blob: cda4f6dd00990926948ea8fdc346d4ba56fa9a41 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2013 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from autotest_lib.client.cros import constants
from autotest_lib.server.cros import provision
# job_labels should be a string like "name:setting,name:setting"
# non-provisionable labels are currently skipped, so they're safe to pass in.
job_labels = locals().get('job_labels') or ','.join(args)
labels_list = [label.strip() for label in job_labels.split(',') if label]
def provision_machine(machine):
Run the appropriate provisioning tests to make the machine's labels match
those given in job_labels.
host = hosts.create_host(machine)
fixed, provisionable = provision.filter_labels(labels_list)
job.record('START', None, 'provision')
provision.run_special_task_actions(job, host, labels_list,
except Exception as e:
job.record('END FAIL', None, 'provision')
# Raising a blank exception is done here because any message we can
# give here would be less useful than whatever the failing test left as
# its own exception message.
# The gory details of how raising a blank exception accomplishes this
# is as follows:
# The scheduler only looks at the return code of autoserv to see if
# the special task failed. Therefore we need python to exit because
# of an unhandled exception or because someone called sys.exit(1).
# We can't call sys.exit, since there's post-job-running logic (like
# cleanup) that we'd be skipping out on. So therefore, we need to
# raise an exception. However, if we raise an exception, this
# exception ends up triggering server_job to write an INFO line with
# job_abort_reason equal to str(e), which the tko parser then picks
# up as the reason field for the job when the status.log we generate is
# parsed as the job's results.
# So therefore, we raise a blank exception, which then generates an
# empty job_abort_reason which the tko parser ignores just inserts as
# a SERVER_JOB failure with no reason, which we then ignore at suite
# results reporting time.
raise Exception('')
# If we finish successfully, nothing in autotest ever looks at the
# status.log, so it's purely for human consumption and tracability.
job.record('END GOOD', None, 'provision',
'%s provisioned successfully' % machine)
job.parallel_simple(provision_machine, machines)
# vim: set syntax=python :