blob: 98c6515669e190eb290b898ddfe79d11e228bb91 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright (c) 2011 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
''' Autotest program for verifying trackpad X level driver '''
import glob
import logging
import os
import shutil
import trackpad_util
import trackpad_summary
from autotest_lib.client.bin import test, utils
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros import cros_ui
from trackpad_device import TrackpadDevice
from trackpad_util import read_trackpad_test_conf, get_prefix, KEY_LOG, KEY_SEQ
from Xcapture import Xcapture
from Xcheck import Xcheck
class TrackpadData:
''' An empty class to hold global trackpad test data for communication
between threads
''' tdata: trackpad data as a global variable used between threads
(1) The main thread runs in the hardware_Trackpad class will derive the test
result through Xcheck class. The test result is stored in tdata.
It requires read/write access to tdata.
(2) A second thread will launch a HTTP server that communicates with a
chrome extension on the target machine to display the test result
on the fly during the test procedure. When the result of a gesture file
test has been derived, it is sent to the browser for display.
Note: it is not required to use mutex to protect the global tdata for two
- tdata will be accessed sequentially between the two threads.
- The main thread is a writer, and the HTTP server thread is a reader.
No lock is needed in this case.
tdata = TrackpadData()
class hardware_Trackpad(test.test):
''' Play back device packets through the trackpad device. Capture the
resultant X events. Analyze whether the X events meet the criteria
of the functionality.
version = 1
def initialize(self):
self.vlog = trackpad_util.VerificationLog()
self.local_path = self.bindir
self.model = trackpad_util.get_model()
self.regression_gestures = None
self.autotest_log_path = trackpad_util.get_logger_filename(
logging.getLogger(), logging.INFO)
# Get some parameters from the config file
self.regression_subset_list = read_trackpad_test_conf(
'regression_subset_list', self.local_path)
self.regression_default_subset = read_trackpad_test_conf(
'regression_default_subset', self.local_path)
self.functionality_list = read_trackpad_test_conf(
'functionality_list', self.local_path)
self.regression_gestures_dict = read_trackpad_test_conf(
'regression_gestures_dict', self.local_path)
# Get some file paths from the config file
self.gesture_files_path_results = self.read_gesture_files_path(
self.local_path, 'gesture_files_path_results')
self.gesture_files_subpath_regression = self.read_gesture_files_path(
self.local_path, 'gesture_files_subpath_regression')
self.regression_gesture_sets = self.read_gesture_files_path(
self.local_path, 'regression_gesture_sets')
self.gesture_files_path_autotest = self.read_gesture_files_path(
self.local_path, 'gesture_files_path_autotest')
self.gesture_files_path_latest = self.read_gesture_files_path(
self.local_path, 'gesture_files_path_latest')
def read_gesture_files_path(self, local_path, name):
''' Read gesture file path from config file. '''
pathname = read_trackpad_test_conf(name, local_path)'Path of %s: %s' % (name, pathname))
return pathname
def _is_in_regression_gestures(self, gesture_file):
''' Determine if a gesture file is in the regression gestures list.
For current settings,
- long regression test: self.regression_gestures is None, which means
all gesture files will be used for regression
- short regression test: self.regression_gestures is read from the file
Only gesture files listed in the file will be
used for regression test.
A gesture file name looks like
We want to extract the left half part of the file name which looks like
and check if this gesture exists in the regression_gestures.
result = gesture_file.split('-%s-' % self.model)
gesture = None if result is None else result[0]
return (self.regression_gestures is None or
gesture in self.regression_gestures)
def _extract_tarball_to_work_dir(self, subset):
''' Extract the gesture files tarball to working directory '''
# Set up an empty work directory
gesture_files_path_work = self.read_gesture_files_path(
self.local_path, 'gesture_files_path_work')
if os.path.isdir(gesture_files_path_work):
shutil.rmtree(gesture_files_path_work, True)
if not os.path.isdir(gesture_files_path_work):
os.makedirs(gesture_files_path_work)' The work path "%s" is created successfully.' %
regression_tarball = 'regression_files_%s.tar' % subset
regression_tarball_path = os.path.join(self.local_path,
self.gesture_files_subpath_regression, regression_tarball)
if not os.path.isfile(regression_tarball_path):
logging.warn(' The regression tarball does not exist: "%s"' %
return None
# Extract files from the tarball
strip_level = 0 if subset == 'short' else 1
untar_cmd = ('tar --strip-components %d -xvf %s -C %s' %
rc = utils.system(untar_cmd)
if rc != 0:
logging.warn(' Failed in executing "%s".' % untar_cmd)
return None' Succeeded in executing "%s".' % untar_cmd)
return gesture_files_path_work
def _set_regression_gestures(self, subset):
''' Read regression_gestures based on the subset
When self.regression_gestures is set to None, it means that all of the
gesture files in the specified gesture set will be used.
if subset is None or self.regression_gestures_dict[subset] is None:
self.regression_gestures = None
gestures_path = os.path.join(self.local_path,
execfile(gestures_path, globals())
if self.model in regression_gestures:
self.regression_gestures = regression_gestures[self.model]
self.regression_gestures = baseline_regression_gestures
def _get_regression_gesture_set(self, subset):
''' Get the regression gesture set. '''
model = self.model
if subset not in self.regression_subset_list:
subset = self.regression_default_subset
# Skip those models that are not specified the regression gesture sets.
# There are two possible reasons:
# (1) the gestures are not captured yet.
# (2) it is a model without built-in trackpad.
if model not in self.regression_gesture_sets[subset]:
return None
regression_gesture_set = self.regression_gesture_sets[subset][model]
gesture_set_path = os.path.join(self.local_path,
self.gesture_files_subpath_regression, regression_gesture_set)
# Make a symlink for autotest.
return subset
def _setup_gesture_files_path(self, test_set, subset):
''' Set up gesture files path
If it is a tarball, extract files from the tarball and set up its path.
If it is an ordinary directory, just returns its path.
# If this is a regression test, let gesture_files_path_autotest
# point to the regression gesture set specified in conf.
if test_set == 'regression':
subset = self._get_regression_gesture_set(subset)
# If this is a test on a gesture set captured in the local machine,
# let gesture_files_path_autotest point to the 'latest' symlink if it
# exists. Otherwise, let it point to the default regression gesture set.
elif test_set == 'localhost':
if os.path.exists(self.gesture_files_path_latest):
subset = self._get_regression_gesture_set(subset)
# Skip those models without the regression gesture sets.
if subset is None:
return None
# Determine gestures to test
self._set_regression_gestures(subset)' test_set: %s' % test_set)' subset: %s' % subset)' gesture_files_path_autotest: %s' %
return self.gesture_files_path_autotest
def run_once(self, test_set='localhost', subset=None):
''' test_set determines the path of gesture files.
The test_set could be
localhost: run locally from the client side
regression: run by control.regression
global tdata
tdata.file_basename = None
tdata.chrome_request = 0
tdata.report_finished = False
local_path = self.local_path
functionality_list = self.functionality_list
gesture_files_path_results = self.gesture_files_path_results
# Set up regression path
gesture_files_path_autotest = self._setup_gesture_files_path(test_set,
# Skip those models without regression gesture sets.
if gesture_files_path_autotest is None:'No gesture sets are specified for this model: %s' %
# Exit if the gesture files path for autotest does not exist.
if (gesture_files_path_autotest is None or
not os.path.exists(gesture_files_path_autotest)):
raise error.TestError(' The autotest path does not exist: %s.' %
if not os.path.exists(gesture_files_path_results):
os.makedirs(gesture_files_path_results)' The result path "%s" is created successfully.' %
self.ilog = trackpad_util.IterationLog(gesture_files_path_results,
# Start tpcontrol log and get the gesture library version
self.tpcontrol_log = trackpad_util.TpcontrolLog()
gesture_version = self.tpcontrol_log.get_gesture_version()'Gesture library version: %s' % gesture_version)
# Initialization of statistics
tdata.num_wrong_file_name = 0
tdata.num_files_tested = {}
tdata.num_files_tested_fullname = {}
tdata.subname_list = {}
tdata.tot_fail_count = 0
tdata.tot_num_files_tested = 0
tdata.fail_count = dict([(, 0)
for tp_func in functionality_list])
tdata.fail_count_fullname = {}
vlog_dict = {}
vlog_dict[KEY_LOG] = {}
vlog_dict[KEY_SEQ] = []'')'*** hardware_Trackpad autotest is started ***')
# Start Trackpad Input Device
self.tp_device = TrackpadDevice()
# Get an instance of AutoX to handle X related issues
autox = cros_ui.get_autox()
# Start X events capture
self.xcapture = Xcapture(error, local_path, autox)
# Initialize X events Check
self.xcheck = Xcheck(self.tp_device, local_path)
# Processing every functionality in functionality_list
# An example functionality is 'any_finger_click'
for tdata.func in functionality_list:
flag_logging_func_name = False
tdata.num_files_tested[] = 0
tdata.subname_list[] = []
# Some cases of specifying gesture files in the configuration file:
# Case 1:
# If gesture files are set to None in this functionality, skip it.
# It looks as:
# files=None, or
# files=(None,),
# Case 2:
# '*' means all files starting with the functionality name
# Its setting in the configuration file looks as
# files='*', or
# files=('*',),
# Case 3:
# In other case, gesture files could be set as:
# ('any_finger_click.l1-*', 'any_finger_click.r*')
if tdata.func.files is None or tdata.func.files.count(None) > 0:' Gesture files is set to None. Skipped.')
elif tdata.func.files == '*' or tdata.func.files.count('*') > 0:
group_name_list = ('*',)
group_name_list = tdata.func.files
# A group name can be '*', or something looks like
# 'any_finger_click.l1-*', or
# 'any_finger_click.r*'), etc.
for group_name in group_name_list:
# prefix is the area name as default
tdata.prefix = get_prefix(tdata.func)
if tdata.prefix is not None:
# E.g., prefix = 'click-'
prefix = tdata.prefix + '-'
group_path = os.path.join(gesture_files_path_autotest, prefix)
if group_name == '*':
# E.g., group_path = '.../click-any_finger_click'
group_path +=
# Two possibilities of the gesture_file_group:
# 1. '.../click-any_finger_click.*':
# variations exists (subname is not None)
# 2. '.../click-any_finger_click-*': no variations
# no variations (subname is None)
# Note: attributes are separated by dash ('-')
# variations are separated by dot ('.')
gesture_file_group = (glob.glob(group_path + '.*') +
glob.glob(group_path + '-*'))
group_path += group_name
gesture_file_group = glob.glob(group_path)
# Process each specific gesture_file now.
for gesture_file in gesture_file_group:
tdata.file_basename = os.path.basename(gesture_file)
# If regression_gestures have been specified, this file
# should be in the regression_gestures.
# Currently, the short regression test has been specified
# the regression_gestures.
if not self._is_in_regression_gestures(tdata.file_basename):
# Every gesture file name should start with the correct
# functionality name, because we use the functionality to
# determine the test criteria for the file. Otherwise,
# a warning message is shown.
start_flag0 = tdata.file_basename.startswith(
start_flag1 = tdata.file_basename.split('-')[1].startswith(
if ((tdata.prefix is None and not start_flag0) or
(tdata.prefix is not None and not start_flag1)):
warn_msg = ('The gesture file does not start with '
'correct functionality: %s')
logging.warning(warn_msg % gesture_file)
tdata.num_wrong_file_name += 1
gesture_file_path = os.path.join(
gesture_files_path_autotest, gesture_file)
if not flag_logging_func_name:
flag_logging_func_name = True'\nFunctionality: %s (Area: %s)' %
(, tdata.func.area[1]))'\n gesture file: %s' % tdata.file_basename)
# Start X events capture
# Play back the gesture file
# Wait until there are no more incoming X events.
normal_timeout_flag = self.xcapture.wait()
# Stop X events capture
# Check X events
xevent_str =
output =, tdata, xevent_str)
tdata.result = output['result'] and normal_timeout_flag
# Insert the verification log into the vlog dictionary
self.vlog.insert_vlog_dict(vlog_dict, gesture_file,
output['result'], output['vlog'])'...................vlog.................')['vlog']))
# Save tpcontrol log if this gesture file failed.
if not tdata.result:
# Initialization for this subname
fullname = trackpad_util.get_fullname(tdata.file_basename)
if not tdata.subname_list[]:
tdata.subname_list[] = []
if fullname not in tdata.num_files_tested_fullname:
tdata.num_files_tested_fullname[fullname] = 0
tdata.fail_count_fullname[fullname] = 0
# Update statistics
tdata.num_files_tested[] += 1
tdata.num_files_tested_fullname[fullname] += 1
tdata.tot_num_files_tested += 1
if not tdata.result:
tdata.fail_count[] += 1
tdata.fail_count_fullname[fullname] += 1
tdata.tot_fail_count += 1
# Terminate X event capture process
# Logging test summary
tot_pass_count = tdata.tot_num_files_tested - tdata.tot_fail_count
msg = trackpad_summary.format_result_header(self.ilog.result_file_name,
area_name = None
for tp_func in functionality_list:
# if not tp_func.enabled:
# continue
func_name =
test_count = tdata.num_files_tested[func_name]
if test_count == 0:
if tp_func.area[0] != area_name:
area_name = tp_func.area[0]
msg = trackpad_summary.format_result_area(area_name)
for fullname in tdata.subname_list[func_name]:
test_count_fullname = tdata.num_files_tested_fullname[fullname]
fail_count_fullname = tdata.fail_count_fullname[fullname]
pass_count_fullname = test_count_fullname - fail_count_fullname
msg = trackpad_summary.format_result_pass_rate(fullname,
pass_count_fullname, test_count_fullname)
msg = trackpad_summary.format_result_tail()
self.ilog.write_result_log('Verification Log = %s' % vlog_dict)
# Raise error.TestFail if there is any test failed.
if tdata.tot_fail_count > 0:
fail_str = 'Total number of failed files: %d'
raise error.TestFail(fail_str % tdata.tot_fail_count)