blob: e0f20de5c45cd3371de50469d48d3e947371d40a [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import logging
from autotest_lib.client.common_lib import error
from autotest_lib.client.cros.enterprise import enterprise_policy_base
from telemetry.core.exceptions import EvaluateException
class policy_URLBlacklist(enterprise_policy_base.EnterprisePolicyTest):
version = 1
def initialize(self, **kwargs):
"""Initialize this test and set test constants."""
super(policy_URLBlacklist, self).initialize(**kwargs)
self.POLICY_NAME = 'URLBlacklist'
self.URL_BASE = '%s/%s' % (self.WEB_HOST, 'website')
self.ALL_URLS_LIST = [self.URL_BASE + website for website in
self.BLOCKED_USER_MESSAGE = 'Webpage Blocked'
self.TEST_CASES = {
'NotSet_Allowed': None,
'SinglePage_Blocked': self.SINGLE_BLACKLISTED_FILE,
'MultiplePages_Blocked': self.MULTIPLE_BLACKLISTED_FILES,
'Wildcard_Blocked': self.BLACKLIST_WILDCARD,
# chrome://* URLs need to be accessible for the test to run.
self.SUPPORTING_POLICIES = {'URLWhitelist': ['chrome://*']}
def _scrape_text_from_webpage(self, tab):
Return a list of filtered text on the web page.
@param tab: tab containing the website to be parsed.
@raises: TestFail if the expected text was not found on the page.
parsed_message_string = ''
parsed_message_list = []
page_scrape_cmd = 'document.getElementById("main-message").innerText;'
parsed_message_string = tab.EvaluateJavaScript(page_scrape_cmd)
except Exception as err:
raise error.TestFail('Unable to find the expected '
'text content on the test '
'page: %s\n %r' % (tab.url, err))'Parsed message: %s' % parsed_message_string)
parsed_message_list = [str(word) for word in
parsed_message_string.split('\n') if word]
return parsed_message_list
def _is_url_blocked(self, url):
Return True if the URL is blocked else returns False.
@param url: The URL to be checked whether it is blocked.
parsed_message_list = []
tab = self.navigate_to_url(url)
parsed_message_list = self._scrape_text_from_webpage(tab)
if len(parsed_message_list) == 2 and \
parsed_message_list[0] == 'Website enabled' and \
parsed_message_list[1] == 'Website is enabled':
return False
# Check if accurate user error message is shown on the error page.
if parsed_message_list[0] != self.BLOCKED_USER_MESSAGE or \
parsed_message_list[1] != self.BLOCKED_ERROR_MESSAGE:
logging.warning('The Blocked page user notification '
'messages, %s and %s are not displayed on '
'the blocked page. The messages may have '
'been modified. Please check and update the '
'messages in this file accordingly.',
return True
def _test_url_blacklist(self, policy_value):
Verify CrOS enforces URLBlacklist policy value.
Navigate to all the websites in the ALL_URLS_LIST. Verify that
the websites specified in the URLWhitelist policy value are allowed.
Also verify that the websites not in the URLWhitelist policy value
are blocked.
@param policy_value: policy value expected.
@raises: TestFail if url is blocked/not blocked based on the
corresponding policy values.
for url in self.ALL_URLS_LIST:
url_is_blocked = self._is_url_blocked(url)
if policy_value:
should_be_blocked = (policy_value == self.BLACKLIST_WILDCARD or
url in policy_value)
if should_be_blocked and not url_is_blocked:
raise error.TestFail('The URL %s should have been blocked'
' by policy, but was allowed.' % url)
elif url_is_blocked:
raise error.TestFail('The URL %s should have been allowed'
'by policy, but was blocked.' % url)
def run_once(self, case):
Setup and run the test configured for the specified test case.
@param case: Name of the test case to run.
case_value = self.TEST_CASES[case]
except EvaluateException:
raise error.TestFail('chrome://policy was not whitelisted.')