blob: 80eebc101576a25397356f24d4eeac93d7b26e13 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test
from autotest_lib.client.bin import utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
import logging
import time
import pprint
import re
"""A test verifying Address Space Layout Randomization
Uses system calls to get important pids and then gets information about
the pids in /proc/<pid>/maps. Restarts the tested processes and reads
information about them again. If ASLR is enabled, memory mappings should
class security_ASLR(test.test):
"""Runs ASLR tests
See top document comments for more information.
version: Current version of the test.
_INITCTL_RESTART_TIMEOUT: Time in seconds that we wait for initctl
restart to finish.
_INITCTL_POLL_INTERVAL: Time in seconds between checks on initctl
status when restarting.
version = 1
def get_processes_to_test(self):
"""Gets processes to test for main function
Called by run_once to get processes for this program to test. This
has to be a method because it constructs process objects.
A list of process objects to be tested (see below for
definition of process class.
return [
self.process('chrome', 'ui', 'session_manager'),
self.process('debugd', 'debugd')]
class process:
"""Holds information about a process.
Stores information about a process and how to restart it.
__name: String name of process.
__initctl_name: String name initctl uses to query process.
Defaults to None.
__parent: String name of process's parent. Defaults to None.
def __init__(self, name, initctl_name = None, parent = None):
self.__name = name
self.__initctl_name = initctl_name
self.__parent = parent
def get_name(self):
return self.__name
def get_initctl_name(self):
return self.__initctl_name
def get_parent(self):
return self.__parent
class mapping:
"""Holds information about a process's address mapping.
Stores information about one memory mapping for a process.
__name: String name of process/memory occupying the location.
__start: String containing memory address range start.
def __init__(self, name, start):
self.__start = start
self.__name = name
def set_start(self, new_value):
self.__start = new_value
def get_start(self):
return self.__start
def __repr__(self):
return "<mapping %s %s>" % (self.__name, self.__start)
def get_pid_of(self, process):
"""Gets pid of process
Used for retrieving pids of processes such as init or processes
that may have multiple instances that need to be distinguished by
a parent pid. This routine expects the process to be findable. If
not, it will wait for it before ultimately failing the test.
process: process object that we want a pid for.
name = process.get_name()
parent = process.get_parent()
retries = 0
ps_results = ""
while retries < self._INITCTL_RESTART_TIMEOUT:
if parent is None:
command = 'ps -C %s -o pid --no-header' % name
ps_results = utils.system_output(command).strip()
parent_process = self.process(parent)
ppid = self.get_pid_of(parent_process).strip()
get_pid_command = ('ps -C %s -o pid,ppid | grep " %s$"'
' | awk \'{print $1}\'') % (name, ppid)
ps_results = utils.system_output(get_pid_command).strip()
if ps_results != "":
return ps_results
# The process could not be found. We then sleep, hoping the
# process is just slow to initially start.
retries += 1
# We never saw the process, so abort with details on who was missing.
raise error.TestFail('Never saw a pid for "%s"' % (name))
def test_randomization(self, process):
"""Tests ASLR of a single process.
This is the main test function for the program. It creates data
structures out of useful information from sampling /proc/<pid>/maps
after restarting the process and then compares address starting
locations of all executable, stack, and heap memory from each iteration.
@param process: a process object representing the process to be tested.
A dict containing a Boolean for whether or not the test passed
and a list of string messages about passing/failing cases.
test_result = dict([('pass', True), ('results', []), ('cases', dict())])
name = process.get_name()
parent = process.get_parent()
mappings = list()
for i in range(self._TEST_ITERATION_COUNT):
pid = self.get_pid_of(process)
logging.debug('Complete mappings dump for process %s:\n%s',
name, pprint.pformat(mappings,4))
initial_map = mappings[0]
for i, mapping in enumerate(mappings[1:]):
logging.debug('Iteration %d', i)
for key, value in mapping.iteritems():
# Set default case result to fail, pass when an address change
# occurs.
if not test_result['cases'].has_key(key):
test_result['cases'][key] = dict([('pass', False),
('number', 0),
('total', self._TEST_ITERATION_COUNT)])
was_same = (initial_map.has_key(key) and
initial_map[key].get_start() ==
if was_same:
logging.debug("Bad: %s address didn't change", key)
logging.debug('Good: %s address changed', key)
test_result['cases'][key]['number'] += 1;
test_result['cases'][key]['pass'] = True
for case, result in test_result['cases'].iteritems():
if result['pass']:
test_result['results'].append( '[PASS] Address for %s '
'successfully changed' % case)
test_result['results'].append('[FAIL] Address for %s had '
'deterministic value: %s' % (case,
test_result['pass'] = test_result['pass'] and result['pass']
return test_result
def restart(self, process):
"""Restarts a process given information about it.
Uses a system call to initctl to restart a process and verifies
that it restarted by pollinig its pid until it changes (signifying
successful restart).
@param process: process object containing information about process
to restart. See above for process class definition.
error.TestFail if the process isn't restarted with
a new pid by _INITCTL_RESTART_TIMEOUT seconds.
name = process.get_name()
initctl_name = process.get_initctl_name()
status_command = 'initctl status %s' % initctl_name
initial_status = utils.system_output(status_command)
utils.system('initctl restart %s' % initctl_name)
lambda: self.has_restarted(process, status_command,
exception = error.TestFail(
'initctl failed to restart process for %s' % name),
sleep_interval = self._INITCTL_POLL_INTERVAL)
def has_restarted(self, process, status_command, initial_status):
"""Tells if initctl service is starting and has changed pid.
Uses initctl to view the status of a given initctl_name to check
that it is running and has a status different from initial_status
(meaning it has a new pid).
@param process: Process object to be restarted. See above for process
class definition.
@param status_command: String containing the syscall that
queries the current status.
@param initial_status: String containing original output from initctl
status called. This is what we compare to for
detection of change.
A boolean which is true if the process is running and has a
status which is different from initial_status.
name = process.get_name()
initctl_name = process.get_initctl_name()
current_status = utils.system_output(status_command)
logging.debug('Initial status: %s', initial_status)
logging.debug('Current status: %s', current_status)
regex = r'%s start/running' % initctl_name
is_running = re.match(regex, current_status)
is_new_pid = initial_status != current_status
utils.system('ps -C %s' % name)
logging.debug('Restart done: False')
return False
logging.debug('Restart done: %r', (is_running and is_new_pid))
return (is_running and is_new_pid)
def map(self, pid):
"""Creates data structure from table in /proc/<pid>/maps.
Gets all data from /proc/<pid>/maps, parses each entry, and saves
entries corresponding to executable, stack, or heap memory into
a dictionary.
@param pid: a string containing the pid to be tested.
A dict mapping names to mapping objects (see above for mapping
memory_map = dict()
maps_file = open("/proc/%s/maps" % pid)
for maps_line in maps_file:
result = self.parse_result(maps_line)
if result is None:
name = result['name']
start = result['start']
perms = result['perms']
is_memory = name == '[heap]' or name == '[stack]'
is_useful ='x', perms) is not None or is_memory
if not is_useful:
if not name in memory_map:
memory_map[name] = self.mapping(name, start)
elif memory_map[name].get_start() < start:
return memory_map
def parse_result(self, result):
"""Builds dictionary from columns of a line of /proc/<pid>/maps
Uses regular expressions to determine column separations. Puts
column data into a dict mapping column names to their string values.
@param result: one line of /proc/<pid>/maps as a string, for any <pid>.
None if the regular expression wasn't matched. Otherwise:
A dict of string column names mapped to their string values.
For example:
{'start': '9e981700000', 'end': '9e981800000', 'perms': 'rwxp',
'something': '00000000', 'major': '00', 'minor': '00', 'inode':
# Build regex to parse one line of proc maps table.
memory = '(?P<start>\w+)-(?P<end>\w+)'
perms = '(?P<perms>(r|-)(w|-)(x|-)(s|p))'
something = '(?P<something>\w+)'
devices = '(?P<major>\w+):(?P<minor>\w+)'
inode = '(?P<inode>[0-9]+)'
name = '(?P<name>([a-zA-Z0-9/]+|\[heap\]|\[stack\]))'
regex = r'%s +%s +%s +%s +%s +%s' % (memory, perms, something,
devices, inode, name)
found_match = re.match(regex, result)
if found_match is None:
return None
parsed_result = found_match.groupdict()
return parsed_result
def run_once(self, seconds = 1):
"""Main function.
Called when test is run. Gets processes to test and calls test on
error.TestFail if any processes' memory mapping addresses are the
same after restarting.
processes = self.get_processes_to_test()
aslr_enabled = True
full_results = dict()
for current_process in processes:
test_results = self.test_randomization(current_process)
full_results[current_process.get_name()] = test_results['results']
if not test_results['pass']:
aslr_enabled = False
for process_name, results in full_results.iteritems():
logging.debug('Results for %s:', process_name)
for result in results:
if not aslr_enabled:
raise error.TestFail('One or more processes had deterministic '
'memory mappings')