blob: 0f6208f35324aa3face5f7b277a0e4fcefbf9527 [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2010 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
# This is similar to the CheckHiddenSSID test in MatFunc, in that
# we create a hidden network and have the DUT join it. However in
# this case, we're not trying to test connectivity -- we're trying
# to confirm that on connecting, the service properties continue
# to reflect that the service is hidden.
{ "name":"HiddenSSID",
[ "create", { "type":"hostap" } ],
[ "config", { "channel":"2437", "mode":"11g",
"ssid_suffix":"visible" } ],
[ "connect", { "security":"none" } ],
[ "client_check_service_properties", { "WiFi.HiddenSSID":"0" } ],
[ "config", { "channel":"2437", "mode":"11g",
"ssid_suffix":"hidden" } ],
[ "connect", { "security":"none", "hidden":True } ],
[ "client_check_service_properties", { "WiFi.HiddenSSID":"1" } ],
[ "destroy" ],