blob: d019c73845d9953b35503b276d142511e549253d [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
UP_SQL = """
CREATE UNIQUE INDEX host_queue_entries_job_id_and_host_id
ON host_queue_entries (job_id, host_id);
DROP INDEX host_queue_entries_job_id ON host_queue_entries;
DOWN_SQL = """
CREATE INDEX host_queue_entries_job_id ON host_queue_entries (job_id);
DROP INDEX host_queue_entries_job_id_and_host_id ON host_queue_entries;
def null_out_duplicate_hqes(manager, hqe_ids):
if not hqe_ids:
ids_to_null_string = ','.join(str(hqe_id) for hqe_id in hqe_ids)
# check if any of the HQEs we're going to null out are active. if so, it's
# too dangerous to proceed.
rows = manager.execute('SELECT id FROM host_queue_entries '
'WHERE active AND id IN (%s)' % ids_to_null_string)
if rows:
raise Exception('Active duplicate HQEs exist, cannot proceed. Please '
'manually abort these HQE IDs: %s' % ids_to_null_string)
# go ahead and null them out
print 'Nulling out duplicate HQE IDs: %s' % ids_to_null_string
manager.execute('UPDATE host_queue_entries '
'SET host_id = NULL, active = FALSE, complete = TRUE, '
'aborted = TRUE, status = "Aborted" '
'WHERE id IN (%s)' % ids_to_null_string)
def migrate_up(manager):
# cleanup duplicate host_queue_entries. rather than deleting them (and
# dealing with foreign key references), we'll just null out their host_ids
# and set them to aborted.
rows = manager.execute('SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(id), COUNT(1) AS count '
'FROM host_queue_entries '
'WHERE host_id IS NOT NULL '
'GROUP BY job_id, host_id HAVING count > 1')
# gather all the HQE IDs we want to null out
ids_to_null = []
for ids_string, _ in rows:
id_list = ids_string.split(',')
# null out all but the first one. this isn't terribly important, but
# the first one is the most likely to have actually executed, so might
# as well keep that one.
null_out_duplicate_hqes(manager, ids_to_null)