blob: 7dc752fba04937fc3aa9a2de57bf1929eb843048 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2012 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
"""A utility program that strips the user name off the file names."""
import getopt
import glob
import os
import re
import sys
from operator import and_
DIR = 'dir'
FILE = 'file'
PREFIX_SPACE = {DIR: ' ' * 2, FILE: ' ' * 4}
# Command line options
OPT_DIR = 'dir'
OPT_HELP = 'help'
OPT_LABEL = 'label'
OPT_NAME = 'name'
OPT_REPLACE = 'replace'
def mod_name(file_name, file_type, replacement, user_type, user_str):
"""Strip off the user name.
Case 1: '--label' is specified on command line (user == 'label')
The original file name looks like
If label is 'tut1' and replacement is 'user', the new file name looks like
Case 2: '--name' is specified on command line (user == 'name')
The original file name looks like
If name is 'mary' and replacement is 'user', the new file name looks like
# Case 1: user_type is 'label'
# For example, assume that label is 'tut1' and replacement is 'user'
# file: patt_str looks like '-mary_tut1-'
# replacement_str looks like '-user_tut1-'
# directory: patt_str looks like 'mary_tut1-'
# replacement_str looks like 'user_tut1-'
# Case 2: user_type is 'name'
# For example, assume that name is 'mary' and replacement is 'user'
# file: patt_str looks like '-mary-'
# replacement_str looks like '-user-'
# directory: patt_str looks like 'mary-'
# replacement_str looks like 'user-'
if file_type == FILE:
if user_type == 'label':
patt_str = '-\w+_%s-' % user_str
replacement_str = '-%s_%s-' % (replacement, user_str)
patt_str = '-%s-' % user_str
replacement_str = '-%s-' % replacement
elif file_type == DIR:
if user_type == 'label':
patt_str = '/\w+_%s_' % user_str
replacement_str = '/%s_%s_' % (replacement, user_str)
patt_str = '%s_' % user_str
replacement_str = '%s_' % replacement
return None
new_file_name = re.sub(patt_str, replacement_str, file_name)
if new_file_name != file_name:
os.rename(file_name, new_file_name)
space = PREFIX_SPACE[file_type]
print '%sOld %s name: %s' % (space, file_type, file_name)
print ' %s> New %s name: %s' % (space, file_type, new_file_name)
return new_file_name
def mod_dir(dir_name, replacement, option_dict, user_type):
"""Strip the user name off the files in the specified directory recursively.
Case 1: '--label' is specified on command line (user_type == 'label')
The original dir name looks like
If label is 'tut1' and replacement is 'user', the new dir name looks like
Case 2: '--name' is specified on command line (user_type == 'name')
The original dir name looks like
If name is 'mary' and replacement is 'user', the new dir name looks like
if not os.path.isdir(dir_name):
print 'Error: the directory "%s" does not exist.' % dir_name
# if user_type == 'label':
# The dir_name will be something like
# '/var/tmp/trackpad_test_data/test_files'
# under which there may exist a number of user sub-directories like
# 'mary_tut1_20120426_071316'
# 'jane_tut1_20120426_081526'
# if user_type == 'name':
# The dir_name will be something like
# '/var/tmp/trackpad_test_data/test_files/mary_20120426_071316'
new_dir_name = mod_name(dir_name, DIR, replacement, user_type,
for f in glob.glob(os.path.join(new_dir_name, '*')):
if os.path.isdir(f):
new_dir_name = mod_name(f, DIR, replacement, user_type,
mod_dir(new_dir_name, replacement, option_dict, user_type)
elif os.path.isfile(f):
mod_name(f, FILE, replacement, user_type, option_dict[user_type])
def _usage():
"""Print the usage of this program."""
# Print the usage
print 'Usage: $ %s [options]\n' % sys.argv[0]
print 'options:'
print ' -d, --%s=<gesture_directory>' % OPT_DIR
print ' <gesture_directory>: containing gesture files'
print ' -h, --%s: show this help' % OPT_HELP
print ' -l, --%s: The user name must come with this label.' % OPT_LABEL
print ' -n, --%s: The user name to be replaced.' % OPT_NAME
print ' -r, --%s=<replacement>:' % OPT_REPLACE
print ' <replacement>: replace user name with this string'
def _parsing_error(msg):
"""Print the usage and exit when encountering parsing error."""
print 'Error: %s' % msg
def _parse_options():
"""Parse the command line options."""
def _check_option(opt):
"""Check if the option has been specified."""
if option_dict[opt] is None:
msg = 'Error: please specify "--%s".' % opt
def _check_options(opt_list):
"""Check if exactly one option in the opt_list has been specified."""
if (reduce(and_, [option_dict[opt] is None for opt in opt_list]) or
reduce(and_, [option_dict[opt] is not None for opt in opt_list])):
msg = 'Error: please specify exact one of %s.' % ' or '.join(
['"--%s"' % opt for opt in opt_list])
short_opt = 'd:hl:n:r:'
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], short_opt, long_opt)
except getopt.GetoptError, err:
# Initialize the option dictionary
option_dict = {}
option_dict[OPT_DIR] = '.'
option_dict[OPT_LABEL] = None
option_dict[OPT_NAME] = None
option_dict[OPT_REPLACE] = None
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ('-h', '--%s' % OPT_HELP):
elif opt in ('-d', '--%s' % OPT_DIR):
if os.path.isdir(arg):
option_dict[OPT_DIR] = arg
print 'Error: the directory "%s" does not exist.' % arg
elif opt in ('-l', '--%s' % OPT_LABEL):
option_dict[OPT_LABEL] = arg
elif opt in ('-n', '--%s' % OPT_NAME):
option_dict[OPT_NAME] = arg
elif opt in ('-r', '--%s' % OPT_REPLACE):
option_dict[OPT_REPLACE] = arg
msg = 'Error: This option %s is not handled in program' % opt
_check_options([OPT_LABEL, OPT_NAME])
return option_dict
def main():
"""Run trackpad autotest on all gesture sets and create a summary report."""
# Parse command options
option_dict = _parse_options()
# Must specify either 'label' or 'name' to replace
user_type = OPT_LABEL if option_dict[OPT_LABEL] is not None else OPT_NAME
# Modify the file names recursively in the specified directory.
mod_dir(option_dict[OPT_DIR], option_dict[OPT_REPLACE], option_dict,
if __name__ == '__main__':