blob: 18ba1cd85c107a76ec58b9634fbf1f1bacc2c1ae [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# Description:
# Here are unit tests for the python class SynClient (not third-party program
# synclient). These tests should be ran when you are changing
# Tests here do not depend on synclient or any thing that are on the target
# machine. Files under the directory mock/ provides a minimal environment for
# SynClient to be ran on any machine.
# You may run these tests on host machine:
# $ python
import unittest
import re
import sys
import factory_Touchpad
from itertools import count, izip
TestError = factory_Touchpad.error.TestError
TestNAError = factory_Touchpad.error.TestNAError
FIELDS = ['LeftEdge', 'RightEdge', 'TopEdge',
'BottomEdge', 'FingerLow', 'FingerHigh']
def assertRaisesRegexp(self, exc, regexp, callable, *args):
# assertRaisesRegexp appears in Python 2.7
# this method should be removed once we upgrade to it
except exc as e:
self.assert_(, str(e)) is not None,
'Regex "%s" mismatch string "%s"' % (regexp, e))
self.assert_(False, "No exception raised")
def make_echo(message):
echo = sum([line.split() + ['\n'] for line in message.split('\n')], [])
return "echo -ne '%s'" % ' '.join(echo)
class TestSynClient(unittest.TestCase):
'''Here we test SynClient.__init__() for two major parts:
subprocess invocation and parsing "synclient -l" output.
There are two subprocess invocations to be tested:
The first invocation (calling "synclient -l"), we mock the command line
and check if it fails when there is no such command or when the command
test_no_such_command_1, test_command_fail_1
The second invocation (calling "synclient -m 50") we mock the command line
and check if it fails when there is no such command or when the command
fails/terminates immediately:
test_no_such_command_2, test_command_fail_2, test_command_terminate_2
There are two tests for the parsing "syclient -l" output:
The first tests if proper exception is raised when any required field is
The second tests if proper exception is raised when any field has inproper
def setUp(self):
args = ('%s = %d' % (k, i) for i, k in izip(count(), FIELDS))
self.echo_cmd = make_echo(' \\n '.join(args))
# a command that should exist and succeed on all hosts
self.dummy_cmd = '/bin/ls'
# a command that should exist but failed on all hosts
self.failed_cmd = '/bin/cat no-such-file'
self.backup_settings_cmd = factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_SETTINGS_CMDLINE
self.backup_cmd = factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_CMDLINE
def test_no_such_command_1(self):
no_such_cmd = 'no-such-command-settings -a -b -c'
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_SETTINGS_CMDLINE = no_such_cmd
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_CMDLINE = self.dummy_cmd
assertRaisesRegexp(self, TestError,
r'^Failure on "%s" \[127\]$' % no_such_cmd,
factory_Touchpad.SynClient, None)
def test_command_fail_1(self):
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_SETTINGS_CMDLINE = self.failed_cmd
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_CMDLINE = self.dummy_cmd
assertRaisesRegexp(self, TestError,
r'^Failure on "%s" \[1\]$' % self.failed_cmd,
factory_Touchpad.SynClient, None)
def test_no_such_command_2(self):
no_such_cmd = 'no-such-command -a -b -c'
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_SETTINGS_CMDLINE = self.echo_cmd
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_CMDLINE = no_such_cmd
assertRaisesRegexp(self, TestError,
r'^Failure on launching "%s"$' % no_such_cmd,
factory_Touchpad.SynClient, None)
def test_command_fail_2(self):
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_SETTINGS_CMDLINE = self.echo_cmd
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_CMDLINE = self.failed_cmd
assertRaisesRegexp(self, TestError,
r'^Failure on "%s" \[1\]$' % self.failed_cmd,
factory_Touchpad.SynClient, None)
def test_command_terminate_2(self):
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_SETTINGS_CMDLINE = self.echo_cmd
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_CMDLINE = self.dummy_cmd
assertRaisesRegexp(self, TestError,
r'^Termination unexpected on "%s"$' %
factory_Touchpad.SynClient, None)
def test_missing_field(self):
for i in xrange(len(FIELDS)):
fields = FIELDS[:i] + FIELDS[i+1:] # strip FIELDS[i]
args = ('%s = %f' % (k, j/3.0) for j, k in izip(count(), fields))
self.echo_cmd = make_echo(' \\n '.join(args))
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_SETTINGS_CMDLINE = self.echo_cmd
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_CMDLINE = self.dummy_cmd
assertRaisesRegexp(self, TestNAError,
r'^Can\'t detect all hardware information$',
factory_Touchpad.SynClient, None)
def test_invalid_format(self):
for i in xrange(len(FIELDS)):
args = ('%s = xxx' % k if i == j else '%s = %f' % (k, j/3.0)
for j, k in izip(count(), FIELDS))
self.echo_cmd = make_echo(' \\n '.join(args))
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_SETTINGS_CMDLINE = self.echo_cmd
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_CMDLINE = self.dummy_cmd
assertRaisesRegexp(self, TestNAError,
r'^Can\'t understand all hardware information$',
factory_Touchpad.SynClient, None)
def tearDown(self):
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_SETTINGS_CMDLINE = self.backup_settings_cmd
factory_Touchpad._SYNCLIENT_CMDLINE = self.backup_cmd
if __name__ == '__main__':