| # When changing this file, you can (and should) validate your changes by |
| # running |./site_utils/suite_scheduler/suite_scheduler.py --sanity| |
| # |
| # When adding tests to a suite, if one (or more) of the tests contains |
| # DEPENDENCIES, then the number of different host specifications required |
| # can increase. This means that the number of physical machines the suite |
| # must ask for increases, as if a suite needs two different machines, and |
| # only asks for one, then there's going to be some set of tests that can't |
| # run. The sanity check will describe to you what suites to set at what |
| # number of machines to make sure all suites can run. |
| |
| #[nightly_params] |
| #always_handle: True |
| |
| [WeeklyKernelRegressions] |
| run_on: weekly |
| suite: kernel_weekly_regression |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| num: 2 |
| |
| [WeeklyPowerRequirements] |
| run_on: weekly |
| suite: power_requirements |
| branch_specs: >=R22 |
| pool: power |
| |
| [WeeklyVideoRegressions] |
| run_on: weekly |
| suite: video_weekly_regression |
| branch_specs: >=R27 |
| pool: suites |
| num: 2 |
| |
| [WeeklyStoraqequal] |
| run_on: weekly |
| suite: storagequal |
| branch_specs: >=R30 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [NightlyGraphics] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: graphics |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [PerBuildGraphics] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: graphics_per-build |
| branch_specs: >=R28 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [GraphicsGLES] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: graphicsGLES |
| branch_specs: >=R22 |
| pool: snow |
| |
| [GpuHang] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: gpu_hang |
| branch_specs: >=R31 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [NightlyHwQual] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: hwqual |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| num: 3 |
| |
| [KernelDailyRegression] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: kernel_daily_regression |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| num: 2 |
| |
| [KernelDailyBenchmarks] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: kernel_daily_benchmarks |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [KernelPerBuildRegression] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: kernel_per-build_regression |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| num: 2 |
| |
| [KernelPerBuildBenchmarks] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: kernel_per-build_benchmarks |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [NightlyRegression] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: regression |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| num: 2 |
| |
| [Network3g] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: network3g |
| branch_specs: >=R25 |
| pool: cellular |
| num: 7 |
| |
| [Network3g_tmobile] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: network3g_tmobile |
| branch_specs: >=R28 |
| pool: cellular |
| num: 4 |
| |
| [Network3g_verizon] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: network3g_verizon |
| branch_specs: >=R28 |
| pool: cellular |
| num: 2 |
| |
| [Network3g_pseudomodem] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: network3g_pseudomodem |
| branch_specs: >=R29 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [NetworkUI] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: network_ui |
| branch_specs: >=R30 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [OncCellSuite] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: onccell |
| pool: onccell |
| branch_specs: >=R26 |
| |
| [PowerDaily] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: power_daily |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: power |
| |
| [Perfalerts] |
| # Not a part of perf build because it requires 3 machines. |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: perfalerts |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| num: 1 |
| |
| [SecuritySuite] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: security |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [Power_build] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: power_build |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: power |
| |
| [pyauto] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: pyauto |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [pyauto_perf] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: pyauto_perf |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [pyauto_perf_snow] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: pyauto_perf |
| branch_specs: >=R22 |
| pool: snow |
| |
| [pyauto_basic] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: pyauto_basic |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [pagecycler] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: pagecycler |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [audio] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: audio |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [video] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: video |
| branch_specs: >=R26 |
| pool: suites |
| num: 4 |
| |
| [youtube_mse_eme] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: youtube_mse_eme |
| branch_specs: >=R30 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [youtube_page] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: youtube_page |
| branch_specs: >=R30 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [WebRTC] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: webrtc |
| branch_specs: >=R26 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [sync] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: sync |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [browsertests] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: browsertests |
| branch_specs: >=R21 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| # run only and post-ALEX platforms (so do not run mario, zgb, and alex) |
| [VDA] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: vda |
| branch_specs: >=R23 |
| pool: vda |
| num: 2 |
| |
| [LinkPerf] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: link_perf |
| branch_specs: >=R23 |
| pool: link_perf |
| |
| [FirmwarePerBuildRegression_normal] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: faft_normal |
| pool: faft-normal |
| branch_specs: >=R26 |
| |
| [FirmwarePerBuildRegression_dev] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: faft_dev |
| pool: faft-dev |
| branch_specs: >=R26 |
| |
| [FirmwarePerBuildRegression_ec] |
| run_on: new_build |
| suite: faft_ec |
| pool: faft-ec |
| branch_specs: >=R26 |
| |
| #[Network_wifi] |
| # We need to figure out how we can work out the scheduling of this test. |
| #run_on: nightly |
| #suite: network_wifi |
| #branch_specs: >=R21 |
| #pool: ???? |
| |
| # Disabled until crbug.com/294923 is fixed |
| # [perf_v2] |
| # run_on: new_build |
| # suite: perf_v2 |
| # branch_specs: >=R27 |
| # pool: suites |
| |
| [NetworkNightly] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: network_nightly |
| branch_specs: >=R29 |
| pool: suites |
| |
| [WiFi_MatFuncDaily] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: wifi_matfunc |
| branch_specs: >=R29 |
| pool: wificell |
| |
| [WiFi_FlakyTests] |
| run_on: nightly |
| suite: wifi_flaky |
| branch_specs: >=R30 |
| pool: wificell |
| |
| [SecurityWeekly] |
| run_on: weekly |
| suite: security_weekly |
| branch_specs: >=R30 |
| pool: suites |