blob: 67faa9206fa819943a54c064bf25388e93057a14 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A common Autotest utility library used by other Chrome OS scripts.
Various helper functions for finding hosts, creating control files, and creating
Autotest jobs.
__author__ = ' (Dale Curtis)'
import getpass
import logging
import optparse
import os
import posixpath
import re
import common_util
# Pre-built Autotest location. Does not contain [client/server]/site_tests.
if 'chromeos-test' == getpass.getuser():
# The Autotest user should use the local install directly.
AUTOTEST_BIN_DIR = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(
os.path.dirname(__file__), '..', '..'))
# All regular users need to use this for now.
# Until we can drop SSO this is required.
AUTOTEST_BIN_DIR = '/home/chromeos-test/autotest'
# Path to atest executable.
ATEST_PATH = os.path.join(AUTOTEST_BIN_DIR, 'cli/atest')
# Maximum retries for test importer failures (rsync or
# Amount of time to sleep (in seconds) between import command retries.
# Directories to be rsync'd to remote server from extracted autotest tarball.
SYNC_DIRS = ['autotest/server', 'autotest/client']
def CreateJob(name, control, platforms, labels=None, server=True,
sync=None, update_url=None, cli=ATEST_PATH, mail=None,
"""Creates an Autotest job using the provided parameters.
Uses the atest CLI tool to create a job for the given hosts with the given
name: Name of job to create.
control: Path to Autotest control file to use.
platforms: Platform labels to schedule job for.
labels: Only use hosts with these labels. Can be a list or a comma delimited
server: Run the job as a server job? Defaults to true.
sync: Number of hosts to process synchronously.
update_url: Dev Server update URL each host should pull update from.
cli: Path to atest (Autotest CLI) to use for this job.
mail: Comma separated list of email addresses to notify upon job completion.
priority: The job priority (low, medium, high, urgent), default medium.
Job id if successful.
common_util.ChromeOSTestError: If Autotest job can't be created.
cmd_list = [cli, 'job create', '--machine ' + platforms,
'--control-file ' + control]
if server:
if sync:
cmd_list.append('--synch_count %d' % sync)
if update_url:
cmd_list.append('--image ' + update_url)
if mail:
cmd_list.append('--email ' + mail)
if priority:
cmd_list.append('--priority %s' % priority.lower())
if labels:
if isinstance(labels, list):
# Convert labels to comma separated list and escape labels w/ commas.
# if we were given a list.
labels = ','.join([label.replace(',', r'\\,') for label in labels])
cmd_list.append('--dependencies ' + labels)
msg = 'Failed to create Autotest job %s !' % name
output = common_util.RunCommand(
cmd=' '.join(cmd_list), error_msg=msg, output=True)
return re.sub(r'[^\d-]+', '', (output.split('id')[1].strip()))
def ImportTests(hosts, staging_dir):
"""Distributes tests to a list of hosts and runs site_test_importer.
Given a list of hosts, rsync the contents of SYNC_DIRS from the Autotest
tarball to the remote directory specified. The following script will be called
on each host until one of them completes successfully.
Method assumes password-less login has been setup for the hosts.
hosts: List of Autotest hosts containing host, user, and path; e.g.,
[{'host': '', 'user': 'user', 'path': '/usr/local/autotest'},
{'host': '', 'user': 'user', 'path': '/usr/local/autotest'}}
staging_dir: Directory containing extracted autotest.tar
True if all hosts synced successfully. False otherwise.
all_ok = True
imported_tests = False
for host in hosts:
# Copy relevant files and directories, keep permissions on remote host.
for sdir in SYNC_DIRS:
cmd = 'rsync -a --safe-links --no-p %s %s@%s:%s' % (
sdir, host['user'], host['host'], host['path'])
msg = 'Failed to rsync %s to %s@%s:%s' % (
sdir, host['user'], host['host'], host['path'])
common_util.RunCommand(cmd, cwd=staging_dir, error_msg=msg,
# Run test importer.
if not imported_tests:
cmd = 'ssh %s@%s %s' % (host['user'], host['host'],
msg = 'Failed to run on %s@%s!' % (
host['user'], host['host'])
common_util.RunCommand(cmd, error_msg=msg, retries=MAX_IMPORT_RETRY,
imported_tests = True
except common_util.ChromeOSTestError, e:
all_ok = False
return all_ok
def GetPlatformDict(cli=ATEST_PATH):
"""Returns a dict of platforms + labels usable by the current user.
@returns a dict with platform as a key and value of a set representing labels
associated with a given platform.
cmd = '%s host list --parse --user $USER' % cli
msg = 'Failed to retrieve host list from Autotest.'
output = common_util.RunCommand(cmd=cmd, error_msg=msg, output=True)
# atest host list will return a tabular data set with columns separated by |
# characters. From each line we only want the platform label.
platform_dict = {}
if output:
for line in output.splitlines():
temp_dict = {}
for entry in line.split('|'):
key, values = entry.split('=', 1)
temp_dict[key.strip()] = values.strip()
platform = temp_dict.get('Platform', None)
if not platform:
labels = temp_dict.get('Labels', '').split()
for label in labels:
if label.startswith('rps') or label.startswith('cros'):
platform_dict.setdefault(platform, set()).add(label)
return platform_dict
def GetHostList(cli=ATEST_PATH, acl=None, label=None, user=None, status=None):
"""Returns a list containing hosts retrieved from the atest CLI.
cli: path to atest.
acl: acl to use in atest query.
label: label to use in atest query.
user: user to use in atest query.
status: status to use in atest query.
A list of host names.
common_util.ChromeOSTestError: If host list can't be retrieved.
return [host for host in GetHostData(cli, acl, label, user, status)]
def GetHostData(cli=ATEST_PATH, acl=None, label=None, user=None, status=None):
"""Returns a dict containing full host info retrieved from the atest CLI.
cli: path to atest.
acl: acl to use in atest query.
label: label to use in atest query.
user: user to use in atest query.
status: status to use in atest query.
A dict of host data.
common_util.ChromeOSTestError: If host data can't be retrieved.
afe_hosts = {}
cmd = [cli, 'host list']
if acl:
cmd += ['-a', acl]
if label:
cmd += ['-b', label]
if user:
cmd += ['-u', user]
if status:
cmd += ['-s', status]
cmd_str = ' '.join(cmd)
msg = 'Failed to retrieve hosts data from autotest.'
atest_out = common_util.RunCommand(cmd=cmd_str, error_msg=msg, output=True)
if not atest_out:
return afe_hosts
lines = atest_out.splitlines()[1:]
for line in lines:
# The only two word status is 'Repair Failed'. In that case insert a '_'
# to make a single word status 'Repair_Failed'.
fields = line.replace('Repair Failed', 'Repair_Failed').split()
if len(fields) > 3:
afe_hosts[fields[0]] = {
'status': fields[1],
'locked': fields[2],
'platform': fields[3],
'labels': []}
if len(fields) > 4:
afe_hosts[fields[0]]['labels'] = fields[4:]
return afe_hosts
def AddOptions(parser, cli_only=False):
"""Add command line option group for atest usage.
Optional method to add helpful command line options to calling programs.
Adds Options:
--cli: Location of atest
--acl: acl to use in atest query
--label: label to use in atest query
--status: status to use in atest query
--user: user to use in atest query
parser: OptionParser to add autotest flags to.
cli_only: When true only add the --cli flag to argument list.
OptionGroup: Users can add additional options to the returned group.
group = optparse.OptionGroup(parser,
title='Autotest CLI Configuration',
description=('Options specifying the location'
' and arguments to Atest.'))
help='Autotest CLI executable location [default: %default]',
if not cli_only:
help=('Autotest ACL Group to query for host machines. '
' [default: %default]'),
help=('Only run on hosts with the specified label. '
'Examples: board_x86-generic, has_80211n, has_ssd. '
'See http://cautotest/afe/server/admin/afe/label/'))
help=('Only run on hosts with the specified status. '
'Examples: Running, Ready, Repair.'))
help='Only run on hosts with the specified user.')
return parser.add_option_group(group)