blob: 77133fd179de35db148b88c37703318e38f0284c [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
#!/usr/bin/expect --
# reboot-numaq -- reboot Numa-Q systems connected to a VCS console
# Use the remote telnet managment interface on the VCS console to
# hardreset systems. Systems are identified by their system names
# within VCS.
# usage:
# reboot-numaq <type> <console IP> <system> <port> <userid> <password>
# examples:
# reboot-numaq vcs hummer 12346 FOO BAR
# (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005, 2006
# Author: Andy Whitcroft <>
# The Console Multiplexor is released under the GNU Public License V2
set P "reboot-numaq"
if { [llength $argv] != 6 } {
puts stderr "Usage: reboot-numaq vcs <console addr> <system> <console port> <userid> <password>"
exit 1
log_user 0
#stty echo
set argc [llength $argv]
set console_ip [lindex $argv 1]
set system [lindex $argv 2]
set console_port [lindex $argv 3]
set username [lindex $argv 4]
set password [lindex $argv 5]
#log_file -a "$logfile"
set elapsed_time 0
set timeout 30
set command "telnet $console_ip $console_port"
proc note {m} {
global P
puts "$P: $m"
proc warn {m} {
global P
puts "$P: WARNING: $m"
proc winge {m} {
global P
puts "$P: MACHINE ERROR: reboot failed - $m"
# CONNECT: connect to the remote console.
note "Logging into VCS console with command \"$command\" to restart it"
eval spawn $command
expect {
default {
winge "login prompt not issued"
exit 2
"Connection closed by foreign host." {
winge "Telnet connection closed."
exit 1
"Unable to connect to remote host:" {
winge "Connection to remote console failed";
exit 2
"login:" {
note "saw login prompt"
# AUTHENTICATE: send username and password at the relevant prompts
note "sending login ..."
send -- "$username\r"
expect {
default {
winge "password prompt not issued"
exit 2
"password:" {
note "password prompt found"
note "sending password ..."
send -- "$password\r"
expect {
default {
winge "command prompt not issued"
exit 2
"Authentication Failed" {
winge "login/password incorrect ... aborting"
exit 1
-- "->" {
#note "command prompt found"
# SYSTEM: try and select the system, if the specified system does not
# exist get a listing and print that out whilst we are connected.
note "selecting system '$system' ..."
send "cd $system\r"
set found 1
expect {
default {
winge "command prompt not issued"
exit 2
-re "cd: path '.*' not found" {
winge "system not defined"
set found 0
-- "->" {
#note "command prompt found"
proc list_systems {} {
note "Defined systems:"
send "sysdef -l\r"
expect {
default {
winge "command prompt not issued"
exit 2
-re "sysdef -l\r\n$" {
-- "->" {
#note "command prompt found"
"\n$" {
puts -nonewline "$expect_out(buffer)"
note "complete"
# The system the user specified was not found, give them a hand by
# getting a list of systems.
if {$found == 0} {
note "complete ... exiting"
send "exit\r"
exit 1
# DOWN: shut the system down ... hard. Expect to see nothing before the
# prompt in the case of success.
set timeout 65
set fail 1
for {set retry 1} {$fail == 1 && $retry <= 3} {incr retry} {
note "powering off the system ..."
send "power -f -t 60000 off\r"
set fail 0
expect {
default {
winge "command prompt not issued"
exit 2
-- "->" {
#note "command prompt found"
"*E*" {
warn "power off failed ... attempt $retry"
puts -nonewline "$expect_out(buffer)"
set fail 1
if {$fail == 1} {
winge "power off failed ... system not rebooted"
exit 2
set timeout 30
# UP: power the system on ... and then ask it to boot.
note "powering on the system ..."
send "power on\r"
set fail 0
expect {
default {
winge "command prompt not issued"
exit 2
-- "->" {
#note "command prompt found"
"*E*" {
warn "power on failed ..."
set fail 1
if {$fail == 1} {
winge "power on failed ... system not rebooted"
exit 2
note "booting the system ..."
send "boot\r"
expect {
default {
winge "command prompt not issued"
exit 2
-- "->" {
#note "command prompt found"
"*E*" {
warn "boot failed ..."
set fail 1
note "complete ... exiting"
send "exit"
exit 0