blob: 0ca2788ee221d9515f5ca338256492d9ca9ed025 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
import tempfile, shutil, os
from django.core import management
from django.conf import settings
import common
# we need to set DATABASE_ENGINE now, at import time, before the Django database
# system gets initialized.
# django.conf.settings.LazySettings is buggy and requires us to get something
# from it before we set stuff on it.
getattr(settings, 'DATABASES')
settings.DATABASES['default']['ENGINE'] = (
settings.DATABASES['default']['NAME'] = ':memory:'
from django.db import connection
from autotest_lib.frontend.afe import readonly_connection
def run_syncdb(verbosity=0):
management.call_command('syncdb', verbosity=verbosity, interactive=False)
def destroy_test_database():
# Django brilliantly ignores close() requests on in-memory DBs to keep us
# naive users from accidentally destroying data. So reach in and close
# the real connection ourselves.
# Note this depends on Django internals and will likely need to be changed
# when we move to Django 1.x.
real_connection = connection.connection
if real_connection is not None:
connection.connection = None
def set_up():
def tear_down():
def print_queries():
Print all SQL queries executed so far. Useful for debugging failing tests -
you can call it from tearDown(), and then execute the single test case of
interest from the command line.
for query in connection.queries:
print query['sql'] + ';\n'