blob: 254e92f7e8ef9b88b8af00499cf718fe89190e5d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
import cgi, datetime, re, time, urllib
from django import http
import django.core.exceptions
from django.core import urlresolvers
from django.utils import datastructures
import json
from autotest_lib.frontend.shared import exceptions, query_lib
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import model_logic
_JSON_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/json'
def _resolve_class_path(class_path):
module_path, class_name = class_path.rsplit('.', 1)
module = __import__(module_path, {}, {}, [''])
return getattr(module, class_name)
class _InputDict(dict):
def get(self, key, default=_NO_VALUE_SPECIFIED):
return super(_InputDict, self).get(key, default)
def remove_unspecified_fields(cls, field_dict):
return dict((key, value) for key, value in field_dict.iteritems()
if value is not _NO_VALUE_SPECIFIED)
class Resource(object):
_permitted_methods = None # subclasses must override this
def __init__(self, request):
assert self._permitted_methods
# this request should be used for global environment info, like
# constructing absolute URIs. it should not be used for query
# parameters, because the request may not have been for this particular
# resource.
self._request = request
# this dict will contain the applicable query parameters
self._query_params = datastructures.MultiValueDict()
def dispatch_request(cls, request, *args, **kwargs):
# handle a request directly
instance = cls.from_uri_args(request, **kwargs)
except django.core.exceptions.ObjectDoesNotExist, exc:
raise http.Http404(exc)
return instance.handle_request()
except exceptions.RequestError, exc:
return exc.response
def handle_request(self):
if self._request.method.upper() not in self._permitted_methods:
return http.HttpResponseNotAllowed(self._permitted_methods)
handler = getattr(self, self._request.method.lower())
return handler()
# the handler methods below only need to be overridden if the resource
# supports the method
def get(self):
"""Handle a GET request.
@returns an HttpResponse
raise NotImplementedError
def post(self):
"""Handle a POST request.
@returns an HttpResponse
raise NotImplementedError
def put(self):
"""Handle a PUT request.
@returns an HttpResponse
raise NotImplementedError
def delete(self):
"""Handle a DELETE request.
@returns an HttpResponse
raise NotImplementedError
def from_uri_args(cls, request, **kwargs):
"""Construct an instance from URI args.
Default implementation for resources with no URI args.
return cls(request)
def _uri_args(self):
"""Return kwargs for a URI reference to this resource.
Default implementation for resources with no URI args.
return {}
def _query_parameters_accepted(self):
"""Return sequence of tuples (name, description) for query parameters.
Documents the available query parameters for GETting this resource.
Default implementation for resources with no parameters.
return ()
def read_query_parameters(self, parameters):
"""Read relevant query parameters from a Django MultiValueDict."""
params_acccepted = set(param_name for param_name, _
in self._query_parameters_accepted())
for name, values in parameters.iterlists():
base_name = name.split(':', 1)[0]
if base_name in params_acccepted:
self._query_params.setlist(name, values)
def set_query_parameters(self, **parameters):
"""Set query parameters programmatically."""
def href(self, query_params=None):
"""Return URI to this resource."""
kwargs = self._uri_args()
path = urlresolvers.reverse(self.dispatch_request, kwargs=kwargs)
full_query_params = datastructures.MultiValueDict(self._query_params)
if query_params:
if full_query_params:
path += '?' + urllib.urlencode(full_query_params.lists(),
return self._request.build_absolute_uri(path)
def resolve_uri(self, uri):
# check for absolute URIs
match = re.match(r'(?P<root>https?://[^/]+)(?P<path>/.*)', uri)
if match:
# is this URI for a different host?
my_root = self._request.build_absolute_uri('/')
request_root ='root') + '/'
if my_root != request_root:
# might support this in the future, but not now
raise exceptions.BadRequest('Unable to resolve remote URI %s'
% uri)
uri ='path')
view_method, args, kwargs = urlresolvers.resolve(uri)
except http.Http404:
raise exceptions.BadRequest('Unable to resolve URI %s' % uri)
resource_class = view_method.im_self # class owning this classmethod
return resource_class.from_uri_args(self._request, **kwargs)
def resolve_link(self, link):
if isinstance(link, dict):
uri = link['href']
elif isinstance(link, basestring):
uri = link
raise exceptions.BadRequest('Unable to understand link %s' % link)
return self.resolve_uri(uri)
def link(self, query_params=None):
return {'href': self.href(query_params=query_params)}
def _query_parameters_response(self):
return dict((name, description)
for name, description in self._query_parameters_accepted())
def _basic_response(self, content):
"""Construct and return a simple 200 response."""
assert isinstance(content, dict)
query_parameters = self._query_parameters_response()
if query_parameters:
content['query_parameters'] = query_parameters
encoded_content = json.dumps(content)
return http.HttpResponse(encoded_content,
def _decoded_input(self):
content_type = self._request.META.get('CONTENT_TYPE',
raw_data = self._request.raw_post_data
if content_type == _JSON_CONTENT_TYPE:
raw_dict = json.loads(raw_data)
except ValueError, exc:
raise exceptions.BadRequest('Error decoding request body: '
'%s\n%r' % (exc, raw_data))
if not isinstance(raw_dict, dict):
raise exceptions.BadRequest('Expected dict input, got %s: %r' %
(type(raw_dict), raw_dict))
elif content_type == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
cgi_dict = cgi.parse_qs(raw_data) # django won't do this for PUT
raw_dict = {}
for key, values in cgi_dict.items():
value = values[-1] # take last value if multiple were given
# attempt to parse numbers, booleans and nulls
raw_dict[key] = json.loads(value)
except ValueError:
# otherwise, leave it as a string
raw_dict[key] = value
raise exceptions.RequestError(415, 'Unsupported media type: %s'
% content_type)
return _InputDict(raw_dict)
def _format_datetime(self, date_time):
"""Return ISO 8601 string for the given datetime"""
if date_time is None:
return None
timezone_hrs = time.timezone / 60 / 60 # convert seconds to hours
if timezone_hrs >= 0:
timezone_join = '+'
timezone_join = '' # minus sign comes from number itself
timezone_spec = '%s%s:00' % (timezone_join, timezone_hrs)
return date_time.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') + timezone_spec
def _check_for_required_fields(cls, input_dict, fields):
assert isinstance(fields, (list, tuple)), fields
missing_fields = ', '.join(field for field in fields
if field not in input_dict)
if missing_fields:
raise exceptions.BadRequest('Missing input: ' + missing_fields)
class Entry(Resource):
def add_query_selectors(cls, query_processor):
"""Sbuclasses may override this to support querying."""
def short_representation(self):
def full_representation(self):
return self.short_representation()
def get(self):
return self._basic_response(self.full_representation())
def put(self):
except model_logic.ValidationError, exc:
raise exceptions.BadRequest('Invalid input: %s' % exc)
return self._basic_response(self.full_representation())
def _delete_entry(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def delete(self):
return http.HttpResponse(status=204) # No content
def create_instance(self, input_dict, containing_collection):
raise NotImplementedError
def update(self, input_dict):
raise NotImplementedError
class InstanceEntry(Entry):
class NullEntry(object):
def link(self):
return None
def short_representation(self):
return None
_null_entry = NullEntry()
_permitted_methods = ('GET', 'PUT', 'DELETE')
model = None # subclasses must override this with a Django model class
def __init__(self, request, instance):
assert self.model is not None
super(InstanceEntry, self).__init__(request)
self.instance = instance
self._is_prepared_for_full_representation = False
def from_optional_instance(cls, request, instance):
if instance is None:
return cls._null_entry
return cls(request, instance)
def _delete_entry(self):
def full_representation(self):
return super(InstanceEntry, self).full_representation()
def prepare_for_full_representation(cls, entries):
Prepare the given list of entries to generate full representations.
This method delegates to _do_prepare_for_full_representation(), which
subclasses may override as necessary to do the actual processing. This
method also marks the instance as prepared, so it's safe to call this
multiple times with the same instance(s) without wasting work.
not_prepared = [entry for entry in entries
if not entry._is_prepared_for_full_representation]
for entry in not_prepared])
for entry in not_prepared:
entry._is_prepared_for_full_representation = True
def _do_prepare_for_full_representation(cls, instances):
Subclasses may override this to gather data as needed for full
representations of the given model instances. Typically, this involves
querying over related objects, and this method offers a chance to query
for many instances at once, which can provide a great performance
class Collection(Resource):
_permitted_methods=('GET', 'POST')
# subclasses must override these
queryset = None # or override _fresh_queryset() directly
entry_class = None
def __init__(self, request):
super(Collection, self).__init__(request)
assert self.entry_class is not None
if isinstance(self.entry_class, basestring):
type(self).entry_class = _resolve_class_path(self.entry_class)
self._query_processor = query_lib.QueryProcessor()
def _query_parameters_accepted(self):
params = [('start_index', 'Index of first member to include'),
('items_per_page', 'Number of members to include'),
'True to include full representations of members')]
for selector in self._query_processor.selectors():
params.append((, selector.doc))
return params
def _fresh_queryset(self):
assert self.queryset is not None
# always copy the queryset before using it to avoid caching
return self.queryset.all()
def _entry_from_instance(self, instance):
return self.entry_class(self._request, instance)
def _representation(self, entry_instances):
entries = [self._entry_from_instance(instance)
for instance in entry_instances]
want_full_representation = self._read_bool_parameter(
if want_full_representation:
members = []
for entry in entries:
if want_full_representation:
rep = entry.full_representation()
rep = entry.short_representation()
rep =
rep.update({'members': members})
return rep
def _read_bool_parameter(self, name):
if name not in self._query_params:
return False
return (self._query_params[name].lower() == 'true')
def _read_int_parameter(self, name, default):
if name not in self._query_params:
return default
input_value = self._query_params[name]
return int(input_value)
except ValueError:
raise exceptions.BadRequest('Invalid non-numeric value for %s: %r'
% (name, input_value))
def _apply_form_query(self, queryset):
"""Apply any query selectors passed as form variables."""
for parameter, values in self._query_params.lists():
if ':' in parameter:
parameter, comparison_type = parameter.split(':', 1)
comparison_type = None
if not self._query_processor.has_selector(parameter):
for value in values: # forms keys can have multiple values
queryset = self._query_processor.apply_selector(
queryset, parameter, value,
return queryset
def _filtered_queryset(self):
return self._apply_form_query(self._fresh_queryset())
def get(self):
queryset = self._filtered_queryset()
items_per_page = self._read_int_parameter('items_per_page',
start_index = self._read_int_parameter('start_index', 0)
page = queryset[start_index:(start_index + items_per_page)]
rep = self._representation(page)
rep.update({'total_results': len(queryset),
'start_index': start_index,
'items_per_page': items_per_page})
return self._basic_response(rep)
def full_representation(self):
# careful, this rep can be huge for large collections
return self._representation(self._fresh_queryset())
def post(self):
input_dict = self._decoded_input()
instance = self.entry_class.create_instance(input_dict, self)
entry = self._entry_from_instance(instance)
except model_logic.ValidationError, exc:
raise exceptions.BadRequest('Invalid input: %s' % exc)
# RFC 2616 specifies that we provide the new URI in both the Location
# header and the body
response = http.HttpResponse(status=201, # Created
response['Location'] = entry.href()
return response
class Relationship(Entry):
_permitted_methods = ('GET', 'DELETE')
# subclasses must override this with a dict mapping name to entry class
related_classes = None
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
assert len(self.related_classes) == 2
self.entries = dict((name, kwargs[name])
for name in self.related_classes)
for name in self.related_classes: # sanity check
assert isinstance(self.entries[name], self.related_classes[name])
# just grab the request from one of the entries
some_entry = self.entries.itervalues().next()
super(Relationship, self).__init__(some_entry._request)
def from_uri_args(cls, request, **kwargs):
# kwargs contains URI args for each entry
entries = {}
for name, entry_class in cls.related_classes.iteritems():
entries[name] = entry_class.from_uri_args(request, **kwargs)
return cls(**entries)
def _uri_args(self):
kwargs = {}
for name, entry in self.entries.iteritems():
return kwargs
def short_representation(self):
rep =
for name, entry in self.entries.iteritems():
rep[name] = entry.short_representation()
return rep
def _get_related_manager(cls, instance):
"""Get the related objects manager for the given instance.
The instance must be one of the related classes. This method will
return the related manager from that instance to instances of the other
related class.
this_model = type(instance)
models = [entry_class.model for entry_class
in cls.related_classes.values()]
if isinstance(instance, models[0]):
this_model, other_model = models
other_model, this_model = models
_, field = this_model.objects.determine_relationship(other_model)
this_models_fields = (this_model._meta.fields
+ this_model._meta.many_to_many)
if field in this_models_fields:
manager_name = field.attname
# related manager is on other_model, get name of reverse related
# manager on this_model
manager_name = field.related.get_accessor_name()
return getattr(instance, manager_name)
def _delete_entry(self):
# choose order arbitrarily
entry, other_entry = self.entries.itervalues()
related_manager = self._get_related_manager(entry.instance)
def create_instance(cls, input_dict, containing_collection):
other_name = containing_collection.unfixed_name
cls._check_for_required_fields(input_dict, (other_name,))
entry = containing_collection.fixed_entry
other_entry = containing_collection.resolve_link(input_dict[other_name])
related_manager = cls._get_related_manager(entry.instance)
return other_entry.instance
def update(self, input_dict):
class RelationshipCollection(Collection):
def __init__(self, request=None, fixed_entry=None):
if request is None:
request = fixed_entry._request
super(RelationshipCollection, self).__init__(request)
assert issubclass(self.entry_class, Relationship)
self.related_classes = self.entry_class.related_classes
self.fixed_name = None
self.fixed_entry = None
self.unfixed_name = None
self.related_manager = None
if fixed_entry is not None:
entry_uri_arg = self.fixed_entry._uri_args().values()[0]
self._query_params[self.fixed_name] = entry_uri_arg
def _set_fixed_entry(self, entry):
"""Set the fixed entry for this collection.
The entry must be an instance of one of the related entry classes. This
method must be called before a relationship is used. It gets called
either from the constructor (when collections are instantiated from
other resource handling code) or from read_query_parameters() (when a
request is made directly for the collection.
names = self.related_classes.keys()
if isinstance(entry, self.related_classes[names[0]]):
self.fixed_name, self.unfixed_name = names
assert isinstance(entry, self.related_classes[names[1]])
self.unfixed_name, self.fixed_name = names
self.fixed_entry = entry
self.unfixed_class = self.related_classes[self.unfixed_name]
self.related_manager = self.entry_class._get_related_manager(
def _query_parameters_accepted(self):
return [(name, 'Show relationships for this %s' % entry_class.__name__)
for name, entry_class
in self.related_classes.iteritems()]
def _resolve_query_param(self, name, uri_arg):
entry_class = self.related_classes[name]
return entry_class.from_uri_args(self._request, uri_arg)
def read_query_parameters(self, query_params):
super(RelationshipCollection, self).read_query_parameters(query_params)
if not self._query_params:
raise exceptions.BadRequest(
'You must specify one of the parameters %s and %s'
% tuple(self.related_classes.keys()))
query_items = self._query_params.items()
fixed_entry = self._resolve_query_param(*query_items[0])
if len(query_items) > 1:
other_fixed_entry = self._resolve_query_param(*query_items[1])
self.related_manager = self.related_manager.filter(
def _entry_from_instance(self, instance):
unfixed_entry = self.unfixed_class(self._request, instance)
entries = {self.fixed_name: self.fixed_entry,
self.unfixed_name: unfixed_entry}
return self.entry_class(**entries)
def _fresh_queryset(self):
return self.related_manager.all()