blob: 0acea9b1543ba9dbfa6217b6c191fc416678cac2 [file] [log] [blame]
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<title>Embedded TKO Test</title>
<script type="text/javascript" language='javascript'
<script type="text/javascript">
function initialize() {
var plot1 = Autotest.createMetricsPlot(document.getElementById("plot1_canvas"));
queries = {}
queries["__main__"] = "SELECT test_name, AVG(IF(kernel LIKE '2.6.11%', iteration_value, NULL)) '2.6.11', STDDEV(IF(kernel LIKE '2.6.11%', iteration_value, NULL)) 'errors-2.6.11', AVG(IF(kernel LIKE '2.6.18%', iteration_value, NULL)) '2.6.18', STDDEV(IF(kernel LIKE '2.6.18%', iteration_value, NULL)) 'errors-2.6.18' FROM tko_perf_view_2 WHERE test_idx < 1000 AND test_name IN ('dbench', 'tbench') AND iteration_key = 'throughput' AND (kernel LIKE '2.6.11%' OR kernel LIKE '2.6.18%') GROUP BY test_name";
queries["__2.6.11__"] = "SELECT test_idx, iteration_value FROM tko_perf_view_2 WHERE test_idx < 1000 AND test_name IN ('dbench', 'tbench') AND iteration_key = 'throughput' AND kernel LIKE '2.6.11%%' AND test_name = %s ORDER BY iteration_value";
queries["__2.6.18__"] = "SELECT test_idx, iteration_value FROM tko_perf_view_2 WHERE test_idx < 1000 AND test_name IN ('dbench', 'tbench') AND iteration_key = 'throughput' AND kernel LIKE '2.6.18%%' AND test_name = %s ORDER BY iteration_value";
plot : "Bar",
invert : [],
queries : queries
var plot2 = Autotest.createMetricsPlot(document.getElementById("plot2_canvas"));
queries = {}
queries["__main__"] = "SELECT kernel, AVG(iteration_value) 'throughput', STDDEV(iteration_value) 'errors-throughput' FROM tko_perf_view_2 WHERE test_idx < 1000 AND test_name = 'dbench' AND iteration_key ='throughput' GROUP BY kernel";
queries["__throughput__"] = "SELECT test_idx, iteration_value FROM tko_perf_view_2 WHERE test_idx < 1000 AND test_name = 'dbench' AND iteration_key ='throughput' AND kernel = %s ORDER BY iteration_value";
plot : "Line",
invert : [],
queries : queries
<body onload="initialize()">
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<div id="plot1_canvas"></div>
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<div id="plot2_canvas"></div>
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