blob: 4af59f754793158f39f0e62a66a70af4f0978a59 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# conmux-registry -- console name registry server
# Main registry server. This server holds host/port assignments for
# conmux daemons registering with it. This allows users to specify
# human names for their consoles and find the relevant conmux daemon.
# (C) Copyright IBM Corp. 2004, 2005, 2006
# Author: Andy Whitcroft <>
# The Console Multiplexor is released under the GNU Public License V2
use strict;
use FindBin;
use Symbol qw(gensym);
use IO::Socket;
use IO::Multiplex;
use URI::Escape;
# Find our internal libraries.
use lib $FindBin::Bin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/../lib/";
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib/";
use Conmux;
our $P = 'conmux-registry';
our $debug = 0;
# LISTENER SOCKET: creates an intenet listener for new clients and
# connects them to the junction provided.
package ListenerSocket;
sub new {
my ($class, $mux, $port, $registry) = @_;
my $self = bless { 'mux' => $mux, 'registry' => $registry }, $class;
print "ListenerSocket::new [$self] mux<$mux> port<$port> " .
"registry<$registry>\n" if ($main::debug);
$self->initialise($mux, $port, $registry);
sub initialise {
my ($self, $mux, $port, $registry) = @_;
my ($sock);
print "ListenerSocket::initialise [$self] mux<$mux> port<$port> " .
"registry<$registry>\n" if ($main::debug);
# Create a listening socket and add it to the multiplexor.
my $sock = new IO::Socket::INET(Proto => 'tcp',
LocalPort => $port,
Listen => 4,
ReuseAddr => 1)
or die "socket: $@";
print " adding $self $sock\n" if ($main::debug);
$mux->set_callback_object($self, $sock);
$self->{'listener'} = $sock;
# Handle new connections by instantiating a new client class.
sub mux_connection {
my ($self, $mux, $fh) = @_;
my ($client);
print "ListenerSocket::mux_connection [$self] mux<$mux> fh<$fh>\n"
if ($main::debug);
# Make a new client connection.
$client = Client->new($mux, $fh, $self->{'registry'});
print " new connection $self $client\n" if ($main::debug);
my ($self) = @_;
print "ListenerSocket::DESTROY [$self]\n" if ($main::debug);
# CLIENT: general client object, represents a remote client channel
package Client;
sub new {
my ($class, $mux, $fh, $registry) = @_;
my $self = bless { 'mux' => $mux,
'fh' => $fh,
'registry' => $registry }, $class;
print "Client::new [$self] mux<$mux> fh<$fh> registry<$registry>\n"
if ($main::debug);
$self->initialise($mux, $fh, $registry);
sub initialise {
my ($self, $mux, $fh, $registry) = @_;
print "Client::initialise [$self] mux<$mux> fh<$fh> " .
"registry<$registry>\n" if ($main::debug);
$mux->set_callback_object($self, $fh);
sub mux_input {
my ($self, $mux, $fh, $input) = @_;
print "Client::mux_input [$self] mux<$mux> fh<$fh> input<$$input>\n"
if ($main::debug);
while ($$input =~ s/^(.*?)\n//) {
my ($cmd, $args) = split(' ', $1, 2);
my (%args) = Conmux::decodeArgs($args);
my $reply = {
'status' => 'ENOSYS',
# Fill in the common results.
$reply->{'title'} = 'registry';
# Handle this command.
if ($cmd eq "LOOKUP") {
my $r = $self->{'registry'}->lookup($args{'service'});
if (defined $r) {
$reply->{'result'} = $r;
$reply->{'status'} = 'OK';
} else {
$reply->{'status'} = 'ENOENT entry not found';
} elsif ($cmd eq "ADD") {
$reply->{'status'} = 'OK';
} elsif ($cmd eq "LIST") {
$reply->{'result'} = $self->{'registry'}->list();
$reply->{'status'} = 'OK';
$fh->write(Conmux::encodeArgs($reply) . "\n");
sub mux_eof {
my ($self, $mux, $fh, $input) = @_;
print "Client::mux_eof [$self] mux<$mux> fh<$fh> input<$input>\n"
if ($main::debug);
# Handle any pending input, then remove myself.
$self->mux_input($mux, $fh, $input);
# Tell the multiplexor we no longer are using this channel.
$mux->shutdown($fh, 1);
sub mux_close {
my ($self, $mux, $fn) = @_;
print "Client::close [$self]\n" if ($main::debug);
my ($self) = @_;
print "Client::DESTROY [$self]\n" if ($main::debug);
# REGISTRY: registry elements.
package Registry;
sub new {
my ($class, $store) = @_;
my $self = bless { 'store' => $store }, $class;
my ($key, $val);
print "Registry::new [$self] store<$store>\n" if ($main::debug);
# Open the store and populate the keys.
open(S, '<', $store) || die "Registry::new: $store: open failed - $!\n";
while (<S>) {
($key, $val) = split(' ', $_);
$self->{'key'}->{$key} = $val;
sub add {
my ($self, $what, $where) = @_;
my ($key);
print "Registry::add [$self] what<$what> where<$where>\n"
if ($main::debug);
$self->{'key'}->{$what} = $where;
print "$what at $where\n";
if (open(S, '>', $self->{'store'} . '.new')) {
foreach $key (sort keys %{$self->{'key'}}) {
print S "$key $self->{'key'}->{$key}\n";
rename $self->{'store'} . '.new', $self->{'store'};
} else {
warn "$P: $self->{'store'}.new: open failed - $!";
sub lookup {
my ($self, $what) = @_;
print "Registry::lookup [$self] what<$what>\n" if ($main::debug);
sub list {
my ($self) = @_;
my ($r, $key);
print "Registry::list [$self]\n" if ($main::debug);
foreach $key (sort keys %{$self->{'key'}}) {
$r .= "$key $self->{'key'}->{$key}\n";
# MAIN: makes the IO multiplexor, listener and registry and stitches
# them all together.
package main;
# Usage checks.
if ($#ARGV != 1) {
print STDERR "Usage: $P <local port> <store>\n";
exit 1
my ($lport, $store) = @ARGV;
# Make a new multiplexer.
my $mux = new IO::Multiplex;
# Make the registry object.
my $registry = Registry->new($store);
# Create the client listener socket.
my $listener = ListenerSocket->new($mux, $lport, $registry);
# Hand over to the multiplexor.