blob: d572958e7ccac361e9933b88986e043c53e097c4 [file] [log] [blame] [edit]
# Copyright 2018 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
import os
import subprocess
import threading
import gzip
class Archiver():
An instance of this class stores set of files in given directory on local
filesystem. Stored files are automatically compressed and organized into
tar.xz archives based on their filenames prefixes. It is a very useful tool
when one has to deal with many files with similar content that are generated
continuously. Packing similar files together into tar.xz archive can
singificantly reduce amount of required disk space (even for gzipped files).
As a parameter, the constructor takes set of filenames prefixes. These
prefixes are automatically clustered into archives by their common prefixes
(yes, prefixes of prefixes). These archives are automatically created, when
all files assigned to the given set of prefixes is added to Archiver object.
Methods provided by this class are synchronized and can be called from
different Python threads.
def _split_names_by_prefixes(
self, names, max_names_per_prefix, prefix_length=0):
Recursive function used to split given set of names into groups by
common prefixes. It tries to find configuration with minimum number of
groups (prefixes) where the number of elements (names) in each group is
not larger than given parameter.
@param names: list of names to split into groups (names MUST BE sorted
and unique).
@param max_names_per_prefix: maximum number of names assigned to
group (single prefix).
@param prefix_length: current length of the prefix (for recursive
calls); all elements in the list given as the parameter 'names'
MUST HAVE the same prefix with this length.
@returns dictionary with prefixes (each one represents single group) and
size (a number of names in the group).
assert max_names_per_prefix > 1
# Returns the current prefix if the group is small enough
if len(names) <= max_names_per_prefix:
return { names[0][0:prefix_length] : len(names) }
# Increases prefix_length until a difference is found:
# - elements in 'names' are sorted and unique
# - elements in 'names' have a common prefix with a length of
# 'prefix_length' characters
while ( len(names[0]) > prefix_length and
names[0][prefix_length] == names[-1][prefix_length] ):
prefix_length += 1
# Checks for special case, when the first name == prefix
if len(names[0]) == prefix_length:
return { names[0][0:prefix_length] : len(names) }
# Calculates resultant list of prefixes
results = dict()
i_begin = 0
# Calculates all prefixes (groups) using recursion:
# - 'prefix_length' points to the first character that differentiates
# elements from the 'names' list
while i_begin < len(names):
char = names[i_begin][prefix_length]
i_end = i_begin + 1
while i_end < len(names) and char == names[i_end][prefix_length]:
i_end += 1
max_names_per_prefix, prefix_length+1))
i_begin = i_end
return results
def __init__(self, path_directory, prefixes, max_prefixes_per_archive):
@param path_directory: directory where files and archives are stored.
It is created if not exists.
@param prefixes: a set of allowed filenames prefixes.
@param max_prefixes_per_archive: maximum number of filenames prefixes
assigned to single group (archive).
self._lock = threading.Lock()
self._path_directory = path_directory
if not os.path.exists(self._path_directory):
prefixes = sorted(set(prefixes))
self._archives_names = self._split_names_by_prefixes(prefixes,
self._filenames_prefixes = dict()
for ap, fc in sorted(self._archives_names.iteritems()):
self._archives_names[ap] = [fc, []]
while fc > 0:
self._filenames_prefixes[prefixes.pop()] = [ap, set()]
fc -= 1
def save_file(self, prefix, name, content, apply_gzip=False):
Add a new file with given content to the archive.
@param prefix: prefix of filename that the new file will be saved with
@param name: the rest of the filename of the new file; in summary, the
resultant filename of the new file will be prefix+name
@param content: a content of the file
@param apply_gzip: if true, the added file will be gzipped, the suffix
.gz will be added to its resultant filename
if apply_gzip:
name += ".gz"
path_target = os.path.join(self._path_directory, prefix + name)
with self._lock:
assert prefix in self._filenames_prefixes
assert self._filenames_prefixes[prefix][1] is not None
assert name not in self._filenames_prefixes[prefix][1]
if apply_gzip:
file_target = gzip.GzipFile(path_target, 'wb', 9, None, 0)
file_target = open(path_target, 'wb')
with file_target:
def copy_file(self, prefix, name, path_file, apply_gzip=False):
Add a new file to the archive. The file is copied from given location.
@param prefix: prefix of filename that the new file will be saved with
@param name: the rest of the filename of the new file; in summary, the
resultant filename of the new file will be prefix+name
@param path_file: path to the source file, it will be deleted
@param apply_gzip: if true, the added file will be gzipped, the suffix
.gz will be added to its resultant filename
with open(path_file, 'rb') as file_source:
content =
self.save_file(prefix, name, content, apply_gzip)
def move_file(self, prefix, name, path_file, apply_gzip=False):
Add a new file to the archive. The file is moved, i.e. an original
file is deleted.
@param prefix: prefix of filename that the new file will be saved with
@param name: the rest of the filename of the new file; in summary, the
resultant filename of the new file will be prefix+name
@param path_file: path to the source file, it will be deleted
@param apply_gzip: if true, the added file will be gzipped, the suffix
.gz will be added to its resultant filename
self.copy_file(prefix, name, path_file, apply_gzip)
def finalize_prefix(self, prefix):
This method is called to mark that there is no more files to add with
given prefix. This method creates a tar archive when the last prefix
assigned to the corresponding group is finalized. This method must be
called for all prefixes given to the constructor.
@param prefix: prefix to finalize, no more files with this prefix can
be added to the archive
with self._lock:
assert prefix in self._filenames_prefixes
assert self._filenames_prefixes[prefix][1] is not None
filenames = []
for name in sorted(self._filenames_prefixes[prefix][1]):
filenames.append(prefix + name)
self._filenames_prefixes[prefix][1] = None
archive_name = self._filenames_prefixes[prefix][0]
self._archives_names[archive_name][0] -= 1
self._archives_names[archive_name][1] += filenames
if self._archives_names[archive_name][0] == 0:
archive_is_complete = True
filenames = self._archives_names[archive_name][1]
archive_is_complete = False
if archive_is_complete and len(filenames) > 0:
argv = ['tar', 'cJf', 'archive_' + archive_name + '.tar.xz']
argv += filenames
process_tar = subprocess.Popen(argv, cwd=self._path_directory)
if process_tar.wait() != 0:
raise "Process 'tar cJf' failed!"
for filename in filenames:
os.remove(os.path.join(self._path_directory, filename))