blob: 1e1adafa26a5065b4a59406885bfaf4d4a0b0761 [file] [log] [blame]
// Copyright 2018 The Chromium Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
// found in the LICENSE file.
#if !defined(__clang__)
#error "Non-clang isn't supported"
// Clang compile-time and run-time tests for glibc FORTIFY.
// This file is compiled in two configurations ways to give us a sane set of
// tests for clang's FORTIFY implementation.
// One configuration uses clang's diagnostic consumer
// (
// to check diagnostics (e.g. the expected-* comments everywhere).
// The other configuration builds this file such that the resultant object file
// exports a function named test_fortify_1 or test_fortify_2, depending on the
// FORTIFY level we're using. These are called by clang_fortify_driver.cpp.
// Please note that this test does things like leaking memory. That's WAI.
// Silence all "from 'diagnose_if'" `note`s from anywhere, including headers;
// they're uninteresting for this test case, and their line numbers may change
// over time.
// expected-note@* 0+{{from 'diagnose_if'}}
// Similarly, there are a few overload tricks we have to emit errors. Ignore any
// notes from those.
// expected-note@* 0+{{candidate function}}
// Must come before stdlib.h
#include <limits.h>
#include <err.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <mqueue.h>
#include <poll.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <sys/wait.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <wchar.h>
#include <vector>
#include "clang-fortify-common.h"
// We're going to use deprecated APIs here (e.g. getwd). That's OK.
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
#error "_FORTIFY_SOURCE must be defined"
/////////////////// Test infrastructure; nothing to see here ///////////////////
// GTest doesn't seem to have an EXPECT_NO_DEATH equivalent, and this all seems
// easy enough to hand-roll in a simple environment.
// Failures get stored here.
static std::vector<Failure> *failures;
template <typename Fn>
static void ForkAndExpect(int line, const char *message, Fn &&F,
bool expect_death) {
fprintf(stderr, "Running %s... (expected to %s)\n", message,
expect_death ? "die" : "not die");
int pid = fork();
if (pid == -1)
err(1, "Failed to fork() a subproc");
if (pid == 0) {
int status;
if (waitpid(pid, &status, 0) == -1)
err(1, "Failed to wait on child (pid %d)", pid);
bool died = WIFSIGNALED(status) || WEXITSTATUS(status) != 0;
if (died != expect_death) {
fprintf(stderr, "Check `%s` (at line %d) %s\n", message, line,
expect_death ? "failed to die" : "died");
failures->push_back({line, message, expect_death});
#define FORK_AND_EXPECT(x, die) ForkAndExpect(__LINE__, #x, [&] { (x); }, die)
// EXPECT_NO_DEATH forks so that the test remains alive on a bug, and so that
// the environment doesn't get modified on no bug. (Environment modification is
// especially tricky to deal with given the *_STRUCT variants below.)
#define EXPECT_NO_DEATH(x) FORK_AND_EXPECT(x, false)
#define EXPECT_DEATH(x) FORK_AND_EXPECT(x, true)
// Expecting death, but only if we're doing a "strict" struct-checking mode.
//////////////////////////////// FORTIFY tests! ////////////////////////////////
// FIXME(gbiv): glibc shouldn't #define this with FORTIFY on.
#undef mempcpy
const static int kBogusFD = -1;
static void TestString() {
char small_buffer[8] = {};
char large_buffer[sizeof(small_buffer) + 1] = {};
// expected-warning@+1{{called with bigger length than the destination}}
EXPECT_DEATH(memcpy(small_buffer, large_buffer, sizeof(large_buffer)));
// expected-warning@+1{{called with bigger length than the destination}}
EXPECT_DEATH(memmove(small_buffer, large_buffer, sizeof(large_buffer)));
// expected-warning@+1{{called with bigger length than the destination}}
EXPECT_DEATH(mempcpy(small_buffer, large_buffer, sizeof(large_buffer)));
// expected-warning@+1{{called with bigger length than the destination}}
EXPECT_DEATH(memset(small_buffer, 0, sizeof(large_buffer)));
// expected-warning@+1{{transposed parameters}}
memset(small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer), 0);
// expected-warning@+1{{called with bigger length than the destination}}
EXPECT_DEATH(bcopy(large_buffer, small_buffer, sizeof(large_buffer)));
// expected-warning@+1{{called with bigger length than the destination}}
EXPECT_DEATH(bzero(small_buffer, sizeof(large_buffer)));
const char large_string[] = "Hello!!!";
_Static_assert(sizeof(large_string) > sizeof(small_buffer), "");
// expected-warning@+1{{destination buffer will always be overflown}}
EXPECT_DEATH(strcpy(small_buffer, large_string));
// expected-warning@+1{{destination buffer will always be overflown}}
EXPECT_DEATH(stpcpy(small_buffer, large_string));
// expected-warning@+1{{called with bigger length than the destination}}
EXPECT_DEATH(strncpy(small_buffer, large_string, sizeof(large_string)));
// expected-warning@+1{{called with bigger length than the destination}}
EXPECT_DEATH(stpncpy(small_buffer, large_string, sizeof(large_string)));
// expected-warning@+1{{destination buffer will always be overflown}}
EXPECT_DEATH(strcat(small_buffer, large_string));
// expected-warning@+1{{destination buffer will always be overflown}}
EXPECT_DEATH(strncat(small_buffer, large_string, sizeof(large_string)));
struct {
char tiny_buffer[4];
char tiny_buffer2[4];
} split = {};
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(memcpy(split.tiny_buffer, &split, sizeof(split)));
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(memcpy(split.tiny_buffer, &split, sizeof(split)));
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(memmove(split.tiny_buffer, &split, sizeof(split)));
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(mempcpy(split.tiny_buffer, &split, sizeof(split)));
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(memset(split.tiny_buffer, 0, sizeof(split)));
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(bcopy(&split, split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split)));
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(bzero(split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split)));
const char small_string[] = "Hi!!";
_Static_assert(sizeof(small_string) > sizeof(split.tiny_buffer), "");
// expected-warning@+2{{destination buffer will always be overflown}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(strcpy(split.tiny_buffer, small_string));
// expected-warning@+2{{destination buffer will always be overflown}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(stpcpy(split.tiny_buffer, small_string));
// expected-warning@+2{{called with bigger length than the destination}}
strncpy(split.tiny_buffer, small_string, sizeof(small_string)));
// expected-warning@+2{{called with bigger length than the destination}}
stpncpy(split.tiny_buffer, small_string, sizeof(small_string)));
// expected-warning@+2{{destination buffer will always be overflown}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(strcat(split.tiny_buffer, small_string));
// expected-warning@+2{{destination buffer will always be overflown}}
strncat(split.tiny_buffer, small_string, sizeof(small_string)));
// Since these emit hard errors, it's sort of hard to run them...
namespace compilation_tests {
static void testFcntl() {
// FIXME(gbiv): Need to fix these; they got dropped.
#if 0
// expected-error@+1{{either with 2 or 3 arguments, not more}}
open("/", 0, 0, 0);
#if 0
// expected-error@+1{{either with 2 or 3 arguments, not more}}
open64("/", 0, 0, 0);
// expected-error@+1{{either with 3 or 4 arguments, not more}}
openat(0, "/", 0, 0, 0);
// expected-error@+1{{either with 3 or 4 arguments, not more}}
openat64(0, "/", 0, 0, 0);
// expected-error@+1{{needs 3 arguments}}
open("/", O_CREAT);
// expected-error@+1{{needs 3 arguments}}
open("/", O_TMPFILE);
// expected-error@+1{{needs 3 arguments}}
open64("/", O_CREAT);
// expected-error@+1{{needs 3 arguments}}
open64("/", O_TMPFILE);
// expected-error@+1{{needs 4 arguments}}
openat(0, "/", O_CREAT);
// expected-error@+1{{needs 4 arguments}}
openat(0, "/", O_TMPFILE);
// expected-error@+1{{needs 4 arguments}}
openat64(0, "/", O_CREAT);
// expected-error@+1{{needs 4 arguments}}
openat64(0, "/", O_TMPFILE);
// Superfluous modes are sometimes bugs, but not often enough to complain
// about, apparently.
static void testMqueue() {
// FIXME(gbiv): remove mq_open's FORTIFY'ed body from glibc...
// expected-error@+1{{with 2 or 4 arguments}}
mq_open("/", 0, 0);
// expected-error@+1{{with 2 or 4 arguments}}
mq_open("/", 0, 0, 0, 0);
// expected-error@+1{{needs 4 arguments}}
mq_open("/", O_CREAT);
} // namespace compilation_tests
static void TestPoll() {
struct pollfd invalid_poll_fd = {kBogusFD, 0, 0};
struct pollfd few_fds[] = {invalid_poll_fd, invalid_poll_fd};
// expected-warning@+1{{fds buffer too small}}
EXPECT_DEATH(poll(few_fds, 3, 0));
// expected-warning@+1{{fds buffer too small}}
EXPECT_DEATH(ppoll(few_fds, 3, 0, 0));
struct {
struct pollfd few[2];
struct pollfd extra[1];
} fds = {{invalid_poll_fd, invalid_poll_fd}, {invalid_poll_fd}};
_Static_assert(sizeof(fds) >= sizeof(struct pollfd) * 3, "");
// expected-warning@+2{{fds buffer too small}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(poll(fds.few, 3, 0));
struct timespec timeout = {};
// expected-warning@+2{{fds buffer too small}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(ppoll(fds.few, 3, &timeout, 0));
static void TestSocket() {
char small_buffer[8];
// expected-warning@+1{{bigger length than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(recv(kBogusFD, small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1, 0));
// expected-warning@+1{{bigger length than size of destination buffer}}
recvfrom(kBogusFD, small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1, 0, 0, 0));
struct {
char tiny_buffer[4];
char tiny_buffer2;
} split = {};
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(recv(kBogusFD, split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split), 0));
recvfrom(kBogusFD, split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split), 0, 0, 0));
static void TestStdio() {
char small_buffer[8] = {};
// expected-warning@+1{{may overflow the destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(snprintf(small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1, ""));
va_list va;
// expected-warning@+1{{may overflow the destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(vsnprintf(small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1, "", va));
// gets is safe here, since stdin is actually /dev/null
// expected-warning@+1{{ignoring return value}}
char *volatile unknown_size_buffer = small_buffer;
// Since stdin is /dev/null, gets on a tiny buffer is safe here.
// expected-warning@+2{{ignoring return value}}
// expected-warning@+1{{please use fgets or getline}}
static void TestUnistd() {
char small_buffer[8];
// Return value warnings are (sort of) a part of FORTIFY, so we don't ignore
// them.
// expected-warning@+2{{ignoring return value of function}}
// expected-warning@+1{{bigger length than size of the destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(read(kBogusFD, small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1));
// expected-warning@+2{{ignoring return value of function}}
// expected-warning@+1{{bigger length than size of the destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(pread(kBogusFD, small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1, 0));
// expected-warning@+2{{ignoring return value of function}}
// expected-warning@+1{{bigger length than size of the destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(pread64(kBogusFD, small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1, 0));
// expected-warning@+2{{ignoring return value of function}}
// expected-warning@+1{{bigger length than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(readlink("/", small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1));
// expected-warning@+2{{ignoring return value of function}}
// expected-warning@+1{{bigger length than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(getcwd(small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1));
// glibc allocates and returns a buffer if you pass null to getcwd
// expected-warning@+1{{ignoring return value of function}}
// expected-warning@+1{{ignoring return value of function}}
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(getcwd(NULL, 4096));
char large_buffer[PATH_MAX * 2];
// expected-warning@+1{{ignoring return value of function}}
char *volatile unknown_size_buffer = large_buffer;
// expected-warning@+2{{ignoring return value of function}}
// expected-warning@+1{{please use getcwd instead}}
// expected-warning@+1{{bigger length than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(confstr(0, small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1));
gid_t gids[2];
// expected-warning@+1{{bigger group count than what can fit}}
EXPECT_DEATH(getgroups(3, gids));
// expected-warning@+1{{bigger buflen than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(ttyname_r(kBogusFD, small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1));
// expected-warning@+1{{bigger buflen than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(getlogin_r(small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1));
// expected-warning@+1{{bigger buflen than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(gethostname(small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1));
// expected-warning@+1{{bigger buflen than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(getdomainname(small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1));
// We've already checked the warn-unused-result warnings; no need to clutter
// the code with rechecks...
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wunused-value"
struct {
char tiny_buffer[4];
char tiny_buffer2[4];
} split;
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(read(kBogusFD, split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split)));
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(pread(kBogusFD, split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split), 0));
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(pread64(kBogusFD, split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split), 0));
// expected-warning@+2{{bigger length than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(readlink("/", split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split)));
// expected-warning@+2{{bigger length than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(getcwd(split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split)));
// expected-warning@+2{{bigger length than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(confstr(kBogusFD, split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split)));
struct {
gid_t tiny_buffer[2];
gid_t tiny_buffer2[1];
} split_gids;
// expected-warning@+2{{bigger group count than what can fit}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(getgroups(3, split_gids.tiny_buffer));
// expected-warning@+2{{bigger buflen than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(ttyname_r(kBogusFD, split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split)));
// expected-warning@+2{{bigger buflen than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(getlogin_r(split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split)));
// expected-warning@+2{{bigger buflen than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(gethostname(split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split)));
// expected-warning@+2{{bigger buflen than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(getdomainname(split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split)));
#pragma clang diagnostic pop // -Wunused-value
static void TestWchar() {
// Sizes here are all expressed in terms of sizeof(wchar_t).
const int small_buffer_size = 8;
wchar_t small_buffer[small_buffer_size] = {};
const int large_buffer_size = small_buffer_size + 1;
wchar_t large_buffer[large_buffer_size];
// expected-warning@+1{{length bigger than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(wmemcpy(small_buffer, large_buffer, large_buffer_size));
// expected-warning@+1{{length bigger than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(wmemmove(small_buffer, large_buffer, large_buffer_size));
// expected-warning@+1{{length bigger than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(wmempcpy(small_buffer, large_buffer, large_buffer_size));
const wchar_t large_string[] = L"Hello!!!";
const int large_string_size = small_buffer_size + 1;
_Static_assert(sizeof(large_string) == large_string_size * sizeof(wchar_t),
// expected-warning@+1{{length bigger than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(wmemset(small_buffer, 0, small_buffer_size + 1));
// expected-warning@+1{{length bigger than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(wcsncpy(small_buffer, large_string, small_buffer_size + 1));
// expected-warning@+1{{length bigger than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(wcpncpy(small_buffer, large_string, small_buffer_size + 1));
// expected-warning@+2{{ignoring return value of function}}
// expected-warning@+1{{length bigger than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(fgetws(small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1, 0));
// expected-warning@+2{{ignoring return value of function}}
// expected-warning@+1{{bigger size than length of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(fgetws_unlocked(small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1, 0));
// No diagnostics emitted for either clang or gcc :(
EXPECT_DEATH(wcscpy(small_buffer, large_string));
EXPECT_DEATH(wcpcpy(small_buffer, large_string));
EXPECT_DEATH(wcscat(small_buffer, large_string));
EXPECT_DEATH(wcsncat(small_buffer, large_string, large_string_size));
mbstate_t mbs;
bzero(&mbs, sizeof(mbs));
const char *src[small_buffer_size * sizeof(wchar_t)];
// expected-warning@+1{{called with dst buffer smaller than}}
EXPECT_DEATH(mbsrtowcs(small_buffer, src, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1, &mbs));
const int array_len = 8;
char chars[array_len];
const char *chars_ptr = chars;
wchar_t wchars[array_len];
const wchar_t *wchars_ptr = wchars;
// expected-warning@+1{{called with dst buffer smaller than}}
EXPECT_DEATH(wcsrtombs(chars, &wchars_ptr, array_len + 1, &mbs));
// expected-warning@+1{{called with dst buffer smaller than}}
EXPECT_DEATH(mbsnrtowcs(wchars, &chars_ptr, 0, array_len + 1, &mbs));
// expected-warning@+1{{called with dst buffer smaller than}}
EXPECT_DEATH(wcsnrtombs(chars, &wchars_ptr, 0, array_len + 1, &mbs));
struct {
wchar_t buf[small_buffer_size - 1];
wchar_t extra;
} small_split;
_Static_assert(sizeof(small_split) == sizeof(small_buffer), "");
bzero(&small_split, sizeof(small_split));
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(wmemcpy(small_split.buf, small_buffer, small_buffer_size));
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(wmemmove(small_split.buf, small_buffer, small_buffer_size));
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(wmempcpy(small_split.buf, small_buffer, small_buffer_size));
const wchar_t small_string[] = L"Hello!!";
_Static_assert(sizeof(small_buffer) == sizeof(small_string), "");
EXPECT_NO_DEATH(wmemset(small_split.buf, 0, small_buffer_size));
// expected-warning@+2{{length bigger than size of destination buffer}}
wcsncpy(small_split.buf, small_string, small_buffer_size));
// expected-warning@+2{{length bigger than size of destination buffer}}
wcpncpy(small_split.buf, small_string, small_buffer_size));
// FIXME(gbiv): FORTIFY doesn't warn about this eagerly enough on
// expected-warning@+4{{ignoring return value of function}}
// expected-warning@+2{{length bigger than size of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(fgetws(small_split.buf, small_buffer_size, 0));
// FIXME(gbiv): FORTIFY doesn't warn about this eagerly enough on
// expected-warning@+4{{ignoring return value of function}}
// expected-warning@+2{{bigger size than length of destination buffer}}
EXPECT_DEATH(fgetws_unlocked(small_split.buf, small_buffer_size, 0));
// No diagnostics emitted for either clang or gcc :(
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(wcscpy(small_split.buf, small_string));
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(wcpcpy(small_split.buf, small_string));
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(wcscat(small_split.buf, small_string));
wcsncat(small_split.buf, small_string, small_buffer_size));
const char *src[sizeof(small_buffer)] = {};
// FIXME(gbiv): _FORTIFY_SOURCE=1 should diagnose this more aggressively
// expected-warning@+2{{called with dst buffer smaller than}}
EXPECT_DEATH(mbsrtowcs(small_split.buf, src, small_buffer_size, &mbs));
const int array_len = 8;
struct {
char buf[array_len - 1];
char extra;
} split_chars;
const char *chars_ptr = split_chars.buf;
struct {
wchar_t buf[array_len - 1];
wchar_t extra;
} split_wchars;
const wchar_t *wchars_ptr = split_wchars.buf;
// expected-warning@+2{{called with dst buffer smaller than}}
wcsrtombs(split_chars.buf, &wchars_ptr, array_len, &mbs));
// expected-warning@+2{{called with dst buffer smaller than}}
mbsnrtowcs(split_wchars.buf, &chars_ptr, 0, array_len, &mbs));
// expected-warning@+2{{called with dst buffer smaller than}}
wcsnrtombs(split_chars.buf, &wchars_ptr, 0, array_len, &mbs));
static void TestStdlib() {
char path_buffer[PATH_MAX - 1];
// expected-warning@+2{{ignoring return value of function}}
// expected-warning@+1{{must be either NULL or at least PATH_MAX bytes}}
EXPECT_DEATH(realpath("/", path_buffer));
// expected-warning@+1{{ignoring return value of function}}
realpath("/", NULL);
char small_buffer[8];
// expected-warning@+1{{called with buflen bigger than size of buf}}
EXPECT_DEATH(ptsname_r(kBogusFD, small_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1));
const int wchar_buffer_size = 8;
wchar_t wchar_buffer[wchar_buffer_size];
// expected-warning@+1{{called with dst buffer smaller than}}
EXPECT_DEATH(mbstowcs(wchar_buffer, small_buffer, wchar_buffer_size + 1));
// expected-warning@+1{{called with dst buffer smaller than}}
wcstombs(small_buffer, wchar_buffer, sizeof(small_buffer) + 1));
struct {
char path_buffer[PATH_MAX - 1];
char rest[1];
} split;
// expected-warning@+4{{ignoring return value of function}}
// expected-warning@+2{{must be either NULL or at least PATH_MAX bytes}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(realpath("/", split.path_buffer));
struct {
char tiny_buffer[4];
char rest[1];
} split;
// expected-warning@+2{{called with buflen bigger than size of buf}}
EXPECT_DEATH_STRUCT(ptsname_r(kBogusFD, split.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split)));
const int tiny_buffer_size = 4;
struct {
wchar_t tiny_buffer[tiny_buffer_size];
wchar_t rest;
} wsplit;
// expected-warning@+2{{called with dst buffer smaller than}}
mbstowcs(wsplit.tiny_buffer, small_buffer, tiny_buffer_size + 1));
// expected-warning@+2{{called with dst buffer smaller than}}
wcstombs(split.tiny_buffer, wsplit.tiny_buffer, sizeof(split)));
/////////////////// Test infrastructure; nothing to see here ///////////////////
#define CONCAT2(x, y) x ## y
#define CONCAT(x, y) CONCAT2(x, y)
// Exported to the driver so we can run these tests.
std::vector<Failure> CONCAT(test_fortify_, _FORTIFY_SOURCE)() {
std::vector<Failure> result;
failures = &result;
failures = nullptr;
return result;