blob: 7d6d7761cc4a991b3684a119aeda70a334726be3 [file] [log] [blame]
@echo off
goto Begin
echo off
echo **************************************************************************
echo * Legacy.Bat
echo * This batchfile establishes the build environment for an AGESA(TM)
echo * legacy build.
echo *
echo * Syntax:
echo * Legacy.bat Solution [DevTipPath] [DevKey] [DoxKey] [Release^|Debug] [Internal]
echo * Parameters:
echo * %% 1 Solution name. This is the AMD Platform Solution name that
echo * identifies the delivery package. No default, this
echo * parameter MUST be specified. This parameter MUST
echo * be specified before the DevTip Path parameter.
echo * %% 2 Path to the platform specific build directory. This is
echo * where the options file %%Solution%%Options.c is located,
echo * which contains the platform specific build option settings.
echo * If left blank, the default %%Solution%%Options.c file from
echo * the AGESA\Addendum directory is used.
echo * %% 3 Developer's key - open an interactive MSVS window. This parameter is
echo * optional, but when used it requires the first two parameters.
echo * %% 4 Documentation Key - requests a compilation of the DOxygen
echo * documentation files. key is "DOX". This parameter is
echo * optional, but when used it requires the first two parameters.
echo * %% 5 Build Configuration. There are two choices, "Release" and "Debug".
echo * Debug is the default choice if not specified. This parameter is
echo * optional, but when used it requires the first two parameters.
echo * %% 6 Internal solution file select - choose a internal solution file.This parameter
echo * is optional, but when used it requires the first two parameters.
echo * NOTE: The paths MUST have a trailing '\' character.
echo *
echo * The AGESA build environment requires the following environment
echo * variables MUST be defined for proper operation:
echo * $(AGESA_ROOT) - identifies the directory where the AGESA code
echo * is located. The top most dir; where AGESA.h is located.
echo * This must be the full path, eg D:\myPlatform\AGESA\
echo * **** This var is expected to be set by the caller ****
echo *
echo * $(Solution) - identifies the Platform Solution being targeted
echo * $(AGESA_OptsDir) - identifies the directory where the platform
echo * options and customization files are located.
echo * This must be the full path
echo *
echo * Optional build environment variables
echo *
echo * set AGESA_B1_ADDRESS=0xFFF?????
echo * Sets the B1 image base address in the ROM (otherwise 0xFFFD0000).
echo * set AGESA_B2_ADDRESS=0xFFF?????
echo * Sets the B2 image base address in the ROM (otherwise 0xFFFA0000).
echo *
echo * NOTE: The paths MUST have a trailing '\' character.
echo **************************************************************************
goto Exit
rem Clear working vars...
set DevKey=
set DoxKey=
set Solution=
set Configuration=
rem set default to external file prefix none
set SolutionType=
rem Validate the AGESA_ROOT variable
IF "%AGESA_ROOT%"=="" goto Else001
rem User has set a path for Agesa_Root, verify that path...
IF EXIST %AGESA_ROOT%Agesa.h goto EndIf002
rem Try adding trailing '\'
IF EXIST %AGESA_ROOT%Agesa.h goto EndIf003
echo Build ERROR: Environment variable AGESA_ROOT is invalid,
echo Build ERROR: Could not find file Agesa.h at: %AGESA_ROOT%
goto Documentation
goto EndIf001
echo Build ERROR: Required environment variable missing: AGESA_ROOT
goto Documentation
rem Start processing the input parameters...
rem Switch (%1)
IF /I "%1"=="DevKey" goto Case001
IF /I "%1"=="Maranello" goto Case002
IF /I "%1"=="DevTest" goto Case002
IF /I "%1"=="Danube" goto Case002
IF /I "%1"=="DanNi" goto Case002
IF /I "%1"=="Deccan" goto Case002
IF /I "%1"=="Nile" goto Case002
IF /I "%1"=="Dragon" goto Case002
IF /I "%1"=="SanMarino" goto Case002
IF /I "%1"=="Scorpius" goto Case002
IF /I "%1"=="Sabine" goto Case002
IF /I "%1"=="Lynx" goto Case002
IF /I "%1"=="Brazos" goto Case002
IF /I "%1"=="Comal" goto Case002
IF /I "%1"=="Virgo" goto Case002
IF /I "%1"=="DOX" goto Case009
IF /I "%1"=="Debug" goto Case011
IF /I "%1"=="Release" goto Case011
IF /I "%1"=="Internal" goto Case012
IF "%1"=="" goto Case006
goto Case004
rem Case 1: Special command param
set DevKey=DevKey
goto EndSwitch
rem Case 2: Solution name parameter
rem Set the Platform Solution name for the build environment
rem Validation of the names was done by the IF's at the top of DoLoop
set Solution=%1
goto EndSwitch
rem Case 4: Path param, check for validity
rem Check if parameter matches the default
rem Check for shortcut versions of the default. Also
rem checking for missing trailing '\'
IF /I "%1"=="Addendum" goto Then040
IF /I "%1"=="Addendum\" goto Then040
IF /I "%1"=="..\Addendum" goto Then040
IF /I "%1"=="..\Addendum\" goto Then040
IF /I "%1"=="..\..\Addendum" goto Then040
IF /I "%1"=="..\..\Addendum\" goto Then040
goto Else040
set AGESA_OptsDir=%AGESA_ROOT%Addendum\
Echo Build WARNING: User selected the default options path.
goto EndIf040
set AGESA_OptsDir=%1
rem Non-default path given,
rem Validate the AGESA_OptsDir parameter ( %%1 = %1 )...
IF /I "%Solution%"=="" goto Else042
IF EXIST %AGESA_OptsDir%%Solution%Options.c goto EndIf044
rem Check if param was missing trailing '\'...
set AGESA_OptsDir=%AGESA_OptsDir%\
IF EXIST %AGESA_OptsDir%%Solution%Options.c goto EndIf045
rem If using the default, assume the release file is in place.
rem Could not find options file, post an error
Echo Build ERROR: Path to AGESA options file is not valid...
Echo . . Could not find options file: %AGESA_OptsDir%%Solution%Options.c
set AGESA_OptsDir=
set Solution=
exit /B 5
goto EndIf042
rem Else042 - parameter ordering error, need to specify solution before tip path
Echo Build ERROR: The 'Solution' name was not recognized or
Echo The Solution must be specified before the Development tip path
Echo . . . Legacy.bat Solution [DevTipPath] [DevKey] [DoxKey]
exit /B 4
goto EndSwitch
rem Case 6: Parameter is blank, end of list
rem Validate the required Environment Variables
IF /I "%Solution%"=="" goto Else066
IF NOT "%AGESA_OptsDir%"=="" goto Else060
Rem No path param specified. Use the default file shipped with the AGESA package...
Echo Build WARNING: Using default options file.
set AGESA_OptsDir=%AGESA_ROOT%Addendum\
goto EndIf060
rem Else060 - tip path may have been set by caller prior to call,
rem Validate the AGESA_OptsDir parameter ( %%AGESA_OptsDir = %AGESA_OptsDir% )...
IF EXIST %AGESA_OptsDir%%Solution%Options.c goto EndIf061
rem Check if param was missing trailing '\'...
set AGESA_OptsDir=%AGESA_OptsDir%\
IF EXIST %AGESA_OptsDir%%Solution%Options.c goto EndIf062
rem If using the default, assume the release file is in place.
rem Could not find options file, post an error
Echo Build ERROR: Path to AGESA options file is not valid...
Echo . . Could not find options file: %AGESA_OptsDir%%Solution%Options.c
set AGESA_OptsDir=
set Solution=
exit /B 4
goto EndIf066
rem Else066 - parameter missing error, need to specify 'solution'
Echo Build ERROR: The Platform Solution name must be specified:
Echo . . . Legacy.bat Solution [DevTipPath] [DevKey] [DoxKey]
exit /B 4
goto EndDo
rem Case 9: Documentation generation key
set DoxKey=DoxKey
goto EndSwitch
rem Case 11: Build Configuration
set Configuration=%1
goto EndSwitch
rem Case 12: Select Internal solution file prefix
set SolutionType=%1
goto EndSwitch
goto DoLoop
rem # Ensure that Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 is installed on this machine.
IF NOT "%VS80COMNTOOLS%"=="" goto EndIf95
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
echo - Building AGESA ARCH2008 requires Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 -
echo - Install Visual Studio 2005 and confirm environment -
echo - variable VS80COMNTOOLS is present. -
echo ---------------------------------------------------------------------
rem set the Visual Studio 32-bit development environment
call "%VS80COMNTOOLS%vsvars32.bat"
rem Launch the documentation generator if selected by the user
IF NOT "%DoxKey%"=="DoxKey" goto EndIf100
devenv %AGESA_ROOT%Proc\AgesaDoc.sln /Rebuild "Release|Win32"
rem Use the default build configuration if none was specified.
IF NOT "%Configuration%"=="" goto EndIf110
set Configuration=Debug
rem Check image bases
IF NOT "%AGESA_B1_ADDRESS%"=="" goto EndIf120
IF NOT "%AGESA_B2_ADDRESS%"=="" goto EndIf130
rem Check if the 'secret' developers' key was used, open an interactive VS window
IF NOT "%DevKey%"=="DevKey" goto Else140
set DevKey=
rem This is the command to open an interactive development window ...
start /NORMAL devenv.exe %AGESA_ROOT%Legacy\Proc\%Solution%%SolutionType%Legacy.sln /ProjectConfig "%Configuration%|Win32"
goto EndIf140
rem Else140 - This is the command to perform a background or automated build ...
devenv %AGESA_ROOT%Legacy\Proc\%Solution%%SolutionType%Legacy.sln /Rebuild "%Configuration%|Win32"
exit /B 0