blob: e70f36b794bb2a3ac393f7d3d16bebad4a4ce94f [file] [log] [blame]
# Copyright (c) 2015 The Chromium OS Authors. All rights reserved.
# Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be
# found in the LICENSE file.
from native_Benchmarks_common import *
from v8 import v8
class octane(object):
"""Build v8 and run octane with it on client"""
def __init__(self, scratch_srv, scratch_cli, client, args):
# Instantiating v8 builds the v8 engine.
self.v8 = v8(scratch_srv, scratch_cli, client, args)
self.client = client
self.scratch_cli = scratch_cli
# download octane to client
src = '%s/octane.tar.bz2' % SERVER_TEST_ROOT
dst = '%s/octane.tar.bz2' % scratch_cli
rcp_check(client, src, dst,
'Error occurred while sending octane to client.\n')
# unpack octane
cmd = 'tar jxf %s -C %s' % (dst, scratch_cli)
run_check(client, cmd, 'Error occurred while unpacking octane')
def run(self):
"""Returns perf_value tuples"""
# Octane needs to run in PATH_TO/octane.
wd = '%s/octane' % self.scratch_cli
cmd = 'cd %s && %s run_all.js' % (wd, self.v8.executable)
log = run_check(self.client, cmd, "Error occurred while running v8")
return self.parse(log)
def parse(self, log):
"""Translate logs into perf_values tuples.
@param log: the log to parse
pairs = [line.split(': ') for line in log.splitlines()]
del pairs[-2]
pairs[-1][0] = 'Total'
return [{'description': 'Octane V2',
'graph': p[0],
'value': p[1],
'units': 'score'} for p in pairs]