blob: 157ac86d023ca79785eb353f2c2433d12aad23c6 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging, os, pprint, re
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
class hardware_Components(test.test):
version = 1
_cids = [
_pci_cids = [
_usb_cids = [
_not_present = 'Not Present'
def check_component(self, comp_key, comp_id):
self._system[comp_key] = [ comp_id ]
if not self._approved.has_key(comp_key):
raise error.TestFail('%s missing from database' % comp_key)
app_cids = self._approved[comp_key]
if '*' in app_cids:
if not comp_id in app_cids:
self._failures[comp_key] = [ comp_id ]
def get_part_id_audio_codec(self):
cmd = 'grep -R Codec: /proc/asound/* | head -n 1 | sed s/.\*Codec://'
part_id = utils.system_output(cmd).strip()
return part_id
def get_part_id_bios(self):
cmd = ('dmidecode | grep -A 2 "BIOS Information" | tail -2 '
'| sed "s/.*: //" | tr "\n" " "')
part_id = utils.system_output(cmd).strip()
cmd = ('dmidecode | grep "\(BIOS\|Firmware\) Revision" | sed "s/\t//" '
'| sed "s/Revision/Rev/"')
rev_num = ', '.join(utils.system_output(cmd).split('\n'))
if rev_num:
part_id = part_id + ' (' + rev_num + ')'
return part_id
def get_part_id_cpu(self):
cmd = 'grep -m 1 \'model name\' /proc/cpuinfo | sed s/.\*://'
part_id = utils.system_output(cmd).strip()
return part_id
def get_part_id_embedded_controller(self):
# example output:
# Found Nuvoton WPCE775x (id=0x05, rev=0x02) at 0x2e
parts = []
res = utils.system_output('superiotool', ignore_status=True).split('\n')
for line in res:
match ='Found (.*) at', line)
if match:
part_id = ", ".join(parts)
return part_id
def get_part_id_ethernet(self):
Returns a colon delimited string where the first section
is the vendor id and the second section is the device id.
# Ethernet is optional so mark it as not present. A human
# operator needs to decide if this is acceptable or not.
vendor_file = '/sys/class/net/eth0/device/vendor'
part_file = '/sys/class/net/eth0/device/device'
if os.path.exists(part_file) and os.path.exists(vendor_file):
vendor_id = utils.read_one_line(vendor_file).replace('0x', '')
part_id = utils.read_one_line(part_file).replace('0x', '')
return "%s:%s" % (vendor_id, part_id)
return self._not_present
def get_part_id_flash_chip(self):
# example output:
# Found chip "Winbond W25x16" (2048 KB, FWH) at physical address 0xfe
parts = []
lines = utils.system_output('flashrom', ignore_status=True).split('\n')
for line in lines:
match ='Found chip "(.*)" .* at physical address ', line)
if match:
part_id = ", ".join(parts)
return part_id
def get_part_id_storage(self):
cmd = ('cd $(find /sys/devices -name sda)/../..; '
'cat vendor model | tr "\n" " " | sed "s/ \+/ /g"')
part_id = utils.system_output(cmd).strip()
return part_id
def get_part_id_wireless(self):
Returns a colon delimited string where the first section
is the vendor id and the second section is the device id.
part_id = utils.read_one_line('/sys/class/net/wlan0/device/device')
vendor_id = utils.read_one_line('/sys/class/net/wlan0/device/vendor')
return "%s:%s" % (vendor_id.replace('0x',''), part_id.replace('0x',''))
def check_approved_part_id_existence(self, cid, type):
Check if there are matching vendor_id:product_id pairs on the PCI or
USB. Parameter type should be either 'pci' or 'usb'.
cmd = 'sudo /usr/sbin/ls' + type + ' -d %s'
if not self._approved.has_key(cid):
raise error.TestFail('%s missing from database' % cid)
approved_devices = self._approved[cid]
if '*' in approved_devices:
self._system[cid] = [ '*' ]
for device in approved_devices:
output = utils.system_output(cmd % device)
# If it shows something, means found.
if output:
self._system[cid] = [ device ]
self._failures[cid] = [ 'No match' ]
def get_vendor_id_touchpad(self):
cmd = 'grep -i Touchpad /proc/bus/input/devices | sed s/.\*=//'
part_id = utils.system_output(cmd).strip('"')
return part_id
def get_vendor_id_webcam(self):
cmd = 'cat /sys/class/video4linux/video0/name'
part_id = utils.system_output(cmd).strip()
return part_id
def pformat(self, obj):
return "\n" + self._pp.pformat(obj) + "\n"
def initialize(self):
self._pp = pprint.PrettyPrinter()
def run_once(self, approved_db='approved_components'):
self._system = {}
self._failures = {}
approved_db = os.path.join(self.bindir, approved_db)
if not os.path.exists(approved_db):
raise error.TestError('Unable to find approved_db: %s' %
self._approved = eval(utils.read_file(approved_db))
logging.debug('Approved DB: %s', self.pformat(self._approved))
for cid in self._cids:
self.check_component(cid, getattr(self, 'get_' + cid)())
for cid in self._pci_cids:
self.check_approved_part_id_existence(cid, type='pci')
for cid in self._usb_cids:
self.check_approved_part_id_existence(cid, type='usb')
logging.debug('System: %s', self.pformat(self._system))
outdb = os.path.join(self.resultsdir, 'system_components')
utils.open_write_close(outdb, self.pformat(self._system))
if self._failures:
raise error.TestFail(self.pformat(self._failures))