2 ///< Max Chip Select Controlled by a set of delays.
#define VDDIO_DETERMINED 0xFF ///< VDDIO has been determined yet. Further processing is not needed.
/// This structure defines the shared data area that is used by the memory
/// code to share data between different northbridge objects. Each substructure
/// in the data area defines how this data area is used by a different purpose.
/// There should only be one instance of this struct created for all of the memory
/// code to use.
typedef struct _MEM_SHARED_DATA {
// System memory map data
UINT32 CurrentNodeSysBase; ///< Base[47:16] (system address) DRAM base address for current node.
/// Memory map data for each node
BOOLEAN AllECC; ///< ECC support on the system
DIMM_EXCLUDE_FLAG DimmExcludeFlag; ///< Control the exclude dimm behavior
UINT8 VoltageMap; ///< The commonly supported voltage map in the system
UINT8 TopNode; ///< Node that has its memory mapped to TOPMEM/TOPMEM2
BOOLEAN C6Enabled; ///< TRUE if C6 is enabled
/// Data structure for NB register table
struct {
UINT64 FamilyId; ///< LogicalCpuid.Family
UINT32 *NBRegTable; ///< Pointer to allocated buffer for NBRegTable
/// Data structure for node map
struct {
BOOLEAN IsValid; ///< TRUE if this node contains memory.
UINT32 SysBase; ///< Base[47:16] (system address) DRAM base address of this node.
UINT32 SysLimit; ///< Base[47:16] (system address) DRAM limit address of this node.
BOOLEAN UndoHoistingAbove1TB; ///< Undo hoisting above 1TB
/// Data structure for node interleave feature
struct {
BOOLEAN IsValid; ///< TRUE if the data in this structure is valid.
UINT8 NodeCnt; ///< Number of nodes in the system.
UINT32 NodeMemSize; ///< Total memory of this node.
UINT32 Dct0MemSize; ///< Total memory of this DCT 0.
UINT8 NodeIntlvSel; ///< Index to each node.
} NodeIntlv;
typedef struct _MEM_MAIN_DATA_BLOCK {
struct _MEM_DATA_STRUCT *MemPtr; ///< Pointer to customer shared data
struct _MEM_NB_BLOCK *NBPtr; ///< Pointer to array of NB Blocks
struct _MEM_TECH_BLOCK *TechPtr; ///< Pointer to array of Tech Blocks
struct _MEM_SHARED_DATA *mmSharedPtr; ///< Pointer to shared data area.
UINT8 DieCount; ///< Total number of Dies installed
node: Indicates the Node
- Value ranges from 0-7, 0xF: for all nodes
- Size - 4 Bits
dct: Indicate the DRAM Controller
- Value is 0, 1 (0xF: apply setting to all DCTs)
- Size - 4 Bits
dimm: This values specifies which DIMM register will be applied
- The value varies from 0 to 3, 0xF: all DIMMs
- Size - 4 Bits
attr - Indicates if the value needs to be added, subtracted, overridden or Auto (not changed)
- 0: Do not change the current value in the register
- 1: Use the value provided in the table to override the current value in the register (the one that AGESA initially determined)
- 2: Add the value provided in the table as an offset to the current value in the register (the one that AGESA initially determined)
- 3: Subtract the value provided in the table as an offset to the current value in the register (the one that AGESA initially determined)
- Size - 2 Bits
time - Indicate the timing for the register which is written.
- 0: Write register value before Dram init
- 1: Write register value before memory training
- 2: Write register value after memory training
- Size - 1 Bits
bytelane: bytelane number
- This determines specifies which bytelane register will be applied
- Bit0 =1 - set value into Bytelane0
- Bit1 =1 - set value into Bytelane1
- Bit2 =1 - set value into Bytelane2
- 0xFFFF: all bytelane
- Size - 16 Bits.
bfIndex: Indicate the bitfield index
- Size - 16 Bits
value - Value to be used
- This can be an offset (sub or Add) or an override value.
- Size - DWORD
// Sample code
// NBACCESS (MTBeforeDInit, MTNodes, MTDct0, BFCSBaseAddr5Reg, MTOverride, 0x400001),
// NBACCESS (MTBeforeTrn, MTNodes, MTDct1, BFCSBaseAddr7Reg, MTOverride, 0xFFFFFFFF),
// DQSACCESS (MTAfterTrn, MTNodes, MTDcts, MTDIMM0, MTBL1+MTBL2, BFRcvEnDly, MTSubtract, 2),
// DQSACCESS (MTAfterTrn, MTNodes, MTDct1, MTDIMM1, MTBLNOECC, BFRcvEnDly, MTAdd, 1),
#define ENDMEMTDS 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0xFFFFFFFF, 0
#define NBACCESS(time, node, dct, bitfield, attr, value) \
{ (time), \
((node) & 0x0F) | ((dct) << 4), \
(((attr) & 0x07) << 4) | (VT_MSK_VALUE << 7) , \
(UINT8)((bitfield) & 0x000000FF), \
(UINT8)(((bitfield) >> 8) & 0x000000FF), \
(UINT8)(((bitfield) >> 16) & 0x000000FF), \
(UINT8)(((bitfield) >> 24) & 0x000000FF), \
0, 0, \
(UINT8)((value) & 0x000000FF), \
(UINT8)(((value) >> 8) & 0x000000FF), \
(UINT8)(((value) >> 16) & 0x000000FF), \
(UINT8)(((value) >> 24) & 0x000000FF), \
0, 0, 0 \
#define DQSACCESS(time, node, dct, dimm, bitfield, attr, b0, b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) \
{ (time), \
((node) & 0x0F) | ((dct) << 4), \
(((dimm) & 0x0F) | ((attr) & 0x07) << 4) | (VT_ARRAY << 7) , \
(UINT8)((bitfield) & 0x000000FF), \
(UINT8)(((bitfield) >> 8) & 0x000000FF), \
(UINT8)(((bitfield) >> 16) & 0x000000FF), \
(UINT8)(((bitfield) >> 24) & 0x000000FF), \
(b0), (b1), (b2), (b3), (b4), (b5), (b6), (b7), (b8) \
/// Type of modification supported by table driven support.
typedef enum {
MTAuto, ///< Do not change the current value in the register
MTOverride, ///< Use the value provided in the table to override the current value in the register
MTSubtract, ///< Subtract the value provided in the table as an offset to the current value in the register
MTAdd, ///< Add the value provided in the table as an offset to the current value in the reg
MTAnd, ///< And the value provided in the table as an offset to the current value in the reg
MTOr ///< Or the value provided in the table as an offset to the current value in the reg
} MTAttr;
/// Time for table driven support to make modification.
typedef enum {
MTBeforeInitializeMCT, ///< Before InitializeMCT
MTAfterAutoCycTiming, ///< After Auto Cycle Timing
MTAfterPlatformSpec, ///< After Platform Specific Configuration
MTBeforeDInit, ///< Before Dram init
MTBeforeTrn, ///< Before memory training
MTAfterTrn, ///< After memory training
MTAfterSwWLTrn, ///< After SW Based WL Training
MTAfterHwWLTrnP1, ///< After HW Based WL Training Part 1
MTAfterHwRxEnTrnP1, ///< After HW Based Receiver Enable Training Part 1
MTAfterFreqChg, ///< After each frequency change
MTAfterHwWLTrnP2, ///< After HW Based WL Training Part 2
MTAfterHwRxEnTrnP2, ///< After HW Based Receiver Enable Training Part 2
MTAfterSwRxEnTrn, ///< After SW Based Receiver Enable Training
MTAfterDqsRwPosTrn, ///< After DQS Read/Write Position Training
MTAfterMaxRdLatTrn, ///< After Max Read Latency Training
MTAfterNbPstateChange, ///< After programming NB Pstate dependent registers
MTAfterInterleave, ///< After Programming Interleave registers
MTAfterFinalizeMCT, ///< After Finalize MCT Programming
MTValidTimePointLimit, ///< Mark the upper bound of the supported time points
MTEnd = 0xFF ///< End of enum define.
} MTTime;
/// Node on which modification should be made by table driven support.
typedef enum {
MTNode0, ///< Node 0.
MTNode1, ///< Node 1.
MTNode2, ///< Node 2.
MTNode3, ///< Node 3.
MTNode4, ///< Node 4.
MTNode5, ///< Node 5.
MTNode6, ///< Node 6.
MTNode7, ///< Node 7.
MTNodes = 0xF ///< all nodes
} MTNode;
/// DCT on which modification should be made by table driven support.
typedef enum {
MTDct0, ///< DCT 0.
MTDct1, ///< DCT 1.
MTDcts = 0xF, ///< all dcts
} MTDct;
/// Dimm on which modification should be made by table driven support.
typedef enum {
MTDIMM0, ///< Dimm 0.
MTDIMM1, ///< Dimm 1.
MTDIMM2, ///< Dimm 2.
MTDIMM3, ///< Dimm 3.
MTDIMMs = 0xF, ///< all Dimms
/// Bytelane on which modification should be made by table driven support.
typedef enum {
MTBL0 = 0x1, ///< set the value into Bytelane0
MTBL1 = 0x2, ///< set the value into Bytelane1
MTBL2 = 0x4, ///< set the value into Bytelane2
MTBL3 = 0x8, ///< set the value into Bytelane3
MTBL4 = 0x10, ///< set the value into Bytelane4
MTBL5 = 0x20, ///< set the value into Bytelane5
MTBL6 = 0x40, ///< set the value into Bytelane6
MTBL7 = 0x80, ///< set the value into Bytelane7
MTBL8 = 0x100, ///< set the value into ECC
MTBLNOECC = 0xFF, ///< all Bytelanes except ECC
MTBLs = 0xFFFF, ///< all Bytelanes
/// Values used to indicate which type of training is being done.
typedef enum {
TRN_RCVR_ENABLE, ///< Reciever Enable Training
TRN_DQS_POSITION, ///< Read/Write DQS Position training
TRN_MAX_READ_LATENCY ///< Max read Latency training
/// Memory Pstate
typedef enum {
MEMORY_PSTATE0, ///< Memory Pstate 0
MEMORY_PSTATE1, ///< Memory Pstate 1
/// Memory Pstate Training Stage
typedef enum {
MEMORY_PSTATE_1ST_STAGE = 0xF1, ///< Memory Pstate processing stage 1, in which full training is done at DDR667
MEMORY_PSTATE_2ND_STAGE, ///< Memory Pstate processing stage 2, in which partial trainig will be done at DDR800 - target speed
MEMORY_PSTATE_3RD_STAGE ///< Memory Pstate processing stage 3, in which full training will be done at target frequency and MaxRdLatency training will start
/// RdDqsDly Retrain status
typedef enum {
RDDQSDLY_RTN_NEEDED = 0xF1, ///< RdDqsDly retrain may be needed
RDDQSDLY_RTN_SUSPEND, ///< RdDqsDly retrain is suspected
RDDQSDLY_RTN_ONGOING ///< RdDqsDly retrain condition is just detected
MemAmdFinalize (
MemSocketScan (
SetMemError (
AmdMemInitDataStructDefRecovery (
SetMemRecError (
memDefRetSuccess (VOID);
#endif /* _MM_H_ */