blob: 6ecf2531dd8a0793e06b5a551c754c4449d00cf7 [file] [log] [blame]
"""RDB utilities.
Do not import rdb or autotest modules here to avoid cyclic dependencies.
import itertools
import collections
class RDBException(Exception):
"""Generic RDB exception."""
def wire_format(self):
"""Convert the exception to a format better suited to an rpc response.
return str(self)
class RDBRequestMeta(type):
"""Metaclass for constructing rdb requests.
This meta class creates a read-only request template by combining the
request_arguments of all classes in the inheritence hierarchy into a namedtuple.
def __new__(cls, name, bases, dctn):
for base in bases:
except AttributeError:
dctn['template'] = collections.namedtuple('template',
return type.__new__(cls, name, bases, dctn)
# RDB Request classes: Used in conjunction with the request managers defined in
# rdb_lib. Each class defines the set of fields the rdb needs to fulfill the
# request, and a hashable request object the request managers use to identify
# a response with a request.
class RDBRequest(object):
"""Base class for an rdb request.
All classes inheriting from RDBRequest will need to specify a list of
request_args necessary to create the request, and will in turn get a
request that the rdb understands.
__metaclass__ = RDBRequestMeta
__slots__ = set(['_request_args', '_request'])
_request_args = set([])
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
for key,value in kwargs.iteritems():
except TypeError as e:
raise RDBException('All fields of a %s must be hashable. '
'%s: %s, %s failed this test.' %
(self.__class__, key, type(value), value))
self._request = self.template(**kwargs)
except TypeError:
raise RDBException('Creating %s requires args %s, got %s ' %
(self.__class__, self.template._fields, kwargs.keys()))
def get_request(self):
"""Returns a request that the rdb understands.
@return: A named tuple with all the fields necessary to make a request.
return self._request
class HashableDict(dict):
"""A hashable dictionary.
This class assumes all values of the input dict are hashable.
def __hash__(self):
return hash(tuple(sorted(self.items())))
class HostRequest(RDBRequest):
"""Basic request for information about a single host.
Eg: HostRequest(host_id=x): Will return all information about host x.
_request_args = set(['host_id'])
class UpdateHostRequest(HostRequest):
"""Defines requests to update hosts.
UpdateHostRequest(host_id=x, payload={'afe_hosts_col_name': value}):
Will update column afe_hosts_col_name with the given value, for
the given host_id.
@raises RDBException: If the input arguments don't contain the expected
fields to make the request, or are of the wrong type.
_request_args = set(['payload'])
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
kwargs['payload'] = HashableDict(kwargs['payload'])
except (KeyError, TypeError) as e:
raise RDBException('Creating %s requires args %s, got %s ' %
(self.__class__, self.template._fields, kwargs.keys()))
super(UpdateHostRequest, self).__init__(**kwargs)
class AcquireHostRequest(HostRequest):
"""Defines requests to acquire hosts.
AcquireHostRequest(host_id=None, deps=[d1, d2], acls=[a1], priority=40)
Will acquire and return a host that matches the specified deps/acls
after doing so for all requests of higher priority first.
AcquireHostRequest(host_id=x, deps=[d1, d2], acls=[a1, a2], priority=40)
Will acquire and return host x, if the there are any left after
satisfying requests of a higher priority.
@raises RDBException: If the the input arguments don't contain the expected
fields to make a request, or are of the wrong type.
_request_args = set(['deps', 'acls', 'priority'])
def __init__(self, **kwargs):
kwargs['deps'] = frozenset(kwargs['deps'])
kwargs['acls'] = frozenset(kwargs['acls'])
except (KeyError, TypeError) as e:
raise RDBException('Creating %s requires args %s, got %s ' %
(self.__class__, self.template._fields, kwargs.keys()))
super(AcquireHostRequest, self).__init__(**kwargs)
# Custom iterators: Used by the rdb to lazily convert the iteration of a
# queryset to a database query and return an appropriately formatted response.
class RememberingIterator(object):
"""An iterator capable of reproducing all values in the input generator.
#pylint: disable-msg=C0111
def __init__(self, gen):
self.current, self.history = itertools.tee(gen)
self.items = []
def __iter__(self):
return self
def next(self):
def get_all_items(self):
"""Get all the items in the generator this object was created with.
@return: A list of items.
if not self.items:
self.items = list(self.history)
return self.items
class LabelIterator(RememberingIterator):
"""A RememberingIterator for labels.
Within the rdb any label/dependency comparisons are performed based on label
ids. However, the host object returned needs to contain label names instead.
This class returns the label id when iterated over, but a list of all label
names when accessed through get_all_items.
def next(self):
return super(LabelIterator, self).next().id
def get_all_items(self):
"""Get all label names of the labels in the input generator.
@return: A list of label names.
return [
for label in super(LabelIterator, self).get_all_items()]
# Rdb host adapters: Help in making a raw database host object more ameanable
# to the classes and functions in the rdb and/or rdb clients.
class RDBServerHostWrapper(object):
"""A host wrapper for the raw database object.
def __init__(self, host): =
self.hostname = host.hostname
self.status = host.status =
self.dirty = host.dirty
self.invalid = host.invalid
self.labels = LabelIterator(
(label for label in host.labels.all()))
self.acls = RememberingIterator(
( for acl in host.aclgroup_set.all()))
platform = host.platform()
self.platform = if platform else None
def wire_format(self):
"""Returns all information needed to scheduler jobs on the host.
@return: A dictionary of host information.
host_info = {}
for key, value in self.__dict__.iteritems():
if isinstance(value, RememberingIterator):
host_info[key] = value.get_all_items()
host_info[key] = value
return host_info
def return_rdb_host(func):
"""Decorator for functions that return a list of Host objects.
@param func: The decorated function.
@return: A functions capable of converting each host_object to a
def get_rdb_host(*args, **kwargs):
"""Takes a list of hosts and returns a list of host_infos.
@param hosts: A list of hosts. Each host is assumed to contain
all the fields in a host_info defined above.
@return: A list of RDBServerHostWrappers, one per host, or an empty
list is no hosts were found..
hosts = func(*args, **kwargs)
return [RDBServerHostWrapper(host) for host in hosts]
return get_rdb_host