blob: 8b2d6752ba29df5baba3c1ed12ef790c1bd17b6a [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
{% extends "tables/base.html" %}
{% comment %}
Copyright 2010 Google Inc. All Rights Reserved.
This template builds a performance landing page for each netbook for the
Test Dashboard. These are reachable from the main summary page
by choosing a particular netbook within a board table.
The view is divided into three areas: build table, contents and plots.
The build table includes static build data about each build. The contents
include hyperlinks to performance graphing groups and then the graphs
themselves are embedded.
{% endcomment %}
{% block title %}ChromeOS Test - Performance Builds{% endblock %}
{% block header_block %}
{% include 'tables/details/header.html' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block html_block %}
<table bgcolor="#bbbbbb" width="100%" style="margin-right: 200px;">
{% if tpl_perf_builds %}
{% for builder, build_number, popup, test_status, chrome_version in tpl_perf_builds %}
<center>{{ popup.4 }}</center>
<a class="info" href="{{ builder }}" target="_blank">
<center>{{ build_number }}</center>
View build log for build:<br>{{ build_number }} on {{ tpl_board }}
{% if chrome_version %}
for Chrome build:<br>{{ chrome_version.0 }}&nbsp;({{ chrome_version.1 }})
{% endif %}
{% if chrome_version %}
<a class="info"
href="http://chromegw/viewvc/chrome-internal/trunk/tools/buildspec/releases/{{ chrome_version.0 }}" target="_blank">
<center>Chrome: {{ chrome_version.0 }}&nbsp;({{ chrome_version.1 }})</center>
View Chrome build DEPS for build:<br>{{ chrome_version.0 }}&nbsp;({{ chrome_version.1 }}) on {{ tpl_board }}
{% endif %}
{% if tpl_perf_available %}
<a class="info"
href="../../{{ tpl_netbook }}/{{ tpl_board }}/performance/{{ build_number }}_build_performance.html"
<center>performance details</center>
View performance details for build:<br>{{ build_number }} on {{ tpl_board }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% endif %}
{% endblock %}
{% block footer_block %}
{% endblock %}