blob: abda3ff18fc25dcf679f0c46d6bc6484b0f2973a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""Tool for scheduling BVT and full suite testing of Chrome OS images.
Test Scheduler is a tool for scheduling the testing of Chrome OS images across
multiple boards and platforms. All testing is driven through a board to platform
mapping specified in a JSON config file.
For each board, platform tuple the bvt group is scheduled. Once the bvt has
completed and passed, all groups from 'default_full_groups' are scheduled.
Test Scheduler expects the JSON config file to be in the current working
directory or to be run with --config pointing to the actual config file.
__author__ = ' (Dale Curtis)'
import logging
import optparse
import os
import re
import tempfile
from chromeos_test import autotest_util
from chromeos_test import common_util
from chromeos_test import dash_util
from chromeos_test import dev_server
from chromeos_test import log_util
from chromeos_test import test_config
# Autotest imports
import common
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib.cros import dev_server as new_dev_server
# RegEx for extracting versions from build strings.
_3_TUPLE_VERSION_RE = re.compile('R\d+-(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)')
_4_TUPLE_VERSION_RE = re.compile('(\d+\.\d+\.\d+\.\d+)+-')
def _ParseVersion(build):
"""Extract version from build string. Parses x.x.x.x* and Ryy-x.x.x* forms."""
match = _3_TUPLE_VERSION_RE.match(build)
if not match:
match = _4_TUPLE_VERSION_RE.match(build)
# Will generate an exception if no match was found.
class TestRunner(object):
"""Helper class for scheduling jobs from tests and groups."""
def __init__(self, board, build, cli, config, dev, new_dev, upload=False):
"""Initializes class variables.
board: Board name for this build; e.g., x86-generic-rel
build: Full build string to look for; e.g.,
cli: Path to Autotest CLI.
config: Dictionary of configuration as loaded from JSON.
dev: An initialized DevServer() instance.
new_dev: new dev_server interface under client/common_lib/cros.
upload: Whether to upload created job information to appengine.
self._board = board
self._build = build
self._config = config
self._cli = cli
self._dev = dev
self._new_dev = new_dev
self._upload = upload
def RunTest(self, job_name, platform, test, build=None, control_mods=None):
"""Given a test dictionary: retrieves control file and creates jobs.
Test dictionary format is as follows:
{'name': '', 'control': '', 'count': ##, 'labels': [...], 'sync': <T/F>}
Optional keys are count, labels, and sync. If not specified they will be set
to default values of 1, None, and False respectively.
Jobs are created with the name <board>-<build>_<name>.
job_name: Name of job to create.
platform: Platform to schedule job for.
test: Test config dictionary.
build: Build to use, if different than the one used to initialize class.
control_mods: List of functions to call for control file preprocessing.
Each function will be passed the contents of the control file.
common_util.ChromeOSTestError: If any steps fail.
# Initialize defaults for optional keys. Avoids tedious, if <key> in <test>
default = {'count': 1, 'labels': None, 'sync': None}
test = default
if test['sync']:
test['sync'] = test['count']
if not build:
build = self._build
# Pull control file from Dev Server.
# Use new style for TOT boards.
if 'release' in self._board:
image = '%s/%s' % (self._board, build)
# Make sure the latest board is already staged. This will hang until
# the image is properly staged or return immediately if it is already
# staged. This will have little impact on the rest of this process and
# ensures we properly launch tests while straddling the old and the new
# styles.
control_file_data = self._new_dev.get_control_file(image,
if 'Unknown control path' in control_file_data:
raise common_util.ChromeOSTestError(
'Control file %s not yet staged, skipping' % test['control'])
control_file_data = self._dev.GetControlFile(self._board, build,
except (new_dev_server.DevServerException, common_util.ChromeOSTestError):
logging.error('Missing %s for %s on %s.', test['control'], job_name,
# If there's any preprocessing to be done call it now.
if control_mods:
for mod in control_mods:
control_file_data = mod(control_file_data)
# Create temporary file and write control file contents to it.
temp_fd, temp_fn = tempfile.mkstemp()
os.write(temp_fd, control_file_data)
# Create Autotest job using control file and image parameter.
# Inflate the priority of BVT runs.
if job_name.endswith('_bvt'):
priority = 'urgent'
priority = 'medium'
# Add pool:suites to all jobs to avoid using the BVT machines with the
# same platform label.
if test['labels'] is None:
test['labels'] = ['pool:suites']
job_id = autotest_util.CreateJob(
name=job_name, control=temp_fn,
platforms='%d*%s' % (test['count'], platform), labels=test['labels'],
update_url=self._dev.GetUpdateUrl(self._board, build),
cli=self._cli, priority=priority)
# Cleanup temporary control file. Autotest doesn't need it anymore.
#TODO(dalecurtis): Disabled, since it's not under active development.
# appengine_cfg = self._config.get('appengine', {})
# if self._upload and appengine_cfg:
# dash_util.UploadJob(appengine_cfg, job_id)
#except common_util.ChromeOSTestError:
# logging.warning('Failed to upload job to AppEngine.')
def RunTestGroups(self, groups, platform, lock=True):
"""Given a list of test groups, creates Autotest jobs for associated tests.
Given a list of test groups, map each into the "groups" dictionary from the
JSON configuration file and launch associated tests. If lock is specified it
will attempt to acquire a dev server lock for each group before starting. If
a lock can't be obtained, the group won't be started.
groups: List of group names to run tests for. See test config for valid
group names.
platform: Platform label to look for. See test config for valid platforms.
lock: Attempt to acquire lock before running tests?
for group in groups:
if not group in self._config['groups']:
logging.warning('Skipping unknown group "%s".', group)
# Start tests for the given group.
for test in self._config['groups'][group]:
has_lock = False
job_name = '%s-%s_%s' % (self._board, self._build, test['name'])
# Attempt to acquire lock for test.
if lock:
tag = '%s/%s/%s_%s_%s' % (self._board, self._build, platform,
group, test['name'])
has_lock = True
except common_util.ChromeOSTestError, e:
logging.debug('Refused lock for test "%s" from group "%s".'
' Assuming it has already been started.',
test['name'], group)
self.RunTest(platform=platform, test=test, job_name=job_name)'Successfully created job "%s".', job_name)
except common_util.ChromeOSTestError, e:
logging.error('Failed to schedule test "%s" from group "%s".',
test['name'], group)
# We failed, so release lock and let next run pick this test up.
if has_lock:
def RunAutoupdateTests(self, platform):
# Process the autoupdate targets.
for target in self._dev.ListAutoupdateTargets(self._board, self._build):
has_lock = False
# Tell other instances of the scheduler we're processing this target.
tag = '%s/%s/%s_%s' % (self._board, self._build, platform['platform'],
has_lock = True
except common_util.ChromeOSTestError, e:
logging.debug('Refused lock for autoupdate target "%s". Assuming'
' it has already been started.', target)
# Split target into base build and convenience label.
base_build, label = target.split('_')
# Setup preprocessing function to insert the correct update URL into
# the control file.
control_preprocess_fn = lambda x: x % {'update_url': '%s/%s/%s' % (
self._board, self._build), self._dev.AU_BASE, target)}
# E.g., x86-mario-r14-0.14.734.0_to_0.14.734.0-a1-b123_nton_au
job_name = '%s-%s_to_%s_%s_au' % (
self._board, _ParseVersion(base_build), self._build, label)
test=self._config['groups']['autoupdate'][0], job_name=job_name,
control_mods=[control_preprocess_fn])'Successfully created job "%s".', job_name)
except common_util.ChromeOSTestError, e:
logging.error('Failed to schedule autoupdate target "%s".', target)
# We failed, so release lock and let next run pick this target up.
if has_lock:
def ParseOptions():
"""Parse command line options. Returns 2-tuple of options and config."""
parser = optparse.OptionParser('usage: %prog [options]')
# Add utility/helper class command line options.
autotest_util.AddOptions(parser, cli_only=True)
options = parser.parse_args()[0]
config = test_config.TestConfig(options.config)
return options, config.GetConfig()
def main():
options, config = ParseOptions()
# Setup logger and enable verbose mode if specified.
# Initialize Dev Server Utility class.
dev = dev_server.DevServer(**config['dev_server'])
# Main processing loop. Look for new builds of each board.
for board in config['boards']:
for platform in config['boards'][board]['platforms']:'----[ Processing board %s, platform %s ]----',
board, platform['platform'])
new_dev = new_dev_server.DevServer()
# The variable board is akin to target in the new nomenclature. This is
# the old style and the new style clashing.
# TODO(scottz): remove kludge once we move to suite scheduler.
for milestone in ['r19', 'r20']:
build = new_dev.get_latest_build(board, milestone=milestone)
except new_dev_server.DevServerException:
# Leave just in case we do get an empty response from the server
# but we shouldn't.
if not build:
test_runner = TestRunner(
board=board, build=build, cli=options.cli, config=config,
dev=dev, new_dev=new_dev, upload=True)
# Determine which groups to run.
full_groups = []
if 'groups' in platform:
full_groups += platform['groups']
# Add default groups to the job since 'groups' was not defined.
# if test_suite is set to True use 'default_tot_groups' from the
# json configuration, otherwise use 'default_groups.'
if platform.get('test_suite'):
full_groups += config['default_tot_groups']
full_groups += config['default_groups']
if 'extra_groups' in platform:
full_groups += platform['extra_groups']
groups=full_groups, platform=platform['platform'])
# Skip platforms which are not marked for AU testing.
if not platform.get('au_test', False):
# Process AU targets.
except (new_dev_server.DevServerException,
common_util.ChromeOSTestError) as e:
logging.warning('Exception encountered during processing. Skipping.')
if __name__ == '__main__':